HIVEPUNKS Back Stories: Mason Hines The Dreamy Businessman

in Hive Punks3 years ago (edited)


Mason Hines – ID: 4158 - Back Story

One hot summer day, Mason was sitting in the park drinking a smoothie, cooling down, when things started to get weird. The sky turned yellow and the trees began to move from side to side, as if they were being buffeted by a strong wind.

Mason jumped to his feet, startled. Actually, there seemed to be no wind, not even a storm. The only thing different was that the sky had changed color.

Mason started walking, trying to find other people to ask what was going on, but he discovered that he was alone in the park. That was strange, he remembered seeing some people walking their dogs or exercising. Was he dreaming?

Almost as if answering his question, something hit him on the head, causing him to fall to the ground. The pain was so real and intense that he knew he was awake: this was really happening.
As he sat up, Mason saw that at his feet was a briefcase. He was down on the ground, so he guessed that was what had hit him. He looked around, wondering who had thrown it, but he couldn't see anyone.

He took the briefcase and studied it for a moment. It had no markings or identification. Mason looked around and opened it. To his surprise, inside was a lemon. A single lemon, in the middle of the briefcase. It was perfect and the yellow color of it seemed to shine under the equally yellow sky.
The young man took it, surprised. The lemon was perfectly normal, as far as he could see, but it had a little piece of paper stuck to the back.
"Now it's yours, good luck!" said the little note.

Mason stared at the paper, more confused than before. He put everything aside and looked back into the briefcase. He began to run his hands inside it, trying to find something else. There was nothing.

He heaved a sigh, and put the lemon back in the briefcase. He stood up and started walking, briefcase in hand, out of the park. The sky was still yellow and the trees were still moving in strange ways.

When he came out of the park, he saw a group of people running towards him.
"You got it?" one asked.

"Yes! You got it!" said another enthusiastically.
"What?" asked Mason, puzzled.
"You got it!" another said.

Mason held up the briefcase, more confused than before. A woman came forward and showed her another briefcase, which she opened. Inside was a strawberry. They looked at each other for a moment and the woman offered the briefcase to Mason, so he took it. Confused, he handed her the briefcase with the lemon.

“Pleasure doing business with you,” the woman said.
"Equally?" Mason said, more confused than he was before.
The sky then changed color, turning red, like a strawberry.
"What's going on?"

“The weather has been affected by business,” the woman explained. "We have to keep closing deals to calm it down."

"Oh," Mason looked around. Some people had briefcases, but others did not. "I understand…"

Mason then walked over to a man with a briefcase and offered him the trade. And then he turned to another woman. And then to another man.

Before he knew it, he was in an incredible office building, exchanging briefcases and making deals with the most important people in town.

Without realizing it, Mason had just become a businessman.




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