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RE: Things Ms. Dee Likes, Edition 94, October 11, 2024 [ENG/ESP, and a little German -- Ein Bisschen auf Deutsch]]

Danke für deine Erwähnung 😉

Wenn schon die deutsche Community mehr Einfluss auf Hive erhält, hättest du vielleicht Interesse Ende diesen Jahres mit mir auf Hive ein gemeinsames Projekt zu starten?

Thanks for your mention 😉

If the German community is already gaining more influence on Hive, would you perhaps be interested in starting a joint project with me on Hive at the end of this year?


I presume so, because most often if I see a post that has two languages, if it is not Spanish, it is German. Now, understand: in the speaking line there are Austrians and others, so although I have learned that there is quite a stringent line on who may be considered part of the ethnic German community, everyone who writes in German is contributing to the auf Deutsch presence and importance on Hive. I have no idea how much bigger German-speaking is than actual German ... and I'm not interested in a big sorting type of project, either. That as a project proposal is a hard no -- absolut nein -- but I am willing to hear you propose any other type of project.

The project I need support for is not really ready to be announced yet.

It's about the following:

The financial magazine Bond-guide asked me if I would create and manage an account for them.

Bond-guide would send 3-7 crypto-related articles per week so that I could copy them onto hive.

To get more attention, I would like to translate the articles into English, but I know that the translators don't work perfectly. That's why I need someone with crypto expertise who can translate these articles into perfect English.

We would then be allowed to keep the rewards.

I am honored that you would consider me for this, and thank you. Of course I am interested. Send me a little more information about Bond-guide if they are already online ... I hear that bonds in Germany, and across the European Union, are even more fascinating than here in the U.S.

As it happens, I was a professional newspaper editor, so 3-7 articles per week, providing my duties are basically to edit them for good flow in English, could be doable. I was a copy editor, so that's what I did for a living, 20 years ago. I am catching up on German idioms and their English counterparts as well (although American English misses a lot more than British English does, so sometimes one has to figure it out twice), so I can provide some special insight that a digital translator cannot provide.

At the appropriate time, I will need to know more about the structure of how this is to be done before I can commit. In my off-Hive life my parents are getting older and require more time and attention, so things have to be structured well for me to take them on, particularly considering that Hive is around 20 cents. OBVIOUSLY, one wants to build something while the price is down -- klar -- but everything has an opportunity cost too.

Again, I am honored that you would consider me -- Vielen Dank!

Bondguide claims to be the market leader as a specialist magazine. The crypto edition is a rather small section of this magazine.

Interestingly, an article about hive will appear in Bond-guide in a week. The witness Detlev wrote the article.

I was interviewed here in Bond-guide 3 years ago...

The magazine only writes in German.

If you are interested in correcting the articles professionally, I would be very happy. You are my absolute favorite for this job.

However, we must assume that the rewards will not be very high.

My personal goal with this project is to prove that magazines can finance themselves with Hive without advertising or are less dependent on advertising.

Of course they will not be very high right now ... but if there is, to quote a certain person interviewed in Bond-guide three years ago, "one last diabolical crypto bull run," those articles may earn more later. Put them in Leofinance where more people want that kind of news and more readers may be interested.

Keep me posted as the structure becomes clear. As I said, my time is somewhat at a premium because of my family duties, but if there is a solid structure with times and dates and how long we intend to be doing this (open-ended I am hesitant about, just because my responsibilities naturally will be growing heavier). I also would much prefer to get a batch of 3-7 a week ahead (or 3-4 twice a week) than 24 hours notice every day for seven of them.

As I mentioned, I still have to discuss this in detail with the editor-in-chief of Bond-Guide. In the first conversation, it was planned that I would receive these articles once a week and then post them on Hive.

On LeoFinance, you can also set a date for when the relevant article should appear.

My suggestion would be as follows.

I would edit the articles using the word processing program and send them to you by email. I could also have the articles translated into English using a translator. You then correct them into professional English and either you or I post them via the Bond-Guide account.

So that you know that you can trust me, I would also send you the account keys.

We can still discuss what we will do with the rewards.

Will this joint venture run as long as we both have time for it?

I am not committing until I have full details ... my suggestion would be to propose a trial period to Bond-Guide of a length that will allow us to see how this works for Bond-Guide and us. That way we can work out how best to work this, and even if Hive is actually ready and responsive for the idea.

About translation: if you translate on your end, you will probably get closer to British English, because England is nearer you, and if I translate it on my end, I'll probably end up with American English. This is kind of a toss-up for Hive, but in a trial period we can see if there is a difference in response. I am well-read in British English and its different spellings of certain words, but does Bond-Guide want to be presented in English with a British accent? That's a good question to ask the editor-in-chief -- British or American English?

The German-speaking community on Hive is unfortunately very small. I think we only have 250 users.

German is also only spoken in a few regions: in Germany, in Austria, in parts of Switzerland (German, French and Italian are spoken in Switzerland), in parts of the Czech Republic, and in some former German colonies in Africa.

Well, you represent yourselves well -- consider that Hive only has about 10,000 people who are its core. For being around 2.5 percent of the core population who shows up and does things that are notable, that is pretty good. And those are some considerable regions of the world also ... that's a big chunk of Europe right there, with tremendous history all around it. I almost feel like I need not tell a German, with all that history, but I will: if you think your numbers are small anywhere on Earth, you already know that you are mighty.

Now, GRANTED, I am biased: one of Germany's finest basses of slightly yesteryear has walked in on my musical life from YouTube and carried my heart back into relearning the language and the culture ... what one sees does depend a lot on what one is looking at, and how one's heart is inclined. But that is the German privilege -- outsized influence on the world, and most of the time, looked at across its long history, for good.

Yes, Germany has a long history. I actually live just 25km from the place where Germany was founded. But very few people, even in Germany, know this place.

Even my village is older than the USA. 😇

Politically speaking, we currently only have seemingly incompetent politicians in power. The German people are very dissatisfied, as they always have been.

I was recently reading of the Emperor Heinrich -- met him in Löwe's beautiful song "Heinrich der Vogler" (see, Kurt Möll, Hans Hotter, Gottlob Frick, and Matthias Goerne can have me learning about anything), looked him up and realized, "Wow!" It is a long and fascinating history, overall!