Hello there, I'm so happy to have you stop by once again. So in this blog, I will be continuing the series I started on why we chose darkness rather than light and you can find the first series 👉 THE LIGHT HAS COME - PLEASURE. In the last series, I shared the introduction and one reason why people choose darkness rather than light, so in this series, I will be sharing the other reasons why men choose darkness rather than light.


In our world today if you are very observant, you will notice that we are gradually losing ourselves to different works of darkness either knowingly or unknowingly and it has affected how we relate with people around us. I know of some persons that don't believe in working with people, they just want to do things on their own to avoid some problems that may arise. And this happens because just as God has said, the heart of man is desperately wicked!!! And because of that reason, so many persons just don't want to have anything to do with people, they just want to be alone.
The truth is, yes men's heart are desperately wicked and God told us that because he does not want to hide anything from us not because he wants us to be scared of people (ourselves) but just so we can know and be careful, not abstaining. So many of us, me especially, I do have things that I do that are wicked to those that are around me but then what were people's reaction? Did they just tagged me as a wicked person or come to tell me try and change me in love? Which of them do you do? I'll leave that question to you.
Well, we already know that I have wickedness in me and so do you, but then when we are told that we are wicked why do we get angry instead of us to work on ourselves to be better? Being good is something that you learn because we already know that is the nature of man, there is an inbuilt wickedness and the way to learning to be good is first knowing that you once had darkness or you have darkness in you and then be ready to work on yourself using mostly the words of God so you don't get it wrong again.
So without further explanation, let's dive into the other reason why men choose darkness rather than light...

To hide their wicked nature

Like I've been saying, we humans we know we are wicked in nature but then we are not ready to leave that wicked nature and learn how to be good people, so we love darkness because it helps us hide our wicked nature but then we shouldn't forget that there is nothing that can be hidden from our maker (God) and even humans even though it takes time.


Take for instance a girl in a dark room, if you enter that room and call out to her but then she responded in a male voice, you can easily think it wasn't the girl after all but then it was the girl you were looking for that has changed her voice to that of a boy's voice just to deceive you but then, she was only able to succeed in deceiving you because she was in the darkness. This shows us that when we are in the dark we can't tell the truth from the false and trust me, that is really very dangerous.

But then, the girl was happy she wasn't caught too, she was able to deceive the other person and at that point she never really saw anything wrong with it because the darkness was able to save her, at least that was what she thought but then that single act can cause other effects not just on herself or the person calling her but also to others as well. I know you might be wondering how, okay, when the one looking for the girl goes out of that darkness and someone asked of the girl, he would say he did not find her but he heard a boy's voice. So until the light comes, the person will keep believing the false voice he heard and to him that is his truth.


That's all for the second reason why men love darkness rather than light, I hope you have been able to learn something from this today. Darkness is not a place you want to be, no matter how enjoyable and beneficial it is to you, it is not a place you want to be, not at all except of course if you are ignorant.

In the next series, I will be sharing another reason why we choose darkness over light, so stay in touch, until next time 👋.

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we humans we know we are wicked in nature but then we are not ready to leave that wicked nature and learn how to be good people

Man kind are complex beings, the act of wickedness of humans according to social science is way humans communicate with their environment.

Good or evil, putting religion and law legislation out of the context, it is based on a person's perspective. In the sense that, we have seen cases of serial killers who justify their actions by saying they do what they did to cleanse the earth of evil. Playing God on earth.

Though it is true that it is in the nature of man kind to be wicked but in most cases most of our act of wickedness is controlled by our sense of survival which is major instinct of humans, but at the long run it is still a choice.

" I had this funny experience on a pedestrian bridge some days ago, so I was on the pedestrian bridge trying to cross over to the other side, I never knew there were two blind adult women behind me who were unable to find there way, a "begger" on the pedestrian bridge called my attention to those women and asked me if I could help. I turned back to look at them and I was overwhelmed with pity. So I went back to them and held one of them and decided to lead the way to there preferred location, while walking on the pedestrian bridge with them we met people along the way, some people were disgusted by them, why some felt pity for them. To cut the long story short, we got to the other side of bridge and they tried to get bikes but most bikes I call to take those women, once they realise they are blind, they drove off as if those women are parasites and the few that stayed tried to take advantage of those women by hiking the tfare"

So I started reasoning, the "begger" who is experiencing a harsh reality of life, still has the heart to care for other people in difficulties and still willing to help. While others who are having a much better life choose to to be wicked to those women.

Then I realised, the act of wickedness is not by human nature or environment, is by choice.

I'm planning on writing a write up on this because I was overwhelmed with the experience.

On the other hand why people chose darkness over light, it is due to fear of isolation or being judged people tend to choose the act of fakery out fear because they feel like if they let the society know the truth of whom they are, they might be rejected or get isolated. So they prefer a life style of deceit and self concealment. Which is one of the argument of the theory called "spiral of silence".

Thanks for sharing, it is a beautiful piece you have written, though it is from a religious perspective, I tried to base most of my argument on humans psychology and pattern of reasoning.

Truly being wicked is a choice and that is why I'm trying to encourage us that we can chose or rather we can Learn to abhor the wicked nature in us but then we can not do that based on human understanding, it might work for us to some extent but if the words of God is not involved, trust me we might get it wrong at some point and that was why I draft this writing from the Bible's perspective.

It is a good thing you assisted the blind woman, the truth is if there is not evil we won't have good too but then we should always try to be on the good because like you said, it is a choice and in the end God will judge mankind based on his words except you don't believe in the word of God.

I will really appreciate it if you don't try to use human wisdom here so you don't get it wrong but then, if you don't believe in the Bible I will understand but if you do, I will advise you just focus more on the word of God so we don't get some things wrong. I believe that the Bible has all that we need to attain salvation and if there is anything that you feel is not in the Bible you can share it with me, I will love to learn with you.

Please when you make the post you want to work on then please tag me 😊.

Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution, you have really been giving me so much encouragement and I appreciate you for that. !LUV

Oh don't get me wrong I'm a Christian and I do believe in God and the holy scriptures of the Bible.

But most times when I'm trying to buttress a point, I tend to make use of inferences that are based on what everyone could relate to regardless of their religion, maybe because I studied a social science course, and I understand how religious barrier could affect readership of context in a write up.

Sure, when I eventually compose the write up, I will make sure I tag you.

In the follow up of this post, I will really like to be tagged, I will love to see the conclusion of this write up.


I know you studied that I see it from the way you write your comments, well is not like I don't understand what you are saying but then, I just want to be intentional this time around and leave the word of my writing to those who are open minded. I've always tried making my post readable by all whether religious or not but not for this series.

Religion is very important in human life no matter how we perceive it, so to those that know it good for them but those that are clueless, we have to tell them and leave them to make the right choice even while we pray to God to reveal things to them.

In this write up, I want to be straightforward because that's how the truth is, you can't paint it to be blue or black, it is just neutral. Although I will surely apply some examples that will help my readers understand the Bible perspective well and I think I'm learning that from you because you are really good at it.

Thank you for agreeing to tag me on your write up, I look forward to it.

It will be a great privilege to tag you on mine too 🤗.

Well, I certainly wouldn't choose darkness, although biblically, it's also a representation of evil and it's perpetration. It's great to read how you carefully analysed this

I'm happy to know that Jose, well I'd love you to come back to read more of the series to understand better, I'm actually going somewhere but just preparing our minds in that direction but then it's fine if you can't stop by all the time, any time will be fine although the earlier the better 😊.

Thank you so much for your contribution and your continuous support, I'm really grateful for all you do 🙏. !LUV

Ahh hahaha well now that you've mentioned it, I'll take more time to drop by often. Commitments are too crazy on my end, I slept all through yesterday, when I could have been here 🤤🤤. Fatigue.

Really! Wow I wasn't really expecting such a respond from you and now I'm feeling so happy within me, I do hope I will be able to pass the message across in a way that you and others will understand.

You deserve the rest jhare, you have been trying a lot lately and I think that rest was just needed, now your mind will feel very active to be creative even more, hehehe.

Well, what can I say? Hahaha I guess it's self-crticism on my part. I haven't been engaging a lot like I used to, but I recognized it was fatigue and external commitments. You're doing well for yourself.

Yes it was fatigue especially because those offline commitments will always be there, hehehe.

I wish you a fantastic week and a blissful Monday Jose 😊.

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Thank you so much @hivebuzz, I'm really grateful for this beautiful asset, hehe.

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Thank you so much @hivebuzz, I'm really grateful 🥰🙏

Light always shows up to subdue darkness and reveal all things that are false and seem hidden.

Well-done Ma!

You are right, that's what light does, it reveals things that are hidden.

Thank you so much for your contribution ☺️.

Until we all realize our true nature, then can we able to fight the demons in the darkness. If only the girl knew the danger/trouble she has gotten herself into, she wouldn't have played such a trick on the person looking for her. Thanks for sharing.

You're absolutely right, the girl was also blinded by the darkness as well.

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment dear 💖

You are welcome. Do have a nice day ahead.

I will, you too 🥰

Even if it doesn't happen right away, the light will eventually conquer darkness. The real path to eternity is lightness, so I follow it.
Any person who chose darkness will come to regret their decision because, when the light appears, the darkness is removed.

I learned from this, thank you for sharing your knowledge

You have truly learned from it, thank you so much for your contribution. I hope to see you in the next series 🥰.

It's been a while, how are you doing?

I'm doing good dear, send me your discord link

I'm happy you are. Hopestylist#5992

You have been doing justice to this topic, a very deep narration with lots of wisdom attached to it!.. I hope this sheds some light on your readers.