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RE: Celebrating 6 YEARS On Hive! 🎉

in Loving HIVE ❤3 years ago

Haha yea it is quite a long time. But you know what's funny? I've been enjoying myself so much with this that it doesn't even feel like 6 years. I think it's because every week there's something new to learn and do (and new people to meet) and it keeps the fun and interest fresh.

Yes it really is cool to see your growth. I literally laugh at some of my posts from back then and say “I really posted that?” 😄

Growth is good and motivating though so I appreciate being able to look back and compare.

I am glad to have met you too. You really bring beautiful creativity and inspiration to the needlework community that I really admire and appreciate ~ 💖💓


For sure I guess thats how you realize you really into something, when you dont even see the time passing!!:) Meanwhile observating your growth is awesome...
Thank you for this lovely reply😊

And I thank you too for your lovely comments ~ 😘