En la cual nos lleva a ver un antes y un después de formar parte esta plataforma en este año 2021.
Hello beloved Hive family, today it is nice to greet you and share with you again, this time to participate in the initiative by here I leave the link.
In which leads us to see a before and after being part of this platform in this year 2021.

Me inicie en el mes de julio de este año gracias a mis amigos @nubra11 y su amado hijo @anthony2019 quienes a través de una de esas visitas a su hogar en medio de las charlas que sostenemos salio a relucir el tema económico y de las tantas cosas que me inventaba para producir dinero extra al que me gano como maestra de preescolar, para nadie es un secreto que nuestra profesión en Venezuela no es bien remunerada, aunado a la situación económica que ha estado afectando el país
Así que tome esta oportunidad de formar parte de la plataforma que para ser sincera era totalmente incomprensible para mi, pero ame gracias al apoyo y guía de estos amigos que nombre anteriormente.
Desde mi presentación con los comentarios de bienvenidas hasta hoy ha sido un camino recorrido lleno de crecimiento personal e intelectual. Recuerdo mis primeras participaciones en concursos con mis recetas en @foodies en el cual compartí una receta de un dulce familiar inclusive algo impactada por haber ganado en el concurso de la arepa nos une eso me llenó de motivación y ganas de continuar adelante en Hive y al ver mis publicaciones ser recibidas con amor e inclusive recibir también los consejos de lo mas maduros y experimentados quienes nos guían a mejorar cada dia en la plataforma.
I started in July of this year thanks to my friends @nubra11 and his beloved son @anthony2019 who through one of those visits to his home in the middle of the talks that we hold came up the economic issue and the many things that I invented to produce extra money that I earn as a preschool teacher, for no one is a secret that our profession in Venezuela is not well paid, coupled with the economic situation that has been affecting the country.
So I took this opportunity to be part of the platform that to be honest was totally incomprehensible to me, but I loved it thanks to the support and guidance of these friends I named above.
Since my presentation with the welcome comments until today it has been a journey full of personal and intellectual growth. I remember my first participations in contests with my recipes in @foodies in which I shared a recipe for a family sweet including something shocked for having won in the contest of the arepa unites us that filled me with motivation and desire to continue forward in Hive and to see my publications be received with love and even receive the advice of the most mature and experienced who guide us to improve every day on the platform.
I started in July of this year thanks to my friends @nubra11 and his beloved son @anthony2019 who through one of those visits to his home in the middle of the talks that we hold came up the economic issue and the many things that I invented to produce extra money that I earn as a preschool teacher, for no one is a secret that our profession in Venezuela is not well paid, coupled with the economic situation that has been affecting the country.
So I took this opportunity to be part of the platform that to be honest was totally incomprehensible to me, but I loved it thanks to the support and guidance of these friends I named above.
Since my presentation with the welcome comments until today it has been a journey full of personal and intellectual growth. I remember my first participations in contests with my recipes in @foodies in which I shared a recipe for a family sweet including something shocked for having won in the contest of the arepa unites us that filled me with motivation and desire to continue forward in Hive and to see my publications be received with love and even receive the advice of the most mature and experienced who guide us to improve every day on the platform.
¿Cómo habría sido este año sin Hive?
Pues puedo asegurar que hubiera sido algo fuerte, porque algo que amo de Hive es que comparto y disfruto con mi familia tiempo de calidad y a su vez generó finanzas. Esto por la razón siguiente antes tenia que pasar el dia trabajando fuera en una u otra cosa, que al final dejaba de disfrutar de mi familia por ganar algo extra, pues ahora gracias Hive todo cambio porque trabajo desde mi hogar y disfruto del tesoro más valioso mi familia inclusive trabajan conmigo.
What would this year have been like without Hive?
Well I can assure you that it would have been something strong, because something I love about Hive is that I share and enjoy quality time with my family and in turn generated finances. This for the following reason before I had to spend the day working outside in one thing or another, that in the end I stopped enjoying my family to earn something extra, well now thanks Hive everything changed because I work from home and enjoy the most valuable treasure my family even work with me.
¿El aumento de precio mejoró su calidad de vida? ¿Cómo? ¿Trajiste gente a Hive?
Ciertamente que el aumento, la seguridad y estabilidad que nos brinda Hive no se puede comparar con ninguna otra plataforma. Gracias a Hive he mejorado mi calidad de vida esto abarca la alimentación, compra de los uniformes y útiles escolares de mis hijos y ese flujo de dinero que se mueve gracias al valor de nuestro trabajo en la plataforma. Inclusive mis hijos que oscilan entre las edades de 10 y 7 años hablan de Hive a los amiguitos y les explican con tanta precisión lo que significa la plataforma que me sorprendo, así que gracias Hive por cambiar mi vida.
La personas cuando nos escuchan conversando siente curiosidad por conocer de hecho mis hermanas están animadas y están pronto a activarse en la plataforma porque le mostré lo que es Hive, cómo se trabaja y los beneficios de formar parte de ella lo cual genero en ellas esas ganas de pertenecer a esta hermosa familia.
Did the price increase improve your quality of life? How did you bring people to Hive?
Certainly the increase, the security and stability that Hive gives us cannot be compared to any other platform. Thanks to Hive I have improved my quality of life, which includes food, buying uniforms and school supplies for my children and the flow of money that moves thanks to the value of our work on the platform. Even my children who are between the ages of 10 and 7 years old talk about Hive to their friends and explain with such precision what the platform means that I am surprised, so thank you Hive for changing my life.
People when they listen to us talking are curious to know in fact my sisters are excited and are soon to be activated on the platform because I showed them what Hive is, how it works and the benefits of being part of it which generated in them that desire to belong to this beautiful family.
Gracias por tanto familia Hive, por ese apoyo en cada post, valorar el trabajo de cada persona y la reciprocidad de compartir conocimiento, enseñanzas por este medio y formar en cada uno de nosotros un ser creativo, innovador y productivo.
Invitó a participar a @anthony2019, @yolimarag y @drhueso en esta gran iniciativa.
Me despido hasta la próxima oportunidad en la cual compartiremos algo nuevo y gracias por visitar mi blog.
Las fotos son de mi autoría y edición de canva.
Thanks for so much Hive family, for that support in each post, value the work of each person and the reciprocity of sharing knowledge, teachings through this medium and form in each of us a creative, innovative and productive being.
I invite @anthony2019, @yolimarag and @drhueso to participate in this great initiative.
I say goodbye until the next opportunity in which we will share something new and thank you for visiting my blog.
The photos are of my authorship and canva editing.
Gracias por la invitación amiga, me alegra que te animaras a ingresar y que estés a gusto aquí y que tus hermanas se animen.
Gracias amiga @yolimarag, están animadas viendo lo que hago que algo de provecho y productivo el estar activo en esta maravillosa plataforma y en lo particular agradecida por formar parte de Hive y espero seguir creciendo cada dia mas en Hive. Abrazos y bendiciones.