Realizando un arbolito de navidad con materiales reciclados.🎄♻️
Making a Christmas tree with recycled materials.

Hello, to the DIYhub community, greetings to everyone, I would like to invite you to visit my blog and join me in making a Christmas tree made from recycled materials, in which the main material is a cardboard box, and the decoration of the tree was one that had already been reused. I hope you like this idea.
Materiales: silicón líquido, tijeras,caja de cartón, cinta adhesiva,y la decoracion de árbolito de tu preferencia yo tenía unas esferas, luces y guirnaldas.
Materials: liquid silicone, scissors, cardboard box, adhesive tape, and the tree decoration of your choice. I had some spheres, lights, and garlands.

I started by making the base, cutting a round shape out of cardboard, I also cut out the sides and the top.

Then I started to glue all the pieces with liquid silicone first, and I put adhesive tape on it for more support.

And this is how the base of the tree looks now it is time to decorate it with our materials.

And that's how we have a little Christmas tree. It's a good idea to make your own tree without spending too much. The truth is that I liked how it turned out and with recycled materials and thus continue helping to care for the environment. I say goodbye and I hope to share another craft with you.
🖤La edición del texto es de mi autoría,las fotos las tome desde mi teléfono infinix hot 10 y traducido en Google translate.🖤
The text is my own, I took the photos from my Infinix Hot 10 phone and translated them using Google Translate.
Wow! que lindo arbolito, quedó espectacular, está perfecto para decorar las mesas, jamás hubiese imaginado que está hecho de cartón, me encantó tu proyecto , gracias por compartir.
Your Christmas tree came together quite nicely. Looks great. Well done
Very beautiful design, the Christmas tree looks very wow.
muy bonito te quedo!
very nice for you!
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