It is here! 😍

in Loving HIVE ❤3 months ago (edited)

I should do an unboxing. But I was told I'd better do it ASMR style. Do you know what that is? Something phenomenal. Check it out:

An Instagram reel 😜

Great, isn't it?

ASMR is a neologism, which stands for (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response).

One day I came across some sound videos on YouTube to help people relax before going to sleep. I saw and experienced it as something very curious. And today @janetedita reminded me of that by giving me this idea and showed me this reel.

Then I read more about ASMR.

But what happened was that I couldn't help myself and I opened it. I swear I immediately put it back inside... I know, I screwed up that first step of opening it.

Ayyyyyy nanicles ;) that impatience of yours... 🙄

You still don't know what's already here! That's right, I almost forgot to post the photo.

Oki doki 😆


This is thanks to #Hive, that's why I brought this post here. I have indeed worked. Others work a lot harder than me—everyone at their own pace. Sometimes we face creative blocks, sometimes we just don't have enough time (or we don't know how to handle it well 😅).

I take it very seriously to interact and comment on almost every post I vote on. This takes a lot of time and let's remember that I have a life too. I'm not complaining... I enjoy it very much. Now, what I wanted to say is that I made a resolution to buy this to record my bike rides and I have succeeded. I am happy with it. Maybe it's not a great camera, but it's what I could get at the moment and thanks to other friends of Hive who tried this method of buying on Amazon and circumvented the blockade that we Cubans are subjected to, well ... I was able to make my purchase too. 😁

For me Hive is always a win-win.


When the guys phoned me because they were looking for my house to deliver it to me, I couldn't believe it. So fast!

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-05 185600.png


I placed this order on 21 July with a friend who wanted to give her daughter a birthday present.


This is a gift I gave myself to keep bringing joy to Hive and so that all my friends and followers can travel a little bit through my eyes. It is part of my process of self-improvement. I want to do the unboxing and a review soon. I came here to give you this news because I couldn't hold myself back.

And this is what I'm listening to now, come with me to celebrate.


Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


Hope it will bring more creative, more and more
I have plan to buy Insta360 camera for my creative garden work

Well that would have been better, but it's expensive. At least the ones I saw on Amazon were over $300.

Thank you, friend 🙂☺️.

Saludos @nanixxx
Me gustaría conocer, si no es molestia, si pudiste hacer todo el proceso tú misma (sin ayuda del "más allá" 😜) y qué método de pago utilizaste.

Gracias. 🌼

Disfruta el auto-regalito. Esperamos por tus videos. 🚲📷


Lo hice yo solita. El método de pago es MLC, si se fija en la captura de pantalla que usé.
Al final del proceso ellos te contactan por WhatsApp y te dan el número de cuenta para hacer el pago.
Yo cambié mis HBD en Qvapay por MLC. Recuerde que también tenemos el bot de HiveCuba para eso.


Gracias por la explicación.👍

Gracias a usted por la visita y los buenos deseos.
Ya se han hecho tutoriales de cómo se compra por esa vía. Si no me equivoco fue @newnow497.


Muy explicativo el tutorial de @newnow497 👍 Gracias.

No ha hecho el post del unboxing de los audífonos que compró.❗️ Le llegarían? 😜

Sí, él nos mostró los audífonos. Hasta ahora todo lo que se ha pedido ha llegado.

Did I understand correctly, Amazon isn't there?

I opened for Incubus once. Was quite awhile ago now, probably 12-15 years ago. At Wayfarer where I grew up.

No, there is no Amazon here in Cuba. I placed my order through Aeroenvío. They have a page ( where you paste the Amazon link, also Shein... of whatever you want to buy. Then you select the way you want it to be shipped. And so on. I selected shipping which took 30 days, according to the page. It was cheaper for me. They charge some fees and then you have to exchange the USD into MLC to make the payment. At first glance it sounds complicated, but it is not. One more option we have, thanks to the Universe.

WOW... you opened? I like the world of DJs. The place where you grew up looks like paradise.

I just deleted some other namedrop's I opened for bigger than Incubus.

What's Russia talk like over there? Is it ok to talk about that? Here, they like to remind us Russia has their navy docked there, directed at the US.

Politics does not fit in the sugar bowl. By the way, I have been drinking coffee without sugar for more than a week because there is none. Well... there is, in the MSMEs, very expensive. But I haven't gone shopping. I already like coffee without sugar. I've never seen myself here without sugar in my life. I always had enough with what we bought with the coupon at the bodega... I think it's a conspiracy to make me healthier.

First they came with a submarine and another ship that they made available for people to visit and then I don't know... I don't pay attention to those things. I try to stay away from bad energies.

I just deleted some

Yes, I know. 😉

Congrats! I so0Ooo can't hang.

My wife doesn't do sugar. In anything as much as possible and she's a chef. Coffee, cookies, everything needs to be as sugar-free as possible. She has chronic pancreatitis. Crazy, really, when we met, her condition was 'acute.' It wasn't until we were in Italy we learned it'd progressed. If I'm repeating myself repeating myself, sorry about that, we haven't followed each other long, not sure you caught that detail.

Heredetery. She doesn't drink or anything, we don't actually. But yeah dude, sugar is the enemy.

My winded way of saying I have a vague idea what you're going through. Good job, you.

I quit smoking months ago, now I've been without sugar for more than a week... my transport is the bike. Yes, I'm succeeding.
I'm sorry your wife has that ailment. The best thing is that you have it under control and have seen improvement. That's great.

Congrats, again! Again, I can relate. I can't think of the last time I smoked. 10 years ago probably and I wish I was lying when I say there isn't a single day that goes by I don't think of those things—fuckin things.

Edit: If there's a badge for most edited comments, you're a shoe-in! = }

And I said .... mock blocking hahahaha that's good hahahaha and now you have the camera!!!!

I also have projects like that but it's a camera lens haha I... not that I know anything at all about cameras I bought one... months ago.... without the lens

And I have other plans, all to improve my stuff and make better content!

We already want to see your bike rides!

(espero el traductor... traduzca bien jaja)

😂 Estoy segura de que los planes que tienes son espectaculares.

Los bloqueos son mentales. Ya lo he comprobado.

🤣🤣🤣🤣 totalmente cierto! Duerme!

Hive gives you pleasant moments. And you give Hive the beauty of this world.

Yes! Always enjoying, my friend!

Thank you 😇

Finally you have your camera, now you can document your bike rides. Congratulations. ❤️❤️❤️

🙃 Sí Mamani, vamos a ver qué tal va. Un besito, me voy a dormir.

Looking forward with pleasure to seeing you navigate the highways and by ways of Cuba.
Always good to treat yourself to a little gift now and again x

Thank you. That will be done!

You are part of my enjoyment of Hive. Very valuable and creative and I admire you very much. 😉

Now I am blushing, I enjoy your stuff too 😀

For a moment I thought you bought yourself a make-up kit for little girls too 🤣
Enjoy your new action camera 📸

That and a floral dress would look great on me, right? 😄

Thank you ;)

We can't know until we see it on Hive's red carpet

Yo creo que esto no lo vas a ver... a menos... nah

ah, los leyentes {🤣🤣} de tu contenido tenemos condiciones jajaja? {creo que en español esto no se dice así como lo he hecho, sino "estamos condicionados" o algo así, se me olvida spanish, el que nunca hablé bien jajaja} bueno, mejor hacer un buen contrato antes de subir a red carpet 😂


Ay, morí. 🤣
Sí, firma aquí, leyente. 😂

No olvides llamar a @mdrguez para que te haga un vestidito de verano con estampado floral hecho a medida. Y con la new action camera se puede grabar el catwalk 😋

Vale, entendí. 😅 No tengo Hives para edits 🤷‍♀

Congratulations on that little gift you got, enjoy it to the fullest and here among us, I also open things before the time, that patience haha 😂


Patience is not our great virtue, huh?

Thanks Buhito lindo.

Vaya, es una muy, muy, muy buena inversión la que has hecho. Yo también deseo una cámara para mi bicicleta. Espero algún día tener una. Me imagino tu alegría al obtenerla tan rápido. Felicitaciones. Saludos @nanixxx

Hola, @aaalviarez, sí estoy muy contenta. No es una cámara de acción de último modelo, las hay mejores, pero al menos es nueva y con ella podré hacer lo que hasta ahora no podía o malamente intentaba con el móvil, poniéndome en riesgo incluso. Para mí son unos pasitos cortos pero los que pude dar. Es mi filosofía. No contaba con el dinero que se necesita para comprar una mejor. Ya veremos cómo vamos mejorando por el camino. Deseo que puedas un día comprarte una también. Yo estuve mirando unos reviews en YouTube en donde colocan videos sin editar supuestamente y la imagen que da no es mala. Ahora tengo que hacer yo mis propias pruebas y ya les diré.

¡Gracias! 😉

Congratulations! May you enjoy it and share many good moments captured with it. How good is to reap the fruits of the effort!! 😘

Thank you very much, Paloma. It makes me happy to see you here. Yes, the fruits taste very good. Very organic. 😂

Llegó!!! Amanda...ahora sí!! Cámara, acción...rodando!!! Disfruta tu regalo 😁.

¡Amandaaaa! La piano @mipiano en flor no me quiere prestar su vestido. Dice que te pida que me hagas uno... si la pantaloneta que es ponerle un elástico no me la has arreglado. Plch... 🙄 Ella no conoce el paño. 😁

Jajajajaja, que pantaloneta?? 🤔🙄😜


Qué paño? 😂

No tengo diccionario de lengua cubana jaja

Jaja... es como decir: buena pieza que es ella. Sácalo por contexto. Pssss... ya me arregló la pantaloneta. Viste, la comunicación fue efectiva. 🤣

Congratulations on your new team, it's great that you achieved it thanks to Hive and to contribute to Hive.

Lovinghive ❤️

Thank you very much @soychalbed. I'm very happy although I'll tell you a secret: I haven't taken it out of the box...😁
