Hello community, glad to greet you and wish you a prosperous and blessed start of the week. On this occasion I want to share again a Fan Art of one of the cards of the splinterlands game specifically of the character IGOR DARKSPEAR.
This character caught my attention and I wanted to know something about her and, in my search I found that she is a card of epic rarity with extraordinary ranged attack abilities, in addition, she has three speeds, four life points and a summoning cost of two mana points making her a great warrior. For this fanart I loved one of the accessories this character is wearing.
This is a beautiful flat woven macramé necklace with a Franciscan knot and a snail shell pendant that is one of Igor Darkspear's accessories.
Without further ado, I invite you to work with me on this beautiful accessory for this great fighter.
Hola comunidad, encantado en saludarles y desearles un próspero y bendecido inicio de semana. En esta ocasión deseo compartir nuevamente un Fan Art de una de las cartas del juego de splinterlands específicamente del personaje IGOR DARKSPEAR
Éste personaje captó mi atención y quería conocer algo sobre ella y , en mi búsqueda encontré que es una carta de rareza épica con habilidades extraordinaria de ataque a distancia, además, posee tres velocidades, cuatro puntos de vida y con un coste de invocación de dos puntos de maná haciendo de éste un gran guerrero. Para este fanart me encantó uno de los accesorios que lleva este personaje.
Se trata de un hermoso collar en macramé tejido plano con nudo franciscano y con pendiente de concha de caracol que se encuentra entre uno de los accesorios de Igor Darkspear
Sin más preámbulo les invito a elaborar conmigo éste hermoso accesorio para éste gran luchador
To make this beautiful macramé necklace we use the following materials, namely:
Mouse tail thread
Tape measure
snail shell
Para realizar éste hermoso collar macramé utilizamos los siguientes materiales, a saber:
Hilo cola de ratón
Cinta métrica
concha de caracol
To begin this beautiful jewel we start by cutting a strand of 60cm thread which we will use as a base for Igor Darkspear's necklace.
Then a 200cm strand of yarn which we will use to make the flat weave.
Para comenzar esta hermosa joya iniciamos cortando una hebra de hilo hebra de hilo de 60cm el cuál utilizaremos como base para el collar de Igor Darkspear
Luego una hebra de hilos de 200cm que usaremos para realizar el tejido plano
Then we pass the thread on the right side over the base thread, we form a kind of P, then we pass the thread on the left side over the right thread that is on the left side, then we pass the thread under the base thread and we pull it through the ring of the thread on the right side as in step number three. Now with the fingers we press both threads so that it is the same on each side.

I continued making the flat knot until I reached a distance of 20cm. Then with the scissors I cut the excess threads and with the tinder I sealed the knot.
Seguí realizando el nudo plano hasta llegar a una distancia de 20cm. Luego con la tijera corté los hilos sobrantes y con el yesquero sellé
Then I added two snail shells as accessories for the necklace.
Finally I made a Franciscan knot as the necklace's locking knot and a simple knot at the ends of the strands and that's it! This is how beautiful the necklace for Igor Darkspear turned out.
Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.
The shell for the character pendants is what makes the necklace more colorful.
It is certainly an eye-catching ornament. Thank you for your coiment