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RE: VAESEN: Nordic Horror RPG

in Tabletop / DND3 years ago

This sounds like a game which has lots of really interesting ideas. I might have to use a few of them even if I don't play the whole game.

Also, I would love it if you wrote a post about Anatolian folklore ! It would be interesting to see how much of it has roots back in Hittite times.

I hope work and life get a bit less chaotic evil for you, I've missed seeing your posts !


Thank you! I missed being around and reading your posts as well. Seems like RPG topic has a little slow-down around here. That means, we gotta push it back to its glorious days, right? :D

I actually would like to see some Germanic, Balkanic and Arabic concepts in the game. They have a community content program which you could release your own creations and put them on DriveThru. I've seen a Japanese Vaesen book with some Oni and Yokai stuff. There could be lots of different aspects, and it's kinda exciting! And sadly, we need people to make them for us :P

I'll try to catch up with your worldbuilding series!

As a thought, I wonder if it would be worth co-ordinating with oblivioncubed from Worldbuilding on daily prompts, and sharing them between the two communities. They've been a really great inspiration to prod me into writing posts !

Keeping up with different communities is kinda confusing for me. If you got your inspiration, maybe it's worth to try, at least to a point that you decide it's not worth anymore. But I have to say that this place has to have an active nerd/geek community. When I got my busy times, I saw the decrease on the new posts and votes. It made me sad, because that means people don't want to spend time on this kind of contents. I always found sharing and trading RPG experience fun. I hope we could burn that fire within the people again! (When did I become Hive RPG Paladin?)