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RE: Hive's Most Effective (But CONTROVERSIAL) Marketing Video (So Far)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

Wow! A blast from the past! It's so wonderful to reconnect with you here on hive, David! (I have fond memories of writing some posts on your old website!)

Thanks for the kind words on my video, I poured a lot of love into it so it means a lot to me when people appreciate it. And you're right, highlighting Hive's features while focusing more on it's 'main hook' is exactly what I was aiming for.

I hope you continue to feel pleased with your 47+, because that is a great result for an account with 145 followers. "Comparison is the thief of joy," right? :)

Anyway, sending you lots of good vibes and I've followed you as well. Wishing you a fantastic day! 🙏


Oh yes, I'm very pleased with my result, and your result has helped me to see just how much is possible on this blockchain; in short you're adding to the joy not robbing me of it! Keep on ryzing and inspiring!

Hooray, I figured as much but just wanted to double-check. You're right, amazing things are possible, may our inspiration and joy #KeepRyzing ! 🙏