[ESP - ENG] Mi primera inversión gracias a Hive || My first investment thanks to Hive

in Loving HIVE ❤4 years ago


Image created by me in Canva



Saludos a toda la comunidad de Hive, espero que estén todos bien hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi primera inversión gracias a la comunidad.


Greetings to all Hive community, I hope you are all well today I want to share with you my first investment thanks to the community.


Mi Primera inversion

My first investment

Gracias a su apoyo en la comunidad, pude obtener mis primeros fondos que invertí de la siguiente manera.

Lo primero que hice cuando conseguí mis fondos fue comprarme unas Crocs, ya que con mis anteriores Crocs era más de ir descalzo por los agujeros que tenían.😂🤣

Thanks to your support in the community, I was able to get my first funds that I invested as follows.

The first thing I did when I got my funds was to buy a pair of Crocs, since with my previous Crocs I was more of a barefoot person because of the holes they had.😂🤣

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I'm wearing new crocs.

Lo segundo que hice con mi HBD fue ayudar a mi madre con algo de comida, sé que no parece gran cosa pero hasta mi madre se sorprendió de que existiera una plataforma como ésta, que nos da este beneficio.

The second thing I did with my HBD was to help my mother with some food, I know it doesn't look like a big deal but even my mom was surprised that there was a platform like this, that gives us this benefit.

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I was able to collaborate with some food for my mother.

En tercer lugar, con los fondos restantes complementé a mi hermana mayor para que pudiera pagar una ecografía que tiene que hacerse la semana que viene ya que está embarazada.

As a third, with the remaining funds I supplemented my older sister so that she could pay for an ultrasound that she has to have next week since she is pregnant.


Scapture from the sale of my first HBD earnings.

Espero que esto sirva de ejemplo para muchos que piensan que Hive es una pérdida de tiempo, al contrario es una plataforma que nos da un gran beneficio y solo nos pide a cambio que seamos originales a la hora de compartir contenido, debemos ser coherentes y mantener siempre nuestra originalidad.

Ahora me despido agradeciendo a todos los que me apoyaron con su voto, ya que me han dado la iniciativa para seguir compartiendo con ustedes.

I hope this serves as an example for many who think that Hive is a waste of time, on the contrary it is a platform that gives us a great benefit and only asks us in return to be original when sharing content, we must be consistent and always maintain our originality.

Now I say goodbye thanking everyone who supported me with their vote, as they have given me the initiative to continue sharing with you.

Gracias Hive Blog.png

Image created by me in Canva.

La fotos fueron tomadas por mí.
Texto traducido en deepl
Los separadores de texto fueron creados por mí en Canva, utilizando el logotipo de mitsubishi.

The photos were taken by me.
Text translated in deepl.
The text separators were created by me in Canva, using the mitsubishi logo.

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Banner created by me in Canva.


Estoy orgullosa de ti, de tu constancia en esta plataforma, de tu originalidad y de la motivación que tienes <3