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RE: The Best Hive Marketing EVER (By A Guy Who Hates Marketing)

in Loving HIVE ❤4 years ago

You make a strong point with this reply. I also followed the link to read the other comment. These replies have really tackled my misgivings, but balance still has more merits, don't you think? What would you say about my talk about balance? Remember I'm saying we should still market it as a rewards social media because that is what it is but we should make it clear that it is more of a chance and that one needs to learn how it works first. This way it would be really balanced, is what I'm saying. You have reasons why this approach is less meritorious?

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I'm glad my point spoke to you somewhat.

What you're describing is basically 'hedging words', and it's most often used by when people are afraid of offending others. Hedging has it's place in contracts and terms of service, but hedging has almost no place in bold, brand-messaging.

But the whole point of brand messaging is to offend people. Eminem offends Christians and conservatives, he doesn't add 'balance' to his language. Early Mac commercials made fun of Windows, they didn't 'balance' their messaging to avoid people's misunderstanding.

It would take me a long time to explain branding, copy, persuasive messaging, resonant language, audience-niching, and so on, but maybe this diagram will help a bit:


I hope this addresses your concerns, but if not, it's fine, I wrote this to teach people, not as an actual proposal for Hive. I'm fine if people disagree and still want to use timid language. :) 🙏

Okay, now would you say the reasons for this hedging doesn't seem worth it? Remember the reasons for the hedging when it comes to hive is that we don't want the wrong People here for the wrong reasons, the hurt it would do to the platform would be grave as we've seen from experience.

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What is wise to aim for is many people, increased visibility, increased attraction. Then you allow the 'wrong people' (tirekickers seeking easy money) to get annoyed and leave. This is how all big success stories grow.

I explained this in another comment:

Fiverr markets itself as a way to make money, but most people fail on Fiverr. Fiverr still grows. Uber markets itself as a way to make money just by driving around, but most drivers fail on Uber. Uber still grows. YouTube markets itself as a place to earn money for posting video content. Most YouTubers fail. YouTube still grows. Hive can, and should, do the exact same thing.

Hope this is clicking with you, but as I said, if Hive wants 'hedgier', tamer messaging, they're welcome to do so. I simply offer my wisdom, people can accept or reject. :) 🙏