Unity Toward Freedom - Announcement of a New Community

in Unity Toward Freedom3 years ago (edited)

When I was younger, probably more utopian, my mother often said to me "Stop playing Jesus ! You're not going to sacrifice yourself for the right cause". My heroes were Buddha, Nikola Tesla, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and many others have since been added to the list. In the course of my personal and inner research, all of which often focused on social aspects of our lives, it often occurred to me that many of the recurring human woes stem from a small number of factors.

Birth and introduction of the idea

Without wishing to plagiarize Buddha - well, those who transcribed his words - according to him, misfortune and suffering came from the fact that humans did not live in the present moment and rarely according to the Dharma, the set of higher laws governing the universe. Humans then (and all of us collectively) are too often in the past or in the future, in such a way that we experience suffering, regret, disappointment, all sorts of mental states akin to attachments. I'm simplifying a bit, of course, but the whole idea, the central core, is there. As I've been researching, Buddhist doctrine has sometimes seemed too solitary or egotistical. It is not, in fact, too solitary, because the idea of karma is found in Hinduism. But this is (almost) a detail. Before going any further, I would like to say something about religious or spiritual images. The idea is not to know if you believe in God, Vishnu or reincarnation. The idea is to know if you believe and above all, if you believe in yourself. The images, the symbols are only there to illustrate the deepest idea, the hidden meaning which is ultimately not. I think this precision is necessary, but after all, you can take it as you like ;-)

UNITY 3.jpg

To return to the end of my previous paragraph, which constitutes the trunk of my thought, I think that the reasons for these misfortunes constitute a rather small number. A sentence attributed to Diogenes of Sinope (also attributed to De Chamfort) has guided me for years and I must tell you that I have not had an argument with anyone since I followed these simple precepts.

"Enjoy and make others enjoy, without harming yourself or anyone else, that, I believe, is the whole moral."

It sounds a bit epicurean, but that's not really how I read it. What interests me most in this sentence is the idea of reciprocity that this quote implies. I behave towards the other person as I would like them to behave towards me It's as simple as that. And what emerges from this is unity. Respect in unity, in spite of the differences in points of view, we are all humans and if you have Maslow's pyramid in mind you will realize that our needs are more or less all the same.

Pyramide de Maslow.png



Our world has been damaged by our species, more by some of its members. We live as dominants when our position should make us responsible and capable of taking care of other human beings, living beings in general and ecosystems, from the largest to the smallest.

Worse, we have accepted to be dominated in everything, by hierarchy, rankings due to the spirit of competition... We hear too often: "That's life". Is it life to be dominated by politicians, not one of whom is poor ? By shameless industrialists and lobbyists who are prepared to poison our air, our water, our soil and our food, for generations and for insane profits? Is this what life is all about ?

In my opinion, we are animals born from the bosom of Nature (which appears to me as the only conceivable 'god') that evolution has endowed with a complex and particular consciousness. A consciousness that allows us to make choices and whose excessive complexity sometimes pushes us to make the wrong ones...

It is following these ideas, perhaps too idealistic for some, that the desire to create a community here was born and grew. HIVE seems to me to be the perfect place for this. The project is to gather. To bring together people from different backgrounds, but whose lives are close, to bring together common ideas, positive to the greatest number, projects or wills to improve the human species in our relationship with the living world and the world in general.

I know that communities like @ecotrain or @deep-dives already exist, but it seems to me that there is still a lack of a community that serves as a repertoire, a receptacle for projects to unite the members of the human species. The field of subjects is very wide for me, it can go from religions, to social studies, to reflections on Nature or philosophy and art.

The project would be to detect together and in everything, the universal part of unity that unites us all. I don't know if this will interest some of you, but as we are all human and I think we don't like to suffer, this should interest us more... This space is open to you and belongs to you !

  • The framework is very open, as long as opinions and proposals are respectful of differences in beliefs, thoughts.
  • The English language will be preferred, but articles with a translation from your native language will of course be accepted.
  • Hate speech, insults and violence will be banned.
  • Cross-postings are allowed as long as they are relevant.
  • Articles with one photo and two sentences will only be skimmed. Do your best to share your thoughts in a constructive and interesting way.
  • Don't feel pressured to post here and put the word "unity" at all costs... I'd rather have three valiant musketeers than an army of a thousand lazy ones ^^ (if you feel like you're being targeted, you're on your way to change)

Call for contributions

You know HIVE, and some of you know it much, much better than I do. So I'll be interested in all your positive and constructive criticism! Whether it's about the logo, the internal workings of the community, the creation of a Discord channel or even about your desire to participate to the extent of your desires, wishes and possibilities.

I don't want to discredit some people's content, I myself write cooking articles and other lighter ones. I see a lot of articles about cars, hobbies and all sorts of other things, but rarely about societal, philosophical, deep issues. I believe that seriousness should not be confused with boringness. Man, like all animals, plays and needs to play. But too much pleasure kills pleasure and I think that many of our ills undoubtedly come from our never-ending race for pleasure, to satisfy our endless needs and finally to simplicity.

Let's try to get the best out of our brains, these magnificent systems to be designed and built !

even if they would bring some visibility to this nascent community.Now, one last part that some will surely disagree with. As HIVE operates on this reward system, the idea of receiving votes may motivate some, at times, to give it their best shot, although from my point of view, it may be better to do it the other way around... So I call on some curators and other high stakes accounts, @theycallmedan @acidyo @blocktrades @ocdb @resonator @yabapmatt @v4vapid @ura-soul @curie @curangel @steempty @appreciator @ranchorelaxo, would you like to be a part of the journey. Of course, this will depend on the feedback and the quality of the first contributions (if any ^^). I hope you won't take these mentions the wrong way, as they are in no way a call for votes -

I've added the community as a beneficiary of 15% of this article and I intend to delegate some of HP myself... In the same way, if you believe in the idea, your delegations, even modest ones, will be welcome, but if I ask you to take into account that I'm not in a position to set up a system of distribution of the rewards (that will come in due time) but as I'm alone in creating this community and my technical knowledge is limited, I'll ask you to be indulgent :)


I've been working on this introductory article for several days now and I'm presenting you with my logo research. I'm not a graphic designer by training, but after more than 10 years in different artistic fields, I have a bit of an eye for it... I think this logo will be temporary (or not, please) but as mentioned above, your feedback, opinions and contributions are very important to me :).

LOGO 22.jpg

LOGO 2.png

UNITY 2.png



It's really an experiment I've been wanting to try for a while and I'm really doing it with this idea of trying something new. It may seem amateurish to you, but it's done with heart and the plan to bring people together !

Feel free to express yourself in the comments. But keep in mind that the goal of this community is Unity... not division! We look forward to seeing and reading your future contributions here !

If you want to know more about me, it's here or on my blog in general !

I wish you all a very nice day !
Take care of yourself <3


Sources des images :
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Lorsque j’étais plus jeune, plus utopiste sûrement, ma mère me disais souvent « Arrête de faire ton Jésus ! Tu ne vas pas te sacrifier pour la bonne cause. » Mes héros étaient Bouddha, Gandhi, Martin Luther King et John Lennon et bien d’autres se sont depuis ajoutés à la liste. Au cours de mes recherches personnelles et intérieures, toutes souvent tournées vers des aspects sociaux de nos existences, il m’est souvent apparu que beaucoup des malheurs récurrents des hommes provenaient d’un nombre réduits de facteurs.

Naissance et introduction de l’idée

Sans vouloir plagier Bouddha - enfin ceux qui ont transcrits ses paroles - selon lui, les malheurs et souffrances venaient du fait que les humains ne vivaient pas dans l’instant présent et rarement selon le Dharma, l’ensemble des lois supérieures régissants l’Univers. Les humains d’alors (et nous tous collectivement) sommes trop souvent dans le passé ou dans le futur, de telle manière que nous en éprouvons des souffrances, des regrets, des déceptions, toutes sortes d’états mentaux assimilés aux attachements. Je simplifie bien sûr un peu, mais l’ensemble de l’idée, du tronc central est là. Au fur et à mesure de mes recherches, la doctrine bouddhiste a pu m’apparaître parfois trop solitaire ou égoïste. Elle ne l’est pas au fond, car on retrouve l’idée de karma, plutôt dans l’hindouisme. Mais c’est (presque) un détail. Avant d’aller plus loin, j’aimerai m’exprimer sur les images religieuses ou spirituelles. L’idée n’est pas de savoir si vous croyez en Dieu, Vishnou ou la réincarnation. L’idée est de savoir si vous croyez et avant tout, si vous croyez en vous. Les images, les symboles ne sont là que pour illustre l’idée profonde, le sens caché qui ne l’est finalement pas. J’estime cette précision nécessaire, mais après tout, vous pouvez la prendre comme vous voulez ;-)

UNITY 3.jpg

Pour revenir à la fin de mon précédent paragraphe qui constitue le tronc de ma pensée, je pense donc que les raisons de ces malheurs constituent un nombre assez réduit. Une phrase attribuée à Diogène de Sinope (ainsi qu'à De Chamfort) me guide depuis des années et je dois vous dire qu’il ne m’est pas arrivé de me disputer avec qui que ce soit depuis que je suis ces simples préceptes.

“Jouis et fais jouir, sans faire de mal ni à toi, ni à personne, voilà je crois, toute la morale.”

Ça sonne un peu épicurien, mais ce n’est pas vraiment la lecture que j’en fait. Ce qui m’intéresse le plus dans cette phrase, c’est l’idée de réciprocité que cette citation sous-tend. Je me comporte avec l’autre comme j’aimerai qu’il se comporte envers moi C’est aussi simple que cela. Et ce qui ressort de cela, c’est l’unité. Le respect dans l’unité, malgré les différences de points de vues, nous sommes tous des humains et si vous avez un peu en tete la pyramide de Maslow vous vous rendrez compte que nos besoins sont plus ou moins tous les mêmes.

Pyramide de Maslow.png



Notre monde a été abimé par notre espèce, plus par certains de ses membres. Nous vivons en dominants alors que notre position devrait nous responsabiliser et nous rendre capable de prendre soin des autres êtres humains, vivants en général et des écosystèmes, du plus large au plus infime.

Pire nous avons accepté d’être dominé en toute chose, par la hiérarchie, les classements dû à l’esprit de compétition… On entend trop souvent : « C’est la vie ». Est-ce la vie d’être dominé par des politiciens dont pas un est pauvre ? par des industriels et des lobbyistes sans vergogne qui sont prêts à empoisonner notre air, notre eau, nos sols et nos aliments, pour des générations et ce, pour des profits délirants ? Est-ce cela la vie ?

Selon moi, nous sommes des animaux issus du sein de la Nature (qui m’apparait comme la seule ‘divinité’ concevable) que l’évolution a doté d’une conscience complexe et particulière. Une conscience qui nous permet de faire des choix et dont parfois la trop grande complexité nous pousse à faire les mauvais…

C’est suivant ces idées, peut-être trop idéalistes pour certains, qu’est né et a grandi le désir de créer une communauté ici. HIVE me semble l’endroit parfait pour cela. Le projet est de rassembler. De rassembler des gens d’horizons différents, mais dont les existences sont proches, de rassembler des idées communes, positives au le plus grand nombres, des projets ou des volontés d’améliorations de l’espèce humaine dans nos relations avec le monde vivant et le monde en général.

Je sais que des communautés comme @ecotrain ou @deep-dives existent déjà, mais il me semble qu’il manque tout de même une communauté qui serve de répertoire, de réceptacle à des projets d’unité des membres de l’espèce humaine. Le champ des sujets est très large pour moi, cela peut aller des religions, aux études sociales en passant par des réflexions sur la Nature ou la philosophie et l’art.

Le projet serait de déceler ensemble et en toute chose, la part d’unité universelle qui nous uni tous. Je ne sais pas si cela intéresseront certains d’entre vous, mais comme nous sommes tous humains et que je pense que nous n’aimons pas souffrir, cela devrait nous intéresser davantage... Cet espace est ouvert pour vous et vous appartient !

  • Le cadre est très ouvert, tant que les opinions et les propositions sont respectueuses des différences de convictions, pensées.
  • La langue anglaise sera préférée, mais les articles avec une traduction depuis votre langue natale seront bien entendu acceptés.
  • Les paroles de haine, d’injures et de violence seront bannies.
  • Les cross-posts sont autorisés à condition que ceux-ci soient relevants.
  • Les articles avec une photo et deux phrases ne seront que survolés. Faites de votre mieux pour partager vos réflexions de façon construites et intéressantes.
  • Ne vous sentez pas forcé de poster ici et de mettre le mot « unity » à tout prix… Je préfère trois mousquetaires valeureux qu’une armée de mille fainéants ^^ (si vous vous sentez visé, vous êtes sur la voie du changement)

Appel à contributions

Vous connaissez HIVE, et pour certains, bien, vraiment beaucoup mieux que moi. Aussi je serai preneur de tous vos retours de critiques positives et constructives ! Que cela soit sur le logo, le fonctionnement interne de la communauté, la création d’un canal Discord ou même sur votre envie de participer à la hauteur de vos envies, désirs et possibilités.

Je ne veux pas décrédibiliser les contenus de certains, j’écris moi-même des articles de cuisine et d’autres plus légers. Je vois beaucoup d’articles sur les voitures, les loisirs et toutes sortes d’autres choses, mais rarement sur des questions sociétales, philosophiques, un peu profondes. Je crois qu’il ne faut surtout pas confondre le sérieux avec l’ennuyant. L’homme, comme tous les animaux, joue et a besoin de jouer. Mais trop de plaisirs tue le plaisir et je pense que beaucoup de nos maux viennent sans doute de notre intarissable course au plaisir, à combler nos besoins sans fin et finalement à la simplicité.

Ensemble, essayons de tirer le meilleur de nos cerveaux, ces magnifiques systèmes à concevoir et à construire !

même si ceux-ci amèneraient une certaine visibilité à cette communauté naissante.Maintenant, une dernière partie que certains désapprouveront sûrement. Comme HIVE fonctionne selon ce système de récompenses, l’idée de recevoir des votes peut motiver certains, parfois, à donner le meilleur, même si de mon point de vue, c’est peut-être mieux de le faire dans l’autre sens… J’en appelle donc à certains curateurs et autres comptes au stakes importants, @theycallmedan @acidyo @blocktrades @ocdb @resonator @yabapmatt @v4vapid @ura-soul @appreciator @curie @curangel @steempty @ranchorelaxo, souhaiterez vous faire partie du voyage ? Bien-sûr, cela dépendra des retours et de la qualité des premières contributions (s’il y en a ^^). J’espère que vous ne prendrez pas mal ces mentions qui ne sont en aucune manière un appel aux votes -

J’ai ajouté la communauté comme bénéficiaire à hauteur de 15% de cet article et je compte moi-même déléguer une partie de HP… De la même manière, si vous croyez en l’idée, vos délégations, même modestes, seront les bienvenues, mais si je vous demande de bien prendre en compte que je ne suis pas en moyen de mettre en place un système de distribution des récompenses (cela viendra en temps et en heure) mais comme je suis seul à créer cette communauté et que mes connaissances techniques sont limités, je vous demanderez de faire preuve d’indulgence :)


Cela fait plusieurs jours que je travaille sur cet article d’introduction et je vous présente ici mes recherches de logos. Je ne suis pas graphiste de formation mais on va dire qu’après plus de 10 ans dans différents domaines artistiques, j’ai tout de même un peu d’oeil... Je pense que ce logo sera temporaire (ou pas, s’il vous plaît) mais comme mentionné plus haut, vos retours, avis et contributions sont très importants pour moi :).

LOGO 22.jpg

LOGO 2.png

UNITY 2.png



C'est vraiment une expérience que je voulais tenter depuis un moment et je le fait vraiment dans cette idée d'essayer quelque chose de nouveau. Cela vous semblera peut-être amateur, mais c'est fait avec le coeur et le projet de rassembler !

N’hésitez pas à vous exprimer dans les commentaires. Mais gardez à l’esprit que le but de cette communauté est l’Unité… et non la division ! Au plaisir de voir et lire vos futures contributions ici !

Si vous souhaitez en savoir un peu plus sur moi, c’est ici ou sur mon blog en général !

Je vous souhaite à tous une très belle journée !
Prenez soin de vous <3


Sources des images :
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


I like your heroes.

I notice little things (hence "EverNoticeThat" the police here say I would have made a great dectective). And logo #3 at the top right with the black hole centered and filling the white space, stands out from the rest on this page. The fourth flower-like one with the moonlet, is "too eastern" and looks like every other logo based around that subject. The rest are jarring and not easy on the eyes.

Say you were to use a typical Buddha image. It defines and draws a box around the community on sight. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there's a ton of those out there). That's why I love the simplicity of what I call the "target" logo. It allows each person to imagine what the community means to them, without being defined again, by say the lotus flower for example.

The community name will also be important. "Unity Toward Freedom" sounds like a dystopian/prepper/resistance group. (I picture guys with gas masks and lots of guns flying the "Don't Tread on Me" flag). I wish I had more time to think on this, but I'd choose a shorter maybe even a one or two word name of few sylables and easy to remember.

It would need to pass what I call "the phone test." Which is; can the name be remembered and easily spelled after hearing it only once over the phone? If so, it passes the test.

With classes and work coming up, I won't have time to jump in as I'd like, so thought I'd add my thoughts on at least the logo now. The point is to avoid the sterotypical "sameness" that every other mindfulness-based front page offers. I'd also hope you hear from differing voices than the usual ones that always end up driving these communities. Best wishes.

 3 years ago  

hey @evernoticethat !

Thank you really much for your comprehensive and well constructed commentary ! I agree about your logo's analysis, I think it will stay like that for the moment... As for the name, even if I agree about the survivialist ambiance it could bring, even if it was not so much I saw it at first glance :) I will continue to think about it too...

The phone test is indeed a great test, I will try it on my side.

The point is to avoid the sterotypical "sameness" that every other mindfulness-based front page offers.

Totally agree with you. For me, it's important to keep a clear identity with a simple (but good) aesthetic that allows us to bring together different labels, because the theme of unity is actually quite broad !

Thanks you again and I hope to see you soon around - maybe for the first challenge I will organise - or before if you're tempted ;D

Courage for this new school year which, I feel, will be eventful for many 💫

Great idea! Integrative and unifying intentions have a much greater power than the fragmenting and divisive ones that social media is already so full of. Online communities need ways to generate engagement, otherwise they just fade away as people lose enthusiasm - so having some kind of clear theme that people can return to and experience a sense of value, purpose and growth is a good idea. Setting measurable objectives for 'peace creation' isn't the easiest challenge, but perhaps a weekly blogging challenge with a set topic can work - similar to the ones run in the EcoTrain community before it's founder took a vacation from Hive.

 3 years ago  

It's true I'm launching that with the idea to gather some engagement about more 'serious' subjects (or not, depending how they are treated...)
You're definitely right about the weekly challenge idea, I think I'll think a bit more about this, as well as the possibilities to get some rewards for special efforts, of course depending on the quality and reflection engagement. Thought also about the one of EcoTrain, I used to really enjoy them a lot !hi @resonator ! thanks you for your answer here as well for support 💪

I'm happy to start this new adventure and project, we'll see where it goes, but I think it could became a nice place for initiatives that take a little more account of the common good..!

I hope you're doing well, see you soon :)

 3 years ago  

Hello @resonator, I hope you're doing well :)

I was wondering if you had a Discord link or maybe on Open Hive chat to discuss with you ?

Wishing you a nice week ahead !

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @anttn ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Love the idea. As a traveler myself I've seen for myself the greatness of united humans. Without unity I would never be able to travel the way I travel.

Just to add to your Buddah quote, here's one attributed to Lao Tzu: “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

Hey @anttn, I would love to help out, I was pretty active with AbundanceTribe and TribeSteemUp back in the day, running the biweeky question and weekly curation. I would be up for helping with the Collective reflection I really like that idea. Let me know if you are up for that. I am also going to delegate as well. xxxxxx

 2 years ago  

Hey dear ! Thanks you for the proposal :) Very much appreciated ! You could indeed be of great help as you had experience of other communities... The idea would be to think in common about further challenges subjects and also reviewing collectively as well, you can found a discord link in the community page to discuss more in that perspective! Again thanks you a lot and sorry about the my answering delay sometimes ^^
Have a good weekend and take care 😘

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 3 years ago  

Merci beaucoup 😊

Hi, anttn it is a nice idea well done wishing you all the best. manage to make once week some special theme
where people can post good work. best of luck. about your logo according to my philosophy color combinations make difference also. I think about colors and their philosophy. The color of unity, the color of communications color of the structure, peace, love, and many things. I will think about I do not say my thinking is always right. Best of luck.👍👍😊

I'm just finding out about this community and I like the idea behind it... I can only hope I have the inspiration to post in here too.

Well done to the one man overseeing community, I hope it grows in no time 😊

I saw a challenge and it led me here, let me go read through and see if I can participate as well.

All the best with your community @anttn


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It is good I found this one, a community where we can voice our inner thoughts to bring Unity among ourselves and nig division and to stand for what is right.

Thanks for this gem @antnn, I hope it grows in no time.

I like this!

What tag should we post under? @littlebee4 mentioned this to me and I am In!

Thank You for the idea and have an Amazing Sunday!
(*I was thinking if doing the same thing!)

 3 years ago  

Hello @lesmann and thanks for your enthusiasm :D

Glad you decided to join on the invitation of Littlebee !

I hope you had a very nice weekend, see you soon 🌻