Adding Casters to Floor Cushions / フロアクッションに滑車をつける

in DIYHub7 months ago (edited)

A while ago, I repurposed an old mattress to make two floor cushions. While the cushions have been great, placing them directly on the floor has made moving them around and cleaning a bit of a hassle. I thought about adding legs to make them easier to handle for a long time.

At first, I thought about attaching legs to a board and placing the cushions on top. But then I had a new idea: why not use casters instead? This way, I could move them easily. So, I decided to make a board with casters. I found a specialty store for casters online (that's DIY Germany!) and ordered the casters.

I was planning to buy the board at a local DIY shop, but since I didn’t have much time, I decided to order it online as well. The shipping was 5 euros. Given the hot weather and the fact that it’s hard to find a shared car during the summer holidays, I thought it was a good investment.

When both the casters and the board finally arrived, I was ready to put everything together—except the screws I had at home didn’t fit. I stopped by a local hardware store on my way visiting a friend and bought the right-sized screws.

At last, all the parts were ready. I attached the casters to the board, and the base for the floor cushions was complete!

I usually keep the cushions in front of drawers, and now that they’re on casters, I can easily move them whenever I need to open the drawers 🥳 Cleaning around them has also become much easier.

With a large cushion on top, it makes a wide seat. When I place a smaller cushion and leave part of the board exposed, I can use it as a spot to put drinks or snacks. If I stack the cushions, it creates a slightly higher place to sit.

If you’re thinking about adding legs to something, and it doesn’t need to be very high, casters could be a great option to consider.

By the way, my daughter has been excitedly calling the setup "Auto (car)" and is running around the house with it 😅

That's one of my recent DIY projects. Another one is ... upholstering a sofa, like I did six years ago.

Nice to find the old post about the project. It was a lot to do but was well worth doing. I'm proud on upholstering the sofa still after six years. It was my first and last biggest project.

Reupholstering an IKEA sofa / IKEAソファーを張り替えました

That's it! Happy DIY, everyone 😉












Reupholstering an IKEA sofa / IKEAソファーを張り替えました


 7 months ago  

The casters look like they do a way better job. Looking nice

Thanks @diyhub! They work well 😁