Hello to all dear Hivers and Unity seekers ! I hope you are well and that the week has gone well for each of you. Today I am happy to share with you the good news about the important changes for the future growth of the community !
The community has passed its first six months and I feel that it is now a new beginning. Each of the challenges has exceeded my expectations and each time attracted more participants than the previous time. With growth, many changes need to be implemented and I will let you discover these in more detail in the rest of the article.
Our motivation remains the same and it is all in the title of the community. From unity will come freedom. Alone we are vulnerable, but united we are invincible and powerful. But I'm not talking about a faceless, mindless mass, but rather a curious, powerful crowd that respects the different views of the individuals who make up the crowd. One of the ideas behind this community is the sharing of our commonalities, our universal similarities as human beings and as living beings in general, but also our cultural, social and other differences... I'm also announcing that the next challenge will be next week, from the weekend of 18/19 February to the following weekend ;-) That being said, let's move on to the next part of the article !

Here is the summary of this article :
New team and gratitude !
Update of the rules for the challenges
Support, curation trail and delegations
Collaboration with the Stock Images community
Rewards for the previous challenge
A little note for the end...
New team and gratitude !
Following my call and with the idea to make the community grow - and also to make it better organized than I could have done on my own - four courageous volunteers offered themselves, each one with a good energy and a great motivation ! I'm talking about @quduus1, @wongi, @george-dee and @balikis95 ! I feel that we are going to do a good job together and I would like to thank all those who showed interest, expressed a desire, even if they could not necessarily participate as much as they would have liked. Finally, I would like to thank all those who participate and offer us their trust. Just a big THANK YOU <3 !
If you want to join the team of moderators, I think we can still welcome a few people. So if you're interested, don't hesitate to tell us and join us! It must be said that the work of visits on the articles and in terms of organization will be lightened by the number of us :)
Updated rules for challenges
- Post to the "Unity Toward Freedom" community.
- Use the tag #unitytowardfreedom first and add the link to your answer under the challenge article (you can also mention me)
- It is strongly recommended to join the server of the Community discord. All this to get to know each other better and to exchange differently than on Hive. Let's say in a more reactive way. The reason is also to be able to share the links of your articles in the dedicated space.
- If possible, try to leave the 1% beneficiary to the community. 1% is not a lot and it could allow us to accumulate a bit more HP to increase support... to be seen in a long term perspective of course.
- A minimum of 400 words is required, but be aware that you increase your chances with quality articles.
- If it is technically possible for you, try to take pictures yourself, I think it could be more interesting and more related to your daily life and your close environment. Here I use some found on the Internet, but let's try to make it as aesthetic as possible !
- For the images of your articles, another option is also to be considered below.
- You can write in the language of your choice, but a translation into English is essential!
- Reblog this article - it will be really appreciated :) The community is still young, growing and needs visibility! After that, if it's beyond your strength, I'll understand too ^^
- You can use the logos available to you in this article.

Support, curation trail and delegations
The trail curation will allow you to give others the support that you yourself will receive, so it's a win-win situation and you will also receive the curation rewards that everyone usually receives for voting on articles.
To follow the curation trail, you need to log in to HiveVote with your HIVE credentials. Then, in the tab on the left, under curation trail, search for "hive-189277". You can follow the votes of the account at the parameters that suit you, but as for the delegations, those who will be active supporters will also be rewarded :) Also, don't forget to set a mana limit in the main menu, below which the votes will stop. This is to prevent your gauge from being depleted at lightning speed !
but also that those who trust us will potentially be followed by the account... it's up to you ;-)In the same way, those who wish to support the game can do so in other ways, notably by donating a greater or lesser amount of HIVE POWER to the @hive-189277 account. This can be 10, 100 or 1000 HP, depending on your possibilities and your desire to support the community and its authors ! Please note that you can cancel this delegation at any time,
If you decide to support us, you can let us know in the comments! This will allow us to follow you back !
Collaboration with the Stock Images community
link to the community. Contributing photographers mostly make their images freely available or choose to ask to be mentioned or added as beneficiaries in articles where their images are used.I also wanted to inform you that a few days ago, I received a collaboration proposal from @mipiano. She is indeed a moderator of the Stock Images community, the equivalent on HIVE of other image banks. Here is the
As this community team regularly compiles thematically, the idea of this collaboration would be for us to notify them of the theme so that they can see if it is possible to compile something related to it. The people wishing to participate in our challenge could then go and take different images.
Things are still to be formalized, but know that this option will probably see the light of day :) !
Rewards for the previous challenge
In a logic of unity and because the efforts were all very intense and important for everyone and after having asked your opinion under the last article, it was decided that the rewards will finally be shared equally between all. So there were 35 participants, I have 70 HIVE, so everyone will receive 2 HIVE. Some may think that this is not enough, but I am offering this to you in addition to the rewards of your articles... and I might as well add it to my HIVE Power ;-)
As for the articles related to the organisation of the challenges, I take the liberty of mentioning some of you... So, if you wish to be mentioned (or no longer mentioned) please tell me in the comments ! @riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @quduus1 @balikis95 @george-dee @wongi @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside @flquin @graciousvic... and yourself, feel free to share this challenge with others you think might be interested :)
A little note for the end...
Please note that I created this community with the idea of unity in mind, so even though I am at the origin of it, I perceive this space as a place of freedom of speech, opinions and initiatives ! Also, if you wish to propose something, a project, the fruit of a particular desire in relation to the idea of unity, you are welcome to do so :) Here is the link of the Discord server. This is also where you can share your ideas and proposals - as well as in the comments of this article !
I thank you for reading this long article. And, of course, for your possible participation and support of the idea and actions of unity. I hope you will find the subject interesting :)
Take care of you and your loved ones !
See you soon,
Bonjour à tous chers Hivers et chercheurs de l’Unité ! J’espère que vous allez bien et que la semaine s’est déroulée pour le mieux pour chacun d’entre vous. Aujourd’hui, je suis heureux de partager avec vous les bonnes nouvelles que constituent les changements importants et la future croissance de la communauté !
Celle-ci a dépassé ses six premiers mois et je sens qu’il s’agit dès lors d’un nouveau départ. Chacun des challenge a dépassé mes espérances et à chaque fois attiré des participants plus nombreux que la fois précédente. Avec la croissance, de nombreux changement doivent être mis en oeuvre et je vous laisserais découvrir ceux-ci plus en détail dans le reste de l’article.
Notre motivation demeure la même et tout est dans le titre de la communauté. De l’unité naîtra la liberté. Esseulés, nous sommes vulnérables, mais unis, nous sommes invincibles et puissants. Mais je ne parle pas d’une masse sans visage ou esprit, mais bien plutôt d’une foule curieuse, puissante et respectueuse des différents points de vue des individus qui la constitue. Une des idées derrière cette communauté est le partage de nos points d’accroches, nos similitudes universelles en tant qu’êtres humains et vivants en général, mais aussi de nos différences culturelles, sociales et autres… Je vous annonce aussi que le prochain challenge sera pour la semaine prochaine, du weekend du 18/19 février au weekend suivant ;-) Ceci étant dit, passons à la suite de l’article !

Voici le sommaire de cet article :
Nouvelle équipe et remerciements !
Mise à jour des règles pour les challenges
Soutiens, curation trail et délégations
Collaboration avec la communauté Stock Images
Récompenses pour le précédent challenge
Une petite note pour la fin...
Nouvelle équipe et remerciements !
Un grand merci à vous !! Je sens que nous allons faire du bon travail tous ensemble et je tiens aussi à remercier tous ceux qui ont montrer de l’intérêt, on exprimé une envie, même s’il ne pouvaient pas forcément participer autant qu’ils l’auraient voulus. Pour terminer, je souhaite remercie tous ceux qui participent et nous offrent leur confiance. Juste un grand MERCI <3 !Suite à mon appel et dans l’idée de faire grandir la communauté - et aussi que celle-ci soit mieux organisée que ce que je n’aurait pu le faire seul - Quatre courageux volontaires se sont proposés, chacun avec une bonne énergie et une importante motivation ! J’ai nommé @quduus1, @wongi, @george-dee et @balikis95 !
Si vous souhaitez rejoindre l’équipe des modérateurs, je pense que nous pouvons encore accueillir quelques personnes. Donc si l’aventure vous tente, n’hésitez pas à nous le dire et à nous rejoindre ! Il faut bien ce dire que le travail de visites sur les articles et en termes d’organisation sera d’autant allégé que nous serons un certains nombre :)
Mise à jour des règles pour les challenges
- Postez dans la communauté "Unity Toward Freedom".
- Utilisez le tag #unitytowardfreedom en premier et ajoutez le lien de votre réponse sous l’article du challenge. (Vous pouvez aussi me mentionner)
- Il est fortement recommandé de rejoindre le serveur Discord de la communauté. Le tout pour apprendre à mieux se connaître et à échanger différemment que sur Hive. Disons de façon plus réactive. La raison est aussi de pouvoir partager les liens de vos articles dans l’espace dédié.
- Dans la mesure du possible, essayez de laisser le 1% de bénéficiaire à la communauté. 1% ce n'est pas grand chose et cela pourrait nous permettre d'accumuler un peu plus de HP afin d'augmenter le soutien... à voir dans une perspective de long terme bien-sûr.
- Un minimum de 400 mots est requis, mais dites-vous bien que vous augmentez vos chances avec des articles de qualités.
- Si c'est possible techniquement pour vous, essayez de prendre des images vous même, je trouve que ce pourrait être plus intéressant et plus lié de fait à votre quotidien ainsi qu'à votre environnement proche. Ici j'en utilise trouvées sur Internet, mais essayons de rendre la chose aussi esthétique que possible !
- Pour les images de vos articles, une autre option est aussi à envisager ci-dessous.
- Vous pouvez écrire dans la langue de votre choix, mais une traduction en anglais est indispensable !
- Rebloguez cet article - Cela sera vraiment très apprécié :) La communauté est encore jeune, en croissance et a besoin de visibilité ! Après, si c'est au dessus de vos forces, je comprendrai aussi ^^
- Vous pouvez utiliser les logos à votre disposition dans cet article.
Soutiens, curation trail et délégations
La curation trail permettra d’apporter aux autres le soutien que vous-même recevrez, c’est donc gagnant-gagnant et puis vous recevrez également les récompenses de curation que chacun reçoit déjà en général pour le fait de voter les articles.
Pour suivre la curation trail, il faut vous connecter à HiveVote avec vos identifiants sur HIVE. Ensuite, dans l’onglet que vous trouverez sur la gauche, dans curation trail, il faut chercher « hive-189277 ». Vous pouvez suivre les votes du compte aux paramètres qui vous conviendrons, mais comme pour les délégations, ceux qui seront d’actifs soutiens seront aussi récompensés :) N’oubliez pas non plus dans le menu principal de mettre une limite de mana en dessous de laquelle les votes s’arrêteront. Cela pour prévenir que votre jauge ne se vide pas à la vitesse de l’éclair !
mais aussi que ceux qui nous feront confiance seront potentiellement suivis par le compte... c’est à vous de voir ;-)De la même façon, ceux qui le désirent peuvent apporter leur soutien d’une autre façon et notamment en délégant une somme plus ou moins importante de HIVE POWER au compte @hive-189277. Cela peut-être 10, 100 ou 1000 HP, tout dépend de vos possibilités et de votre désir de soutenir la communauté et ses auteurs ! Sachez que vous pouvez à tout moment annuler cette délégation,
Si vous décidez en effet de nous soutenir, vous pouvez nous le faire savoir dans les commentaires ! Cela nous permettra de vous suivre en retour !
Collaboration avec la communauté Stock Images
lien vers la communauté. Les photographes contributeurs mettent leurs images pour la plupart en accès libre ou bien choisissent de demander d’être mentionnés ou mis ajoutés en tant que bénéficiaires dans les articles où leurs images sont utilisées.Je tenais aussi à vous informer qu’il y a quelques jours, j’ai reçu une proposition de collaboration de la part de @mipiano. Celle-ci est en effet modératrice de la communauté Stock Images, l’équivalent sur HIVE d’autres banques d’images. Voici le
Comme l’équipe de cette communauté fait régulièrement des compilations thématiques, l’idée de cette collaboration serait que nous les avertissions du thème pour qu’il voit s’il est possible de faire une compilation par rapport à celui-ci. Les personnes désirants participer à notre challenge pourraient ainsi aller prendre différentes images.
Les choses restent à formaliser, mais sachez que cette option verra probablement le jour :) !
Récompenses pour le précédent challenge
Dans une logique d’unité et parce que les efforts ont tous été très intenses et important pour chacun et après avoir vous avoir demandé votre avis sous le dernier article, il a été décidé que les récompenses seront finalement partagé équitablement entre tous. Il y a donc eu 35 participants, j’ai 70 HIVE, chacun recevra donc 2 HIVE. Certains jugerons que c’est peut-être peu, mais c’est moi qui vous offre cela en plus des récompenses de vos articles… et je pourrais tout aussi bien les ajouter à mes HIVE Power ;-)
Comme pour les articles liés à l’organisation des challenges, je me permets de mentionner quelques uns d’entre vous… Aussi, si vous souhaitez être mentionnés (ou ne plus l'être) merci de me le dire dans les commentaires ! @riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @quduus1 @balikis95 @george-dee @wongi @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside @flquin @graciousvic... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)
Une petite note pour la fin...
Sachez que j'ai créé cette communauté dans une idée d'unité, ainsi bien que j'en sois à l'origine, je perçois cet espace comme un lieu de liberté que cela soit de paroles, d'opinions ainsi que d'initiatives ! Aussi, si vous désirez à un moment proposer quelque chose, un projet fruit d'une envie particulière en rapport avec l'idée d'unité, sachez que vous êtes les bienvenus :) Voici aussi le lien du Discord - je n'y suis pas particulièrement actif, mais c'est tout de même un bon moyen pour communiquer. C'est aussi là que vous pouvez partager vos idées et propositions - aussi bien que dans les commentaires de cet article !
Je vous remercie pour votre lecture de ce long article. Ainsi que, cela va sans dire, pour votre éventuelle participation ainsi que le support de l'idée et d'actions d'unité. J'espère que le sujet vous intéressera :)
Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches !
À très bientôt,
My 2 liquid hives were received, thank you very much.
I have as well supported this great community account in my little way.
I will like to be part of the new team if you will have me.
You're welcome :) I saw that and I thanks you for it 🙏 !
It's indeed possible, main task will probably be to comment in the name of the community (as in yours of cause ^^) ! I can add you now, but no need to put a max pressure also, this can change or stay the same !
Have a good weekend dear @funshee 🌿🌟
Alright, great.
You can add me in that case.
Thank you for all that you do.
I added you via the community account but did you joined the Discord already ?
Have a good day 🌟😘
I haven't been able to accept the invite, probably a network issue on my end. I will just try again later.
Oh... that's strange indeed. Yeah, maybe try again and you'll let me know :)
Thank you 🙏, I tried again and it works this time.
Thank you very much for the gift I received. nice to hear you got some helping hands. take care dear.
Oh, you're most welcomed :)
Yeah, I think it will be really helpful !
Good day to you dear @hindavi, take care as well 😇 😘
Buenos días desde La Habana,
Usted realiza un gran trabajo y eso es admirable, además veo que otras personas muy talentosas la apoyan. Solo quería decir esto y animarle a que continúe. Me gusta mucho su comunidad.
Por aquí Smeagol reportándose por si necesita alguna ayuda. ¡Gracias por todo!
This is a great movement.. I also would like to give my best to the community but currently I can't since I'm short in gadget but once I'm fully restored. I will let you know
Indeed ! I think it will bring a nice push and some fresh energy haha :)
All right ! No pressure, there’ll probably be some new tasks and help needed in the future..
Take good care dear ✌🏼🌱
This is absolutely amazing.
Can't wait to see how well we'd have become in a year.
Way to go @anttn!!
Did I not mention that I'll be glad to be a volunteer? Well, I will.
Yeah !
I'm also wondering... but not anticipating too ;-)
Totally ! This is true, but I maybe add already quite some people... I'm not really sure of that also and maybe there'll be still some help to ask and tasks to share ! You don't mind if I wait to see what happens with the next challenge ?
Take care and see you soon <3
I don't. Whatever you think is best, I'm in all the way.
Have a pleasant week!
Thanks you, let's wait and see like they say :)
You too, see you soon 🍀 ✌️
This is good news. I wish you and the community team all the very best. I know the community will keep growing.
Thank you so much for the Hive ♡
And I look forward to the next challenge! Happy weekend 🤗
Thanks you for your positive and supportive energy, as always :D
Next challenge will be on the coming weekend ! Stay tuned and have a good week in between 😇 😘
Sounds like a brilliant initiative! I'm looking forward to learning more about it and supporting. 😊
Thanks you ! Feel free to subscribe to the community to see the future challenges... Next one should be the coming weekend :)
Be well !
Thank you my friend @anttn!
Congratulations to the new team members, it will be a bit easier if the work around the community is shared.
Also, I am so glad you liked the idea of the collaboration, and yes, there are still details we have to formalize but we will come up with the best way to make the compilations of photos that the users could use for this community's challenges in the lack of own photos.
Can't wait to hear what will be the next topic :))))
I don't think it will be too complicated, I "just" have to let you know early enough, which I might do in the next few days :)
Have a good Sunday and see you soon !
Indeed, wasn't possible all by myself anymore :)
Leading a community on Hive, one person and with so many entries is very difficult, I know. Have a great Sunday you too 🌞
Looking forward to hearing from you and supporting the next challenge as much as we can 😇
Btw, thank you for the Hive reward, it was a nice surprise!
I think it will be much smooth now with multiple hands :D
You're very welcomed, it's not a lot but this a pleasure to share hehe !
See you soon and take good care dear @mipiano 🍀 😘
I'm loving this community already. To the moderator of the community you're doing a great job. I will do the little I can to support the community. Kudos.
Thanks you for your energy @marriot5464 !
See you soon 😉 🌟
I was waiting for this week edition
I received the 2hive
I really appreciate ❤️
I can't wait to join the next entry
You're welcome, thanks you for your high motivation dear Vicky !
See you on next weekend for the challenge :D
Yeah thank you
I also joined in the curation trail with what you explain. I don't know if you know at your end.
I'm in full support of the community.
It's all about unity and love ❤️
The community keeps growing better. Congratulations to the moderators, it's not easy doing all the work yourself, you also need some sleep 😆
Thanks for the reward
You're welcome :)
That's for sure, work will become lighter as it will be shared but the pleasure will stay the same !
Have a good weekend ✌️
Do have a great week too 🤘
Sounds good. So the challenge starts next week?
Indeed, we've still have to choose the topic, but I already have a little idea about it 😉 !
Take good care 🍀
judging by the hour of publication, I assume you have had a good night sleep !
thank you for that article and effort to push this comm-unity forward.
I will be away at the date of the next challenge, but I will try to join.
wishing you a peaceful Sunday.Good morning @anttn,
Hahaha, exactly ! All right, I think the duration will be about one week, so there will be some time too :)
Many thanks, take good care 🌟
It's finally here and I think this is good boss, I look forward to what we all have to do to make the server standard and updated, it will be very fun to have interactive moments not just on hive but also in the server, that will keep the courage and energy going and this is very important...
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the sleep challenge, we expect to see more participants next Time...
Until then, be cool, once again thanks @anttn for the time... See you soon
Thanks you for your support and supportive energy ! Feel free to add what you think to the discord, you're definitely better than me for that haha ^^ I was glad too to add this article, it's a reference, something that people could also read in two days or two months..!
Have a good weekend as well, I'll indeed keep it easy ✌️🌿
See you soon !
Ywlc boss, no problem I delegated 100 hp to the community and I also followed the curation trail too...
I indeed saw that :) Many thanks to you 😇 !
Hopping you're enjoying your weekend 🤞
Ohhh yah thanks, you should stop by the server soon, I have sth to share with you
Ahhh! You are doing really great. And welcome to all the moderators!
Many thanks @deraaa ! I indeed believe, that it will give a great energy punch to the group :D
The long awaited article is here:-).
You did a great job as expected.
Congratulations to all the participants of the previous contest. I bet you all are looking forward to the next contest.
Thanks you very much dear @wongi ! As I was saying to Quduus, I think it's good to make such articles, even in a month or two years, people will be able to read it and get the information !
I wish you a good weekend, see you soon ✌️🌿
Congratulations to the mods and the winners. This sounds like a great initiative.
Hey @momogrow ! Indeed, I think this will be the nice step for a good growth :)
Feel free to join the futures challenges ! Next one is precisely this weekend ^^ !
Take care until then 😇
Big up!
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