
Interesting... I wonder when they came into existence.


But yes, looking at it... it looks like they are doing something similar but with a big team which would make it a lot less stressful. :)

Agreed! 🙏

They also seem to link to a Perspectives blog. That too is interesting as I had a project idea more than a decade ago that I called Perspectives. I never created it.

I was always wondering what it might be like to have something like a reddit (remember, this was before Steemit existed or hive) where the forum was designed special so that every topic could have different tabs for different perspectives.

I used to give an example of people sharing how history is taught you could have the U.S. tab for the topic, German tab, etc.

So if you were wanting to compare World War II for example and how it is taught you could see the U.S. and other countries perspectives on that side by side. I was suspecting it could be quite enlightening.

You'd apply the same ability to create perspectives for any topic.

I love the idea. I 'm huge fan of varied perspectives, especially if presented, expressed, and curated well. 🙏

Too many ideas. A lot of them end up on the side because something else interests me more.

That is one I kind of wish I'd done. I wonder if it could have helped prevent/mitigate some of the issues we have experienced since then.

The goal was to bring people together by having as many views as possible on subjects there and easily accessible. Hopefully unifying as opposed to the current trend of division and self segregation.

Hindsight 20/20.

I totally get it, and yep, 20/20 indeed :) 🙏