I'm wondering what to write and how to pay tribute to @bluemist and @appreciator. If anyone has given me courage and encouragement on the blockchain before the #hive blockchain was born, one of them is called @bluemist @appreciator. I am not very rich and I do not have wealth. But one of the riches that a person can give to someone is appreciation and reward. I know very well when no one appreciated me. So @appreciator appreciated me.
I don't understand how to pay tribute to @appreciator. But I look at the thoughts of my heart as @bluemist @appreciator.
I have written some poetry for @bluemist. Hope you like @bluemist.
I am not a poet but you made me a poet
One look of yours made me fall in love
Everyone praises you
You have made us your ambassador
I mentioned you everywhere
Now even the moon and stars called you flowers
Every payment you make is unique
You made human beings flowers
I was poor before I met you
Your meeting made us rich.
My poetic style and dignity
All this is the reward of your love
Don't find love in my words
So I am @yousafharoonkhan. I greet you
May you always be in happy times
In the wine cellar of the inhabitants scattering happiness like this
Thank you dear dear dear dear @bluemist for always great love
When a person is frustrated, he needs support. And it is true that I was very disappointed and I have a lot to do for the treatment of my children. But now I am happy and I am making something for my children every month.
Thank you very much.
May Allah keep you successful forever.Thank you very much @bluemist - @ appreciator may allah keep you happy and may you always rule in the hearts of people like this. Also, I would like to thank @upmewhale and @ rocky1 for giving us so much love. Greetings to all the @gems community team.
And me @bluemist - @ appreciator
#gems is very supportive.
postThis is a great idea from our hiveian friend @rutablockchain thank you dear @rutablockchain for giving us this opportunity to make some love for @appreciator owner.if any one do not know about this then visit this
Thank you so much Yousaf, it was an amazing poetry.
i love @bluemist , you gave us great power of writing,and you changed our life to better way, now we have one road to think good and want to make positive role in family this time, thank dear, i am happy you liked my poetry, i wrote this only for you,, thank dear, may you live long, , may Allah bless you great success in every field of life, amin . you gave pleasure ,happiness in many families and also mine ,