Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!
Now known as the Unit Review Library!
What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!
Also this has become quite the Challenge! With so many units to review in the game the consensus in the hobby community is that I will not have enough time to review all of the Datasheets before the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 came out.
I should have started when 10th edition launched!
425 days since the start of 10th Edition.
This is Review #114, I am 311 reviews behind!
Not picking randomly at the moment, need to finish Imperial Agents and Deathwatch before they change as explained Here
Deathwatch, Deathwatch Veterans
10th Edition Index
Of all the units that are probably dissapearing with the Deathwatch Codex being swallowed into the Imperial Agents book, the Deathwatch Veterans are probably the most safe.
They are an iconic squad with a lot of options. Space Marines drawn from many Chapters across the galaxy and armed with both the weapons and the knowledge to kill the alien menaces that plague the galaxy.
Whether it is the Hive broods of the Tyranids, the brutish hordes of the Orks or the highly advanced Aeldari, the Deathwatch study them all and seek weaknesses.
They cost 100pts for 5, 200pts for 10 and have mostly a double-up system for special weapons.
A box of 5 of them costs you $45 and will then come with a lot of extra bits!
Let's start with their base stats.
Movement 6"
Toughness 4
Save 3+(armor/invul/Feel No Pain)
Wounds 2
Ld 6+
OC 2
Every model starts out with a Boltgun and Long Vigil Melee Weapon.
The Sergeant can exchange his Boltgun only with a Long Vigil Ranged Weapon.
The Sergeant can exchange his Long Vigil Melee Weapon for a Xenophase Blade.
Any number of models can exchange both the boltgun and Long Vigil Melee Weapon for one of the following 3 combos:
Long Vigil Ranged Weapon and Close Combat Weapon.
Astartes Shield and Boltgun.
Astartes Shielf and Long Vigil Melee Weapon.
2 in every 5 can have a Heavy Weapons listed below.
2 in every 5 can wield Deatchwatch Thunderhammers.
Range 24", 2 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S4, Ap 0, 1 Damage each
Long Vigil Ranged Weapon
Range 24", 1 Attack, Hitting on 3+, S4, Ap 0, 1 Damage each
Rapid Fire 1 (Get 1 Additional attack at half range of 12")
Devastating Wounds (Critical Wounds, rolling a 6 to Wound, cause Mortal Wounds)
Anti-Infantry 4+ (Causes Critical Wounds against Infantry on a 4+ and thus triggers Devastating Wounds.)
Heavy Weapons:
Missile Launcher - frag grenade firing option
Range 48", D6 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S4, Ap 0, 1 Damage each
Blast (Get an additional Attack for every 5 models in the enemy unit targeted rounding fractions down.)
Heavy (Add 1 to the to Hit Rolls when this unit remains Stationary)
Missile Launcher - krak grenade firing option
Range 48", 1 Attack, Hitting on 4+, S9, Ap -2, D6 Damage each
Heavy (Add 1 to the to Hit Rolls when this unit remains Stationary)
Frag Cannon
Range 18", D3 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S7, Ap -1, 2 Damage each
Heavy (Add 1 to the to Hit Rolls when this unit remains Stationary)
Rapid Fire D3 (Get D3 Additional attacks at half range of 9")
Infernus heavy bolter — heavy flamer firing option
Range 12", D6 Attack, Torrent, S5, Ap -1, 1 Damage each
Torrent (Roll for the amount of attacks, they automatically hit)
Ignores Cover (Target does not get benefit of cover against this weapon)
Infernus heavy bolter — heavy bolter firing option
Range 36", 3 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S5, Ap -1, 2 Damage each
Heavy (Add 1 to the to Hit Rolls when this unit remains Stationary)
Sustained Hits 1 (On a 6 to Hit, score 1 additional Hit)
Close Combat Weapon
3 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S4, Ap 0, 1 Damage each
Long Vigil Melee Weapon
3 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S5, Ap -2, 1 Damage each
Xenophase Blade
4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S5, Ap -2, 1 Damage each
Anti-Vehicle 3+(Critically Wounds a Vehicle on a 3+ to Wound)
Devastating Wounds (Critical Wounds, rolling a 6 to Wound, cause Mortal Wounds)
Death Watch Thunder Hammer
3 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S10, Ap -2, 3 Damage each
Devastating Wounds (Critical Wounds, rolling a 6 to Wound, cause Mortal Wounds)
Death to the Alie
This unit re-roll 1's to Hit rolls. If the target is neither Chaos nor Imperium (therefore one of the aliens) then they Re-roll to Hit at all times!
Wargear Abilities
Astartes Shield
The Bearer gets +4 Invul Save.
2x Infernus Heavy Bolters/2x Frag Cannons, 2x Thunder Hammers and a Sergeant with a Xenophase Blade and a Long Vigil Ranged Weapon... enough said.
As they are now, they are Battleline and have 2OC each and they are super versatile!
That makes 6 Deathwatch Datasheets Reviewed putting them on 54.54% Completed! The total Completed is 11.74% Complete! Can I review them all?!
Thank you for reading!
Warhammer Review Library
Alphabetical List
Faction | Unit | Review Number |
Adeptus Custodes | Prosecutors | #1 |
Adeptus Custodes | Knight-Centura | #54 |
Adeptus Custodes | Shield-Captain | #61 |
Adeptus Custodes | Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor | #70 |
Adeptus Custodes | Trajann Valoris | #40 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Archaeopter Fusilave | #13 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Archaeopter Stratoraptor | #14 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Archaeopter Transvector | #15 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Belisarius Cawl | #53 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Corpuscarii Electro-Priests | #97 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Onager Dunecrawler | #110 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Serberys Raiders | #55 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Serberys Sulphurhounds | #56 |
Adeptus Mechanicus | Technoarcheologist | #104 |
Aeldari | Guardian Defenders | #64 |
Aeldari | Maugan Ra | #87 |
Aeldari | Night Spinner | #65 |
Aeldari | Shadowseer | #80 |
Aeldari | Prince Yriel | #92 |
Astra Militarum | Kasrkin | #60 |
Astra Militarum | Tank Commander | #90 |
Astra Militarum | Wyvern | #81 |
Black Templars | Black Templars Gladiator | #102 |
Black Templars | High Marshall Helbrecht | #38 |
Black Templars | Marshall | #46 |
Black Templars | The Emperor's Champion | #63 |
Blood Angels | Baal Predator | #2 |
Blood Angels | Gabriel Seth | #66 |
Blood Angels | Lemartes | #32 |
Blood Angels | Sanguinary Guard | #93 |
Chaos Daemons | Beasts of Nurgle | #98 |
Chaos Daemons | Daemonettes | #29 |
Chaos Daemons | Lord of Change | #75 |
Chaos Daemons | Nurglings | #82 |
Chaos Knights | Knight Abominant | #94 |
Chaos Knights | War Dog Brigands | #30 |
Chaos Knights | War Dog Executioners | #31 |
Chaos Knights | War Dog Huntsman | #77 |
Chaos Space Marines | Abbadon the Despoiler | #50 |
Chaos Space Marines | Haarken Worldclaimer | #41 |
Chaos Space Marines | Khorne Lord of Skulls | #37 |
Dark Angels | Asmodai | #16 |
Dark Angels | Azrael | #17 |
Dark Angels | Belial | #4 |
Dark Angels | Deathwing Knights | #20 |
Dark Angels | Deathwing Terminator Squad | #99 |
Dark Angels | Lazarus | #62 |
Dark Angels | Land Speeder Vengeance | #101 |
Death Guard | Biologus Putrifier | #5 |
Death Guard | Blightlord Terminators | #10 |
Death Guard | Chaos Lord | #36 |
Death Guard | Lord of Contagion | #52 |
Death Guard | Tallyman | #39 |
Death Guard | Malignant Plaguecaster | #71 |
Deathwatch | Corvus Blackstar | #72 |
Deathwatch | Deathwatch Terminator Squad | #112 |
Deathwatch | Proteus Killteam | #57 |
Deathwatch | Spectrus Kill Team | #73 |
Deathwatch | Veteran Bike Squad | #84 |
Drukhari | Grotesques | #45 |
Drukhari | Haemonculus | #8 |
Drukhari | Raider | #35 |
Drukhari | Scourges | #7 |
Genestealer Cults | Aberants | #47 |
Genestealer Cults | Hybrid Metamorphs | #58 |
Genestealer Cults | Reductus Saboteur | #33 |
Grey Knights | Brother Captain | #25 |
Grey Knights | Grand Master | #48 |
Grey Knights | Strike Squad | #51 |
Imperial Agents | Callidus Assassin | #9 |
Imperial Agents | Culexus Assassin | #69 |
Imperial Agents | Eversor Assassin | #105 |
Imperial Agents | Exaction Squad | #111 |
Imperial Agents | Imperial Navy Breachers | #113 |
Imperial Agents | Vigilant Squad | #26 |
Imperial Knights | Canis Rex | #76 |
Imperial Knights | Armiger Helverin | #22 |
Imperial Knights | Armiger Warglaive | #43 |
Imperial Knights | Knight Castellan | #83 |
Leagues of Votann | Brôkhyr Iron-master | #27 |
Leagues of Votann | Brôkhyr Thunderkyn | #78 |
Leagues of Votann | Cthonian Beserks | #86 |
Leagues of Votann | Sagitaur | #3 |
Leagues of Votann | Ûthar the Destined | #44 |
Necrons | Obelisk | #11 |
Orks | Battlewagon | #34 |
Orks | Hunta Rig | #28 |
Orks | Zodgrod Wortsnagga | #89 |
Space Marines | Kayvaan Shrike | #23 |
Space Marines | Marneus Calgar | #42 |
Space Marines | Razorback | #21 |
Space Marines | Vanguard Veteran Squad with Jump Packs | #103 |
Space Wolves | Arjac Rockfist | #68 |
Space Wolves | Fenrisian Wolves | #91 |
Space Wolves | Wolf Guard | #74 |
T'au Empire | Breacher Team | #88 |
T'au Empire | Darkstrider | #12 |
T'au Empire | Kroot Carnivore Squad | #19 |
T'au Empire | Pathfinder Team | #79 |
T'au Empire | Piranhas | #107 |
T'au Empire | Razorshark Strike Fighter | #95 |
T'au Empire | Stealth Battlesuits | #67 |
Thousand Sons | Ahriman | #108 |
Thousand Sons | Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch | #109 |
Thousand Sons | Exalted Sorcerer | #59 |
Thousand Sons | Magnus the Red | #49 |
Tyranids | Barbgaunts | #6 |
Tyranids | Lictor | #106 |
Tyranids | Raveners | #96 |
Tyranids | Screamer Killer | #24 |
World Eaters | Lord Invocatus | #100 |
World Eaters | World Eaters Chaos Spawn | #18 |
World Eaters | World Eaters Daemon Prince | #85 |
Thank you for reading!
** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.
Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed
*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!
Man, I love the Deathwatch aesthetic and fluff. I should paint my guys eventually.
They are amazing!
Have you got Deathwatch?
On sprues and unpainted, yes.
Hehe. Well then... you should get them built up!
Unfortunately, there is too much chaos and too little workspace in my life at the moment. Dabbling in Magic decks is less messy than glue and paint.
Did somebody say CHAOS?!
More Tzeentch, less Slaanesh.
!INDEED ! 😉🙏
Oh! Thanks for the !INDEED tokens!
You're welcome! Thanks for helping me testing it !INDEED ;-)
Yes !INDEED it is 😉🙏
At least that's what she wrote in her diary.
Credit: henryglowz
$LOLZ on behalf of borniet
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Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@zakludick, I sent you an
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Thank you very much!
These look like the type of units you would use in your armies!
You must be killin' it out here!
1.000 PIMP@mirroredspork just slapped you with , @zakludick.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
Indeed! So in the new Imperial Agents Codex it seems that we will be getting the ability to put this squad into any Imperial Army.
I have used them. I have 2x5 man squads, a Watchmaster and Captain Artemis and a Corvus Blackstar. Used them in a large-scale battle!
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ mirroredspork. (4/10)@zakludick!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
I need to review them all! Inquisitor next form Imperial Agents! I have a few of those!
Oh nice, I recently reinstalled the games I have. Planning on playing through them all from w40k dawn of war to the latest I own. Just wish they had a fps one where you play as a nid or necron
Hahaha, that would be cool!
Like AVP!
Yeah lol, just go on a rampage as a nid hyrophant 🤣🤣🤣🤣 sounds like my kind of game
$PIZZA slices delivered:
mirroredspork tipped zakludick
(5/10) @borniet tipped @zakludick