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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤4 years ago

This is highly valuable for sure. Particularly the advice on how to get on the ‘as seen on’ lists. Although I personally run a mile from anything with a bbc logo on it.

However, the point in trying to make us that blog post earn is litterally the long standing entrenched view on this chain. I’m not entirely sure why u want to propose trying that again. Are you aware that Steemit’s slogans was ‘blog post earn’ for 4 years? We are now finally after years of struggle coming to a place where we are starting to market the major points of what the protocol can do (not the distribution platforms) and build a name for hive that installs into ppls minds what it can do as a protocol. This is just starting to happen. It took us years to get away from steemit incs blog post earn marketing and slogans. Suggesting to go back to this as we are starting to build a name for ourselves in web 3 is the entrenched view. This is not my ‘opinion’ or my view, I am just making sure u are aware of the history as unfortunately seeing you write phrases like ‘entrenched view’ and then referring to the very thing that is entrenched within this chain as the solution is not demonstrating you have an understanding of the history and how we have struggled to get away from ‘blog post earn’ over many years

 4 years ago (edited) 

Glad you appreciate the value. And I appreciate you adding further details here, thank you.

(lol at BBC comment, haha!)

And I'm not entirely why you think my incredibly clear and well written post leans in any way towards 'blog post earn'. That is a marketing message that targets content-creators.

My entire brand-direction revolves around consumers. The average joe. The sharers. People so massively different from coders, devs, and content-creators it'd make your head spin. And so, they need completely different message, as shown here:


Us having this conversation is like a fashionista asking a C# coder about the details of creating a video-game masterpiece. I have developed huge brands. I have marketed for years. I've failed more business, projects, and brands than you'll ever start. I wrote an extremely insightful post, which I'm not sure you've digested properly, and I've written pages more insight and explanation in the comments section. When I joined Hive I "Did My Own Research" in order to understand quickly. I did the same thing for SPK, learning on my own and asking for advice from people better than me.

I'm happy to continue explaining if you want, but it may save us both time to either hop on a call about this, or have you 'DYOR' regarding marketing, branding, copywriting, persuasion, audience-niching, targeting, adoption-curves, attrition-rates, growth-hacking and other related topics.

Consumers do not care about the 'power of a protocol', consumers don't care what great architecture Facebook runs on, they just care that they can LIKE things and SWIPE things, and if you want people to LEAVE Facebook and gain MASS ADOPTION and RAPID GROWTH for Hive, those people on facebook need a reason to leave.

In my post I covered a different approach, such as targeting the 10-million strong banned FB communities, but that is an approach for SPK, not Hive, in my opinion. People are welcome to disagree with it, and I applaud them for it.

In my opinion, my approach is the best. Many in the comments agree with me. But I'm totally fine if you don't, and fine if Hivers want to take a different approach. I don't know how to be clearer here, I appreciate you, your perspective, and I'm totally happy for you to market in whatever way pleases you. I simply aimed to contribute an eye opening piece of content, and it's literally the work of an entire design house. Offered freely here on the blockchain.

Lastly, I have a knack for spotting open minds and entrenched views. I have epic amounts of practice at it. Sometimes I get it wrong, but it's rare. If you've spotted a place where I've gotten it wrong, I apologize and will aim to do better.

Wishing you a great night man. 🙏
