As I write this post, these have been the Colony rewards I have received from staking since Arcade Colony started their staking journey for all users. In my case, I have been receiving Colony rewards because I staked GLX over time.
This has been my journey, trusting the team to deliver the game we are all anticipating. From the early success of GLS, to perfecting AC from its first ever game Moonkarts and Stakehouseden which just recently started its pre-sale, it got all sold out in just a few days.
For the next days, you will see a couple of my journey as I start sharing my Moonkarts journey. The game is so much playable now and I'm excited to see where will I place among other players.

This is how the market shop looks like and I'm excited to buy starter stuff to play the game. I'm really stoked especially to the fact that Leaderboards will come.
You can read this post for a detailed guide on how they started or head over to @arcadecolony account for a complete detail of everything.
It looks to me like another attempt at Genesis League Goals, I hope they succeed this time.
This one looks more promising. The Genesis League Goals will take another revamp. It will shift to managerial mode + Prediction market. Moonkarts is more promising, sometime next week they will introduce leaderboards. A couple of issues they need to resolve too.