Hello everyone. @zakludick here with my 6th update to my series where I post about my Warhammer 40k Grand Imperial army, one unit at a time.
A Unit in 40k is either a character, squad or vehicle.
For now, the convention is to pack out the whole Grand Imperial army every time a unit is added... we shall see at what point this becomes unmanageable!
Now for the new unit to add!
Grey Hunter Pack Hrothnar - 85pts
Led by Pack Leader Hrothnar the Grim
Grey Hunters are a more veteran squad of Space Wolves. Where the Blood Claws are brash berserkers, the Grey Hunters are the patient hunter.
This unit is sort of the spiritual successor to that Blood Claw Squad. Though it has evolved over time, there are some members of this pack that are the same in both units.
The idea was that my Blood Claws would go through promotions and become the new unit. On the other hand, I have Epic Heroes in more than one iteration of their model... so I guess this is something that shall exist in my collection. lol.
This Grey Hunter lost a hand in a battle. Space Marines possess enhanced physiology and his wound is self cauterized. A chainsword has been bolted and clamped to his forearm to allow him to continue fighting.
All Grey Hunters now come with Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, Close Combat Weapon and Chain Sword... but at one stage their ability True Grit allowed them to wield a Boltgun with one hand... as shown here!
Here we have a side by side of the Blood Claw that becomes him.
Pack markings in the same pattern but the Grey Hunters have black insted of the yellow.
Another Blood Claw and Grey Hunter upgrade.
And the bearer of the Dreadnought Heavy Flamer now wields one of the squad's Plasmaguns.
The List explained
So the below list will be doing the breakdown and subtotals of the Grand Imperial army and I am starting the this formatting now, the moment there are two units because it will be so much easier for me to just add on to an existing format instead of having to re-order everything later.
When you play the game and build your army, you need to have at least 1 Character and make it your Warlord and then choose other units. There are 4 to 5 categories of units in the official army builder. All Imperial armies have 5 sections because of Allies (Titans, Knights and Imperial Agents).
So when there is 4-5 Characters, the subheading for Characters in that army will have a sub-total. This is the combined Points value for all the Characters together.
Same goes for Battleline, Dedicated Transports, etc.
Then the Faction, eg: Space Wolves, will have a Subtotal of how many points together all of those categories together.
And finally, all Armies like Space Wolves, Ultramarines, Dark Angels, etc together will make the total for the Grand Imperial Army.
Grand Imperial Army - 620pts
Space Wolves - 620pts
Space Wolves Characters - 220pts
- Logan Grimnar - 115pts
- Rune Priest (Librarian, Thorin Thunderstaff) - 65
- Wolf Guard Pack Leader in Terminator Armor (Kjarl Diregaze) - 40pts
Space Wolves Battleline Units - 225pts
- 10x Blood Claws (Pack Torvin) - 140pts
- 5x Grey Hunters (Pack Hrothnar) - 85pts
Space Wolves Other Units - 175pts
- Vindicator (Belar) - 175pts
Next up: Going to add another Squad!
Thank you so much for reading this post. I hope you are enjoying the series so far!
Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed, @owen-turner
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