3 More Hive Marketing Approaches (Ode To The Whiners 😉)

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

Disclaimer: Any ideas presented here are just guidelines. I encourage everyone to do whatever feels right for them, and in no way intend to tell anyone how to live/market. What I write is simply food for thought. Please do your best to consume it attentively, in the spirit that it’s offered, without self-triggering if at all possible. Thank you in advance.


Is it nice of me to label people as 'whiners?'

Probably not, but it’s pretty tame, and I've been labelled a lot worse recently. Plus, I’ve actually written a tutorial on when to use labels, and this is one of those times. Because ‘
whining’ is exactly what many commenters on my previous post were doing, whether they want to admit it or not.

And they’re easy to spot. Many people commenting on my post were kind, civil, open-minded, and understanding. Truly beautiful souls. But the ones I’d like to talk about went more like this:

Author: (Writes article.)
Commenter: “Hmm... interesting, precisely chosen words from a talented expert. Should I read this carefully? Nah, I’ll skim it with as little attention as possible. (Skims article.) Now, I wonder what a good response would be... A. Show appreciation? Nah. B. Maturely disagree? Too easy. How about C. Babyrage tantrum? Yasssss queen! Finger-pointing is totally the best approach! This will definitely achieve my goals and lead to a better life for all involved! ~starts typing~”

Basically, these commenters behaved like triggered, knee-jerk whiners, plain and simple.

But that’s ok, we’ve all been there. I’m sure each of us has been triggered and left petty comments once in our lives, right? I know I have, so I don’t take any of it too hard. Interestingly, even me pointing this out may flip certain people into defensive-mode again, but hopefully they’re able to see the good intentions and hours of work I've done both here and in my other post, almost entirely for their benefit. What work, you ask? Well, besides the countless explanations I’ve given, I figured I'd offer the people who insisted on other ways of marketing... a gift.

We'll get to that in a minute but first I'll give a quick recap for anyone who didn't see my original post.

It went like this:

I posted a marketing approach that was a) bolder, more nuanced, and more buzzworthy than has been done on Hive so far (yes I know it ‘failed’ on Steem already, but when we tripped as a child we didn't just give up on learning to walk, did we?) and b) almost certain to help Hive grow faster than it has up until this point. Now, the point of the post wasn’t that Hive should market in this way. The point of the post was to demonstrate a clear difference between subpar marketing and effective marketing. And in this post I happened to add an image. This image was just an example of buzz-generating marketing. It’s only purpose was to support the main crux of my post: that Hive could use some vastly superior marketing and brand-direction. I'm pretty sure many commenters didn't even read my post, but here's how the comments shook out:

  • Many people saw the value in it, and praised my offering.
  • Others saw some value in it, and questioned controversial parts maturely.
  • A vocal minority couldn't find a positive word to say, and responded with what amounts to... well... whining.

These people acted like I had suggested murdering children. Or like I was somehow ruining all of Hive by posting an example of effective marketing. (It wouldn’t surprise me if these are the type of people who are afraid of ideas, but I can’t say for sure.) Apparently, by contributing my decades of expertise on a) how to create buzz effectively and b) how to bolster Hive's population of consumers, I deserved vilification in their eyes, lol.

(Note: I debated pasting screenshots of the less-than-flattering comments here in all their salty glory, but decided against it.)

Anway, that's the gist of what happened.

Now, what is this gift I’m offering these fine people?

Well, instead of meeting their saltiness with more salt, I figured I’d take the time to give them what they want. And what they want is for me to use a different marketing example than the rapid-growth, mass-adoption, consumer-focused one I chose. That’s literally their entire issue, that the example I used on how to create significant word of mouth was unpleasant to them.

So I created alternatives.

3 marketing approaches more aligned with their (incredibly vocal) preferences.

And here they are:

For those who think we should be targeting deplatformed people:

Target: Q-Anon-types, conspiracy-theorists, & censorship-sensitive people.
Size: Another fairly small target.
Offer/USP: Screw censorship, Hive’s what you get when free-speech meets social media.

00150 - A - Free Speech_Screw_Censorship.png

Brands this may work for: Parler, Telegram, Hive.Blog(?)
How it'll likely play out here: “Post on Hive, where we replace censorship with ... downvoting by whales, being ignored due to ‘ghost-town’ syndrome, and people attacking you because of your different views just like anywhere else... but hey, at least it stays on the blockchain!”

For those who think we should be targeting developers:

Target: The devs / geeks / techy-people who make apps.
Size: Unsure as my app-dev knowledge is minimal. (But it’s a way smaller market than the consumers I’d planned to target.)
Offer/USP: Building on the blockchain is the future of app development. Fast. Scalable. Immutable. Decentralized. Plus your app can become an entire economy... Just add crypto. ;)

00150 - B - AppDev Fixed.png

Brands this may work for: Realm, Firebase, Chainbase, Hive.io(?)
How it'll likely play out here: “Hey! Come make apps on our protocol! You'll have to learn a lot of new things, but hopefully it’ll work out for you?”

(Note: My app-development knowledge is minimal, so I may be off-base here, but hopefully the strategy/approach is clear enough that no one jumps down my throat.)

For those who think Hive should be targeting influencers:

Target: influencers looking for more control of their branding and the platform they're on.
Size: Meh, X amount of influencers.
Offer/USP: “Influencers! Sick of worrying that your platform may cut you off? Free yourself from corporate social platforms & claim real control of your brand.”

00150 - C - Influencers_Sick_Of_Cutoff.png

Brands this may work for: No idea, has this ever been done? Do influencers even want this? How many care, and how many are too comfortable on their platform to bother? How many will want to join Hive?*
(*without being paid, since according to the whiners... incentivizing with money = bad!)
How it'll likely play out here: “No influencer wants to ‘guinea-pig’ for a ‘ghost-town’ platform. Influencers seek platforms that already have large audiences, and would likely need substantial incentive to join one that is empty of fans / consumers.”

Note: You can easily swap in the words ‘content-creator’ for ‘influencer’ in the copy, since they’re basically the same thing, there’s very little difference between a 10k ‘influencer’ on Instagram and a 10k ‘content-creator’ on YouTube, as far as this marketing approach goes.

So there you have it, 3 alternate marketing approaches catering to the 3 most vocal groups of people in my comments-section. Examples that have nothing to do with the ‘consumers’ I so dearly love to target, because a) I wanted to gift commenters who are so sure their approach is superior, and because b) I can confidently market just about anything, from any angle if I want to. Consumers, influencers, devs, whatever.

If people were yelling “J! You can’t market Hive to adults! Bad J!” I’d simply market it to toddlers instead.

But not all marketing approaches are created equal.

And so, certain approaches I’ve outlined above can only reach a tiny demographic. Or can only have a weaker message. Or can only generate minimal buzz. And if anyone is in doubt about this, consider:

If the 3 strategies above were run with equally adept execution, and split-tested properly against the one I initially proposed…

...one approach would outperform the rest.

And since that hasn't happened (and likely won’t) we can all only speculate.

But if you had to guess which of the 3 (+1) approaches would lead to Hive’s mass-adoption, which would you guess?

No pressure. It’s just a fun thought-exercise. Ultimately, the answer doesn't really matter to me.

Because I’m not seeking anyone’s approval. I made the copy & design for all 4 brand directions, so if any of them are enjoyed by people, I win. And even if someone swings by to whine about all 4, I’ll still be happy and at peace with myself. I don’t need the Hive community to ‘buy in’ or to recognize my value. I don’t even need Hive to exist (though I do love it here). Hivers claim they want fire content-creators on here --of which I clearly am one-- but I don’t actually need to be here. I’m comfortable with decentralized or centralized. I'm happy to use any platform that works. I also don't need to be ‘right.’ Or need anyone to agree with my previous post. Or even get it. Sure, I know a lot about marketing, but marketing isn’t my deepest passion.

My passion is #ryzing others. I do it through teaching. I'm a teacher. And I teach things that matter to people who are receptive and interested in learning. I do this for my clients, and I've done this generously since I joined Hive, as with my 15,000+ words on free speech and censorship, or my 20,000+ word masterclass on communication. My aim here is to share wisdom that very few humans possess, and are unlikely ever to be taught.

I'm not here to quibble over 'which side is right' or 'which approach is best.'

00150 - D - Agree_Disagree.png

Side-choosing was never the intention of my original post, nor is it my intention here. Some Hivers seem to love that game, and if it makes them happy, great. It's not my idea of how to create value or spread joy in the world. I’d rather approach things like this:

Commenters: Spends entire day internet-yelling at author.
Author: Creates 3 more pieces of copy/design/marketing just for them.

So in conclusion, I hope you were able to learn something from what I've expressed here and from the (3 + 1) examples I've offered freely. I hope you leave here more open-minded, with more insight on topics like branding, marketing, copy, and growth. I hope this post is more valuable than whatever other memes or content you would've ended up perusing instead. I hope you feel you've benefited from what you've seen here. And my biggest hope is that you're mature enough to show appreciation and engage civilly in the comments.

But if my hopes are dashed, that's ok too, I still love you.

Thanks for reading, commenting, engaging, or even skimming. I appreciate you.


My aim here is to share wisdom that very few humans possess, and are unlikely ever to be taught.

Youre an absurd human being. 😂

I came to Steem/Hive to consume, to find entertainment, and to find a very wide form of entertainment. It is a shame that some people like to play God and intentionally run people off of Hive. As a consumer I am finding less reason now to use Hive as a means of entertainment. In hollywood movie tv series makers it is often the actors, the writers or the producers that cause an enjoyable show to be cancelled. On HIVE all it takes is one person playing god to drive entertainment away.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I'm so grateful you shared your perspective, it's wonderful to hear from a self-identifed, intentional 'consumer.' Thank you.

As a consumer I am finding less reason now to use Hive as a means of entertainment.

That seems like such a shame, as Hive has so much potential. All I can say is, I've been here two months and have done my best to provide high-value, unique content. Hopefully it inspires others to do similar and raises the quantity/quality of entertainment for you.

In hollywood movie tv series makers it is often the actors, the writers or the producers that cause an enjoyable show to be cancelled. On HIVE all it takes is one person playing god to drive entertainment away.

A very interesting analogy. I'm not entirely clear on who this 'person' might be, but if that is indeed what happens on Hive, it may become a major obstacle towards sooner than later.

Thanks again for offering these insights, wishing you a great day. 🙏

Hive has/had the potential to change a little bit of entertainment. Unfortunately if that entertainment goes against the grain of, or is too different than what is considered normal, it can and has been squashed. It does not even take a community effort to kill an account...just one person...he can play god and squash what does not fit his idea or his criteria for content.

I wish you luck on your endeavours on Hive, but do not set you prospects to high or hopes to high to bring new methods of entertainment to hive or content creators, or even other people like me that are just looking to be entertained in a non traditional way/method/venue.

It does not even take a community effort to kill an account...just one person...he can play god and squash what does not fit his idea or his criteria for content.

Wow, that seems so strange for a platform priding itself on 'no one person in control.'

I wish you luck on your endeavours on Hive, but do not set you prospects to high

I appreciate that and your words, and I guess all I can do is do my best, contribute what I'm able, and hope it works out, lol.

Thanks again, I'll keep what you've explained here in mind. 🙏

If as much time and energy went into growing it as does "policing" it, we'd be getting somewhere.

biggest problem nobody want to pay for it :D All offchain that matters cost a lot of effort and cash.

Certainly another step in the right direction with these approaches.

What can hive do?

  • True Account ownership,
  • True community ownership
  • Decentralised censorship resistant content storage
  • fast, feeless, recurring transactions for payments and tipping
  • game assets where the assets evolve and accrue value as you play
  • rewards pool distribution
  • community stake weighted voting
  • decentralised proposal fund
  • platforms can’t delete ur accounts or followers or communities or assets
  • development is easy, open source work can be copied, modified and replicated easily
  • rewards & voting influence for staking (powering up) (defi)
  • cheap as chips to run a node (a lot of great work was done to Achieve this
  • safe delegation of stake influence to other users
  • security keys for different actions, lowering risk
  • stable token
  • no ceo no company backing it
  • and many more.

It’s great to c that u understand that there is a multifaceted approach here. I’m still convinced that a post fr rewqrds approach just brings content consumers and forces them to be shitty bloggers resulting in ppl leaving as u simply can’t find all the quality content to reward it. (As has been seen over the past 4 years). However with
I like ur approaches above.

The list above are the bare bones and of course are not snazzy or catchy. But the scenarios someone like u can deduce / the possibilities to improve on the legacy social media and content world are immense with these tools listed above


It’s great to c that u understand that there is a multifaceted approach here.

So he basically changed his message to exactly what wer doing now and what we told him.
What i dont understand is how he is "proclaiming victory" over all of us that criticized his focus on "money from upvotes" while he now completely adjusted to what we told him.
I mean, i have to giggle a bit. 😅

I wont criticize his design and i have no problem if any of those designs are put up somewhere.

Your words are too accurate, people dont like that round these parts.

In my 4 years here most people seem like they dont want anyone knowing about Hive and any effort to do so is considered "not worth the cost".

I am taking your posts very seriously and very much appreciate them!

Your words are too accurate, people dont like that round these parts.

Thank you! It reminds me of this Steve Maraboli quote:

"They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live."

In my 4 years here most people seem like they dont want anyone knowing about Hive and any effort to do so is considered "not worth the cost".

LOL, that was my understanding as well, so I aimed to give a bit of a wake-up call about it.

I am taking your posts very seriously and very much appreciate them!

Thanks very much, I simply aim to teach and elevate, it's wonderful when someone like you is able to appreciate that.

Thank you so much for commenting, I'm grateful. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

I think the original approach (social that pays, earn crpyto) even if not 100% accurate would work best for normal users, ironically the exact same approach was also used by the recent Hive Instagram Promo.

But I also like this nuanced approach depending on the target group. I think ultimately the marketing strategy depends on the target group and goal one wants to achieve. With today's fine tuned ad targeting it would be possible to create more than one landing page and tailor each landing page to the specific target group of the ad.

ps. "Building on Blockchain" (targeting devs) could highlight Hive's technical USPs: fast and feeless transactions, scalable blockchain, ideal for DApps, Games and Social app development.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, @vikisecrets !

would work best for normal users,

I agree, it would.

ironically the exact same approach was also used by the recent Hive Instagram Promo.

Hahaha, omg thanks for sharing this. 🤣

But I also like this nuanced approach depending on the target group

Yes, either approach can work.

fast and feeless transactions, scalable blockchain, ideal for DApps, Games and Social app development.

Yes, some or all of this copy could easily be included through a few tweaks, thank you.

Wishing you a great weekend! 🙏

LOL, Exactly what Viktor said! In fact, instead of only stopping at your four models, we could create 38 more and have strategic landing pages written cleverly enough to satisfy almost all of facebook's 58 genders! After that, we can start focusing on sexual, racial, and political identity groups. Let's just put it this way: By 2025, you'll be able to thumb a hundred credits at any ATM. This way, Google+Cambridge analytical will scan your various ads for keywords and strategically market your content, pay-per-click style, to the most optimal identity group thanks to the magic of their GPT-3 algorithms which have put most people out of a job.

Sorry, my entire imagination is something out of 'Black Mirror.' You're sitting here wondering about HIVE's future, and I'm so red-pilled that I'm not sure that humanity has one. FFS, well, fuck me right in the grandfather paradox. I just realized how this came to be. They stole the idea from this comment! And this is why I don't often mess around with time travel, but when I do, I chat with fellows like you to make sure to skew the space-time continuum hard enough to duplicate the various multiverses. Options and paths are all about multiphonic duplication. The more forks you can put in any given road, the more left untraveled, the more left untraveled, the larger the terrain!

BTW, if you ever need any clever, spur-of-the-moment advice, just run into your local hardware store and ask for a flat-earth stretcher; This is how they summon me nowadays. Don't worry about the accompanying puff of smoke. It's just a parlor trick I do to accentuate my gravitas. I promise not to underwhelm, but you will walk away just shy of overwhelmed too!


the limitations for your scenarios seem to be pretty accurate. But then again, maybe there are some network effects that could come in. e.g., some talented developers could get pulled in and create something amazing that in turn attracts an influencer that onboards thousands of users that spread the word to others. Perhaps our marketing could target several groups at once (or is that a bad idea?) Targeting consumers would definitely pull in more people, but how long would they stay? Personally, I think that we just haven't quite reached that level of user experience that can maintain more people (although there have been huge improvements). Things have to get a lot simpler for consumers.

Thanks as always for your kind comments and interesting thoughts!

maybe there are some network effects that could come in

All marketing strategies benefit from 'network effects', spikes, and fortuitous events like 'killer apps' eventually, but it's rarely something to bank on or base a strategy around, imho.

If that's how whoever's spearheading marketing on Hive wants to go about though, I encourage them and wish them luck. :)

Perhaps our marketing could target several groups at once (or is that a bad idea?)

It certainly can, I'm glad you 'get' that. :) It's not necessarily 'good' or 'bad', it's just that splitting focus/resources has trade-offs. But it can work, if that's the approach Hive wants to take.

that we just haven't quite reached that level of user experience that can maintain more people...Things have to get a lot simpler for consumers.

A totally valid point, and if I were running this brand or business, getting it to reach such a level would be a fairly high priority. At which point I'd immediately implement my consumer-targeted, buzzworthy, mass-adoption marketing. But that's just me. :)

Anyway, thanks again for your contribution, much appreciated, and wishing you a great day! 🙏

dude, should post a proposal for this shit. Am serious.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Heheh, I appreciate your enthusiasm for it, @akumagai !

@vikisecrets said I could get something like ~200k if my proposal was supported enough, lol 🤣. That said, Hive isn't really the type of client I work with, so I wouldn't feel comfortable taking on the task in any official capacity.

But I'm totally thrilled for someone else to take what I've offered here and run with it! If anyone wants to make a proposal, they're welcome to do so. :)

Nothing you said here, and i mean, not a single thing, is in any way different from what wer doing now.
You actually expanded the message to what we have been telling you, yet you exclaim that youre somehow "different" and "better". 😂

All you did is summarize the current Hive messaging and added your page design.

Im glad you support our work.

OP: yadi-yada yada...this way?.....that way?

Hive Power Troops:


Yes, though it feels more like this to me:

Ya, I see indeed :)


Well... allrighty, then!

I started writing a comment, and it turned into a dissertation length piece that's perhaps better put into free-standing post, because it ended up addressing both of your posts as well as additional issues. It'll need to percolate for a couple more days.

In short, I stand more or less in the same corner as @nonameslefttouse in that I agree that we need loads of eyeballs, and we need content consumers, more than anything else. I say that as both a content creator and consumer; as someone who started blogging before blogging was even a "thing" and as someone who has used 50+ "rewards for content" venues since the first one in 1999.

I am also very hesitant on the "get paid for social" approach solely based on functional experience: Of 50-something "rewards-for-content" sites I've been on, all but ONE (not counting Hive) failed spectacularly within two years, not because they had bad ideas or bad management, but because the venue operators grossly underestimated the sheer number of people willing to go to almost any lengths to extract, manipulate, scam, steal, exploit and otherwise grab even fractions of a cent they can get for free.

So how did I get here? I got here as a content consumer. Someone sent me a link to an article about UBI, which happened to be published on St€€m. I started clicking on user names of those who left really intelligent and interesting comments... and decided to make an account here and start blogging because the dialogue was far more intelligent and respectful than Farcebook.

Anyway, this is a really important topic to bring into open discussion, so thanks for the initiative!

I appreciate this comment, @denmarkguy . I especially appreciate that you seem to have taken more time, care, and attention to digest both of my posts on the matter. Thank you.

Sounds like you, nonames, and I are on the same page regarding Hive benefitting substantially from consumers doing 'consumer things.'

I'm not really attached to any particular marketing approach, (hopefully shown by the fact that I made 4 separate ones in as many days.)

I respect your apparently substantial experience with pay-for-content platforms. I mostly pay attention the successful ones like Medium, YouTube, Fiverr, Patreon, etc. as I prefer to 'model the masters', as it were, but things can certainly be learned from projects that weren't able to pull it off.

grossly underestimated the sheer number of people willing to go to almost any lengths to extract, manipulate, scam, steal, exploit and otherwise grab even fractions of a cent they can get for free.

Yep, but if those 'holes' and 'vulnerabilities' exist for scammers to take advantage of, it's only a matter of time before they're found and exploited. Avoiding marketing based on such things only delays the inevitable. (Note: This is not an argument for or against any particular marketing approach, it's simply a statement of fact that seems relevant to the point you've raised and worth considering.)

I enjoyed your tale of how you got here, and to me it's a very laudable and respectful way to 'onboard' here, thank you for sharing, and for expressing yourself so civilly and well. I agree it's an important topic, so I'm very glad you support my raising it for discussion. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

P.S. If you do make a post on it, I'd appreciate being tagged so I can absorb your thoughts on the matter further.

I really tire of the let's market ourselves to the deplatformed vibe. Sure way to pull back on the stick and stall as we pull up into the air. Tiny demographic and all the things you say above would happen.

Fingers crossed against that!

As usual, I appreciate your level-headed contribution here (complete with that valuable @meesterboom imagery!)

And I tend to agree. Targeting the deplatformed isn't my favorite approach, but I whipped it up for a vocal minority who wouldn't let it go, hopefully it's appreciated by them. :) 🙏

I am sure they will cream their kakas for it! :0)

Dude... the imagery... lol 👌

Mature enough to show appreciation, too busy to engage civilly in comments.

I disagree! (just in case, because I just skimmed)

LOL 🤣🤣🤣 I agree! (I skimmed myself, tbh.)

Always appreciate you stopping by man, much appreciated. 🙏

@tipu curate

Thank you! 🙏

They seem all valid points. Again you continue to rock man!😎

I'd say the most important target is devs right now. If we get sufficient apps we get a bigger ecosystem, more engagement and more word spread out, more credibility, more investments. Not to mention that each app then would focus on it's own message which is more easy to market, rather than marketing hive the blockchain, which is more difficult to tackle.

Who needs to market consumers is peakd or ecency, not hive the blockchain.
Coming months may be easier to onboard new users thanks to the new feature for delegating resource credits, which as you have experienced is a real burden initially on hive.

Thanks, much appreciated.

And what you're suggesting is possible. I imagine we'll see, eventually. :)

Yes, I have experienced that, looking forward to the next hard fork.

As usual, I'm grateful you shared your thoughts. Wishing you a great Saturday! 🙏

Beautiful and well done as usual. Classy, sweet, and kind...exactly who You are. I appreciate You sharing these and doing this for those that didn't understand that You never said there was only one way to market Hive.blog. You know how I feel about all the other stuff.

Con todo mi amor,

Thank you for the kind words and support, definitely appreciated.

for those that didn't understand that You never said there was only one way to market Hive.blog.

Yeah, interesting that some jumped to this conclusion, nothing I wrote suggested so in the first place, lol.

Anyway, thanks for everything, you rock. :) 🙏

 3 years ago  

It's great to see you developing strategies to sell HIVE. With so little time and you dedicate so much love to this platform. I know that something great will come out of all this.

Thank you, I always aim for positive things to come out of what I offer. 🙏

Gracias, siempre pretendo que salgan cosas positivas de lo que ofrezco. 🙏

Responding to the objections by giving them what they want is a brilliant way to address this "whining". It showed that you really listened and understood what they were trying to say. With these "examples" of how to approach Hive marketing, I'm sure one or two Hive people will try it out. Until then, we might hear a couple more objections to the marketing approach you put forward here. :)

Thank you, I'm glad you feel that way. I make a point to listen and understand, hopefully it sets an example for a few others who seemed not to, lol. I'd love if these examples inspired anyone to try anything, haha. And yes, I've noticed that even with all the clear perspectives, explanations, and logic I've brought to the table, some people choose to object regardless. :)

Thanks for the comment, and the pizza! 🙏

Anytime, !LUV the approach you're taking to blogging on the blockchain. It is a well-thought-out and intelligent approach to make the most of your time here. I'm really learning a lot. Have a great day! :)

Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! I've poured a ton of time and energy into making content here on Hive, especially with a focus on teaching / helping others learn... so it's wonderful when it's appreciated. Thanks for the luv, and wishing you a great day as well! 🙏

Welcome. It's great to have you as a resource person here on Hive. I can see that you are well appreciated by many of our colleagues here too. :)

Thanks! I'm honored. 🙏

Sometimes, ode to the west wind
Sometimes, Rhyme of the ancient mariner
You seem a fan of fiction 😉

I have chose to remain silent on your suggestions and the conversations happening lately. I get it, marketing is a mix of great branding, copywriting and communication. I like all your market approaches and I think hive should use them all.

Because like people have said hive is not a money making machine, money making is a part of it. And marketing communication to be sent out to target audience must be in line with the intentions and objectives of the investors.

I agree that your preferred marketing approach can bring significantly more users in comparatively very less time than others. And I don't doubt your capabilities either provided that you managed to grow here super fast in negligible time.

But when we compare the marketing of hive with how other digital platforms have been doing it, we are forgetting one thing, other digital platforms are not on blockchain, they do not distribute their profits. Thus a conventional, buzzworthy marketing approach might have managed to grow millions of users at insta, fb, youtube or whatever other platform doesn't mean it will be suitable for Hive.

As doesn't matter what kind of users join facebook, insta or snapchat or a new exchange or any other platform for whatever reason. It's gonna be beneficial for those platforms in the end. Because they don't have to pay back their users a single dime. In fact they will milk money from them.

Which is not the case with hive. Bringing million users on Hive with a buzz does nothing good for hive except shooting the price of HIVE sky high in short term and making it a manipulative token. With the platform itself full of users trying to find ways of milking money by making multiple accounts, spamming and any other way they can find.

And most big fish will eventually exit while the price is still high, collapsing HIVE. This would be the last thing any investor would want to happen. It difficult to understand this perspective because I or You haven't put in $50k or $100k in hive. In fact more of the normal users are earning and taking it out. If it collapses tomorrow, it doesn't affect most of us. We pack our shit and leave. You already have no dearth of platforms to post.

If I would have been an investor, I would say money should be the last word used to market hive. Or may be don't use it at all, let people come and explore it by themselves.

So yes, not all are whiners, some are investors.

But to be very honest, I know you are a smart ass ;). And I know you are killing two birds with one stone. Creating a buzz around your content while trying to teach creating a buzz around hive. Interesting. 😁 You artful dodger.

Best Wishes
Keep Hiving & Showering Love


I don't know man. Neither of those options appeal to me, nor does social media all that much appeal to me. There's plenty of shitty social media for vapid vanity posting already in existence so I feel like applying your higher-grade marketing skills to something online like this is moreso a vanity exercise for you.

But in saying that, go for it! It doesn't bother me what sliver of self-fulfillment an online avatar gets by posting to establish knowledge and expertise in a place which still exists despite it all.

I'm interested in your caption = "Teacher of Rebels." Do you work for the government?

Sounds good man, thanks for contributing your perspective.

I do not work for the government.

I'm interested in your caption = "Teacher of Rebels." Do you work for the government?

this made me LOL. @ryzeonline isn't very government-friendly hahaha. ❤️

First of all I would like to say what a wonderful post I really enjoyed your honesty it's very hard to find on here to many 🐑

Keep up the great work I'm sure all the real people will agree with this post you made so many valued points I might not comment on all your posts but I do read them 🤝 and I really enjoy reading the comments too 👍🏾

Thank you for saying so, and I've had a similar experience seeking honesty here, lol. I guess we can "be the change", right?

I'm sure all the real people will agree with this post you made so many valued points

I truly hope so. :)

I might not comment on all your posts but I do read them 🤝 and I really enjoy reading the comments too 👍🏾

I understand, and I appreciate you reading my posts and comments. And I'm grateful for you taking the time to make this comment too, it means a lot to me.

Wishing you a great day! 🙏

It's very hard to find honest people here to be perfectly honest

Most people won't see the value in this post because they don't like to hear the truth

I appreciate you posting I really enjoy your post's and openness

Keep up the great work 👍🏾

I think you should think about running a witness node and also you should create a proposal I'm pretty sure you will get a lot of support 🤝

That does seem to be the state of the world. :)

And I hope people will see the value in the truth, eventually, even if they don't see it right this minute. :)

I appreciate the support. I've considered witness nodes and proposals, but I'm not too big on politics, happy to 'stay in my lane' just teaching for now. Still it's a very good thought, and we never know how life will go, perhaps I'll end up doing it after all. Thanks again! 🙏

It definitely does seem that way 😂

I agree too beat the truth

It's my pleasure 🤝 I really enjoy reading what you write

You should definitely run a witness node if possible we need someone like you to vote for keep up the great work 🤝 I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day/night

Yay, I love agreement and being on the same page with people who get it. :)

I'll keep nodes in mind and see where life takes me, wishing you a great day/night as well! 🙏


do you onboard a single person?

My Hive Beginner's Guide has been tagged hundreds of times, because everytime someone tries to onboard, they realize the best way to learn Hive is what I've written.

My work plays a major role in many onboardings, how about you?

My work plays a major role in many onboardings, how about you?

yes, I onboard over the years many people. My point is ( no offense the guide is great) it's all on-chain. We need to spread it out offchain. So it does IMO not a major role.

Release posts like this over the web, talk about in videos, and so on. Otherwise, these guides bring us nowhere, because they end up somewhere on the chain nobody look at it again. There are hundreds of those guides already onchain ( sure most more ugly and less creative).

I have often that feeling we always do the same onchain and expect different results. We need to reward offchain work. This work will offchain will consume way more time and effort and money than onchain posts.

Thank you for all your onboarding over the years!

And you make an excellent point, offchain is extremely important.

The way I see it is like this... It's the Beatles job to make great music, it is the fans job to spread word-of-mouth about the band.

So it's my job to make great content, and it's the fans job to link it, share it, and spread it offchain, not mine. :)

So all I can do is make sure I do my job well, and in the two months I've been on Hive, I've written 300,000 high-quality words and many illustrations. Some people already find my posts good enough to share offchain, but who knows. :)

Will you share my piece off-chain? :D

I have often that feeling we always do the same onchain and expect different results. We need to reward offchain work.

I totally agree. This behavior is done by the 'consumers' and 'sharers' of the world though, not very much by the content-creators. Which is why I wrote an entire post on bringing more consumers to Hive, but some people did not like it.

Anyway, thank you for your excellent points and contribution, wishing you a wonderful day! 🙏