How do you Take Care of your Health ? - Unity Community Challenge [EN -FR]

in Unity Toward Freedom2 years ago (edited)

Hello dear friends,

I'm pretty sure you never thought you'd hear about challenges from this community again, and yet... Here's a new one. I apologize for the lack of news from my side, but I guess I'm a 'leader' of a special kind ^^

As you can imagine, this will be the last challenge of the year and it will be about health. The question is in the title, but in a slightly more extensive form so here it is in full :

" How do you Take Care of your Health...

(and perhaps the one of others) ? "

This question was inspired by daily reflections on the subject and a recent infection with this disease that has been much talked about in recent years. I tell you about my remedies in this article. But I might as well tell you right now: I don't want articles that are all about that (Covid). This disease has polarized a lot of energy and rhetoric, much of which has amounted to propaganda. This disease is not health, and this subject goes far beyond that! This is why I do not wish to launch a debate on these "vaccines" which are increasingly demonstrating their ineffectiveness and even, in some cases, their dangerousness.

No, health is a much broader and more personal subject and what interests me to share here and that you share in turn if you feel like it, is all those things, actions, practices and thoughts, grandmother's remedies and secret potions that we use for our health.

So here is my testimony in a few steps and different parts...

If you don't want to read this part, please read the one related to the challenge, the articles that don't answer the subject won't be eligible!

(But I admit that it's better to read everything :)


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I have always associated food with health and this has been obvious since my childhood. For this I have to thank my mother and grandmother who gave me a taste for food and cooking. At home, I do the shopping and cooking and I love it. I'm really into a practice that borders on macrobiotic, but I lack the rigor for that and maybe it's better from a culinary and taste point of view. Besides, my girlfriend would be a bit of a sourpuss haha !

Here's one of my recent articles about Kimchi and lactic fermentations. A technique that has the advantage of requiring no external energy, no sterilization and only chlorine-free water, salt, vegetables and jars. With this, the food is enriched with probiotics and minerals and can be stored for over a year !



We also consume a large number of spices that have always been used as real medicines until chemical and synthetic medicine arrived. However, these natural elements are often much more effective and much less dangerous than synthetic medicines. (Synthesis of an active principle from a plant at the expense of other molecules. Separation of the part and the whole).

Concerning spices, here is my favorite herbal tea: turmeric and fresh ginger + pepper to activate curcumin, which has an anti-carcinogenic action and strengthens the immune system. With a little honey as a bonus, it's just perfect.



Above, an herbal tea made from Korean red ginseng root, perfect for longevity and energy !

Meditation, forgiveness and relativisation.

But health is also in your head and just like with food, there is an obvious parallel between body, mind and soul. All religions and spiritual practices approach this in a very complex and successful (or not) way for some and it is not here that I will revolutionize this !

After years of meditating and becoming Buddhist in some ways, I would say that the most important thing is to keep confidence and good spirit, to breathe well and to keep regular rest periods. I would say about twenty minutes every two to three hours, without a screen and just you facing yourself. Call it meditation or whatever, it's pretty much the same thing. But above all, do not meditate for something or the beneficial effects, the spell would be broken! (very western vision)

It is also essential not to overwhelm yourself and for that, you have to put things into perspective. If something bothers you or bothers you, ask yourself if you have any control over it. If you don't, then why bother ? If you can do something about it, then act and don't talk. This is how I work. Learning to forgive is also something essential! It's like respect. Everyone wants to be respected, but very few respect others, and that cannot work.

Go and learn about Dharma, that great order of things. Everything has a meaning and a reason, and then it's up to us to decide whether we want to be active or passive...

Essential oils and other remedies.


I use essential oils a lot ! Tea tree for skin conditions, clove for dental hygiene, palmarosa for scars. You can find one of my articles about a hair mask with green clay and essential oils



Nature and relationships with other living beings.

I could have started with this part, but it forms a good conclusion! Wouldn't it also be a health factor to leave one's point of view as a human being in a perpetual struggle with others, human or not, in an eternal scale of domination? When we see our collective and individual impact on our environment, we know that this cannot last forever. It is up to each of us to take charge of our own lives, no one will come to save you if you don't start yourself !

In my relationship with Nature and what is not me, I am much more horizontal than vertical, I think that is a good and simple way to say it.

I'll let you search for my many articles about gardens, gardening, permaculture and natural and wild spaces.


But let's get to the challenge...


  • Post to the Unity Toward Freedom community
  • The final deadline is December 31 maximum.
  • Use the tag #unitytowardfreedom and add the link to your reply below this article. (You can also mention me)
  • If possible, try to leave the 1% beneficiary to the community, 1% is not much and it could allow us to accumulate a bit more HP to increase support... to be seen in a long term perspective of course.
  • A minimum of 400 words is required, but be aware that you increase your chances with quality articles.
  • If it's technically possible for you, try to take pictures yourself, I think it could be more interesting and more related to your daily life and your close environment. Here I'm using some found on the Internet, but let's try to make it as aesthetic as possible !
  • You can write in the language of your choice, but an English translation is a must !
  • Reblog this article - it will be really appreciated :) ! If it's too much for you, I'll understand as well ^^
  • You can use the logos available in this article.


On previous occasions, I have shared the amount of HBDs I have available equally. This time I would like to divide 20 HBDs in this way, 7 for the first, 5 for the second, 3 for the third and the remaining 5 for the other best articles. I would like this distribution of awards to encourage everyone to give their best and not expect to be rewarded for any effort.

However, all articles eligible for the challenge will receive support from me and the community account.


@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @vincentnijman @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... and yourself, feel free to share this challenge with others you think might be interested :)

If you don't want to be mentioned in the future, feel free to tell me in the comments.

A little note for the end...

Please note that I created this community with the idea of unity in mind, so even though I am at the origin of it, I perceive this space as a place of freedom of speech, opinions and initiatives! Also, if you wish to propose something, a project born from a particular desire in relation to the idea of unity, you are welcome to do so :)

We could for example read and comment on the articles of the participants together ? Another idea would be to organise the challenges in turn according to a monthly calendar... I'm looking forward to your possible proposals !

I also want to thank @resonator for his support during the previous challenge!

Here is also the link of the Discord - where I'm not active enough - (sorry :) but it's still a good way to communicate !


I thank you again for your possible participation and support of the idea and actions of unity. And, needless to say, for your (long) reading of this article. I hope you will find the subject interesting :)

Take care of yourself and your loved ones !

See you soon,


Bonjour chers amis,

je suis presque sûr que vous ne pensiez plus jamais entendre parler de challenges venants de cette communauté, et pourtant... En voilà un nouveau. Je m'excuse pour le peu de nouvelles données de mon côté, mais j'imagine que je suis un 'leader' d'un type un peu spécial ^^

Comme vous l'imaginez, ce challenge sera le dernier de l'année et il portera sur la santé. La question est dans le titre, mais sous une forme un peu plus extensif alors la voilà de façon complète :

" How do you Take Care of your Health...

(and perhaps the one of others) ? "

Cette question m'a été inspiré par des réflexions quotidiennes sur ce sujet et une récente infection de cette maladie dont on a beaucoup entendu parler ces dernières années. Je vous parle de mes remèdes dans cet article. Mais autant vous le dire tout de suite : Je ne veux pas d'articles qui ne parlent que de cela (du Covid). Cette maladie a polarisé beaucoup d'énergies et de discours, pour une grande part assimilés à de la propagande. Cette maladie n'est pas la santé, et ce sujet va bien au delà de ça ! C'est pour cette raison que je ne souhaite pas lancer un débat sur ces "vaccins" qui démontrent de plus en plus leur inefficacité et même dans certains cas, leur dangerosité.

Non, la santé est un sujet bien plus large et personnel et ce qui m'intéresse de partager ici et que vous partagiez à votre tour si le coeur vous en dit, c'est toutes ces choses, actions, pratiques et pensées, remèdes de grand-mères et potions secrètes que l'on met en oeuvre pour notre santé.

Voilà donc mon témoignage en quelques étapes et différentes partie...

Si vous ne souhaitez pas lire cette partie, lisez bien celle en rapport avec le challenge, les articles qui ne répondent pas au sujet ne seront pas éligibles !

(Mais je vous avoue que c'est tout de même mieux de tout lire :)


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J'ai toujours associé l'alimentation à la santé et ce de façon évidente depuis mon enfance. Pour cela, je dois remercier ma mère et ma grand-mère qui m'ont donné le goût des aliments et celui de la cuisine. À la maison, c'est moi qui fait les courses et la cuisine et j'adore cela. Je suis vraiment dans un pratique à la limite de la macrobiotique, mais je manque de rigueur pour cela et peut-être que c'est mieux d'un point de vue culinaire et gustatif. De plus, ma copine ferait un peu la gueule haha !

Voilà un de mes récents articles à propos du Kimchi et des lactic fermentations. Une technique qui a l'avantage de ne nécessiter pas d'énergie extérieure, pas de stérilisation et seulement de l'eau sans chlore, du sel, des légumes et des bocaux. Avec cela, les aliments s'enrichissent en probiotiques et minéraux et peuvent se conserver pendant plus d'un an !



Nous consommons aussi un grand nombre d'épices qui ont de tous temps été utilisées comme de véritables médicaments jusqu'à ce que la médecine chimique et synthétique n'arrive. Pourtant, ces éléments naturels sont souvent bien plus efficaces et beaucoup moins dangereux que les médicaments de synthèse. (Synthèse d'un principe actif d'une plante au détriment des autres molécules. Séparation de la partie et du tout).

Concernant les épices, voilà ma tisane favorite : curcuma et gingembre frais + poivre pour activer la curcumine, action anti-cancérigène et fortifiante pour le système immunitaire. Avec un peu de miel en prime, c'est tout simplement parfait.



Ci-dessus, une tisane à base racine de ginseng rouge coréen, parfait pour la longévité et l'énergie !

Méditation, pardon et relativisation.

Mais la santé, c'est aussi dans sa tête et tout comme avec l'alimentation, il y a un parallèle évident entre corps, esprit et âme. Toutes les religions et pratiques spirituelles abordent cela de façon très complexe et aboutie (ou non) pour certaines et ce n'est pas ici que je révolutionnerai cela !

Après des années à méditer et à devenir bouddhiste par certains côtés, je dirai que le plus important, c'est de garder confiance et bon esprit, de bien respirer et de se garder des périodes de repos régulières. Je dirai une vingtaine de minutes toutes les deux trois heures, sans écran et juste vous face à vous-mêmes. Appelez cela méditation ou autrement, c'est à peu près la même chose. Mais surtout, ne méditez pas pour quelque chose ou les effets bénéfiques, le charme serait rompu ! (vision très occidentale)

C'est aussi primordial de ne pas trop s'accabler et pour cela, il faut relativiser. Si une chose vous dérange ou vous importune, demandez vous si vous avez des prises sur celle-ci. Dans le cas où vous n'en avez pas, alors pourquoi se morfondre ? Dans le cas où il est possible de faire quelque chose, alors agissez et ne parlez pas. Voilà comment je fonctionne. Apprendre à pardonner est aussi quelque chose d'essentiel ! C'est comme le respect. Tout le monde veut être respecté, mais bien peu respectent les autres, et cela ne peut fonctionner.

Allez vous renseignez sur le Dharma, ce grand ordre des choses. Tout a un sens et une raison, après c'est à nous de décider si l'on veut être actif ou passif...

Huiles essentiels et autres remèdes.


J'utilise beaucoup les huiles essentielles ! Le tea tree pour les affections de peau, le clou de girofle pour l'hygiène dentaire, le palmarosa pour les cicatrices. Vous retrouverez d'ailleurs un de mes articles à propos d'un masque capillaire à l'argile verte et aux huiles essentielles. .



Nature et relations avec les autres êtres vivants.

J'aurai pu commencé par cette partie, mais elle forme une bonne conclusion ! Sortir de son seul point de vue d'humain en lutte perpétuelle avec les autres, humains ou non, dans une éternelle échelle de domination, cela ne serait-il pas aussi un facteur de santé ? Quand nous voyons notre impact collectif et individuel sur notre environnement, on sait que cela ne pourra durer éternellement. C'est à chacun de se prendre en main, personne ne viendra vous sauver si vous ne commencez pas vous-mêmes !

Dans mes relations avec la Nature et ce qui n'est pas moi, je suis bien plus horizontal que vertical, je pense qu'il s'agit là d'une bonne et simple manière de le dire.

Je vous laisse chercher afin de trouver mes nombreux articles concernant les jardins, le jardinage, la permaculture et les espaces naturels et sauvage.


Mais venons en au challenge...


  • Postez dans la communauté "Unity Toward Freedom"
  • La date maximum pour participer est jusqu'au 31 décembre.
  • Utilisez le tag #unitytowardfreedom et ajoutez le lien de votre réponse sous cet article. (Vous pouvez aussi me mentionner)
  • Dans la mesure du possible, essayez de laisser le 1% de bénéficiaire à la communauté, 1% ce n'est pas grand chose et cela pourrait nous permettre d'accumuler un peu plus de HP afin d'augmenter le soutien... à voir dans une perspective de long terme bien-sûr.
  • Un minimum de 400 mots est requis, mais dites vous bien que vous augmentez vos chances avec des articles de qualités.
  • Si c'est possible techniquement pour vous, essayez de prendre des images vous même, je trouve que ce pourrait être plus intéressant et plus lié de fait à votre quotidien ainsi qu'à votre environnement proche. Ici j'en utilise trouvées sur Internet, mais essayons de rendre la chose aussi esthétique que possible !
  • Vous pouvez écrire dans la langue de votre choix, mais une traduction en anglais est indispensable !
  • Rebloguez cet article - Cela sera vraiment très apprécié :) La communauté est toute jeune et a terriblement besoin de visibilité ! Après, si c'est au dessus de vos forces, je comprendrai aussi ^^
  • Vous pouvez utiliser les logos à votre disposition dans cet article.


Les fois précédentes, j'ai partagé équitablement la somme de HBD dont je disposais. Cette fois-ci, je souhaiterai décliner 20 HBD selon cette idée, 7 pour le premier, 5 pour le second, 3 pour le troisième et les 5 restants, pour les autres meilleurs articles. J'aimerai que cette distribution des récompenses encourage chacun à donner le meilleur et à ne pas s'attendre à être récompensé quelque soient les efforts fournis.

Quoiqu'il en soit, tous les articles éligibles au challenge recevront un support de ma part ainsi que du compte de la communauté.


@riverflows @mipiano @ewkaw @hindavi @coquicoin @ura-soul @trucklife-family @littlebee4 @bigorna1 @balikis95 @quduus1 @george-dee @hopestylist @merit.ahama @mintrawa @vincentnijman @anyelina93 @wlffreitas @misshugo @oniemaniego @mrprofessor @artemislives @senorcoconut @yraimadiaz @maryjacy @giftedwriter @fashtioluwa @starstrings01 @sirenahippie @plantpoweronhive @mell79 @dwixer @deraaa @gi-de-on @brujita18 @wlffreitas @technicalside ... et vous même, n'hésitez pas à partager ce challenge avec d'autres dont vous pensez qu'ils pourraient être intéressés :)

Si vous ne souhaitez pas être mentionné à l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à me le dire dans les commentaires.

Une petite note pour la fin...

Sachez que j'ai créé cette communauté dans une idée d'unité, ainsi bien que j'en sois à l'origine, je perçois cet espace comme un lieu de liberté que cela soit de paroles, d'opinions ainsi que d'initiatives ! Aussi, si vous désirez à un moment proposer quelque chose, un projet fruit d'une envie particulière en rapport avec l'idée d'unité, sachez que vous êtes les bienvenus :)

Nous pourrions par exemple lire et commenter les articles des participants à plusieurs ? Une autre idée pourrait aussi d'organiser les challenges à tour de rôle selon un calendrier mensuel... J'attends vos éventuelles propositions avec impatience !

J'en profite aussi pour remercier @resonator pour son soutien lors du précédent challenge !

Voici aussi le lien du Discord - où je ne suis pas assez actif - (désolé :) mais c'est tout de même un bon moyen pour communiquer !


Je vous remercie encore pour votre éventuelle participation ainsi que le support de l'idée et d'actions d'unité. Ainsi que, cela va sans dire, pour votre (longue) lecture de cet article. J'espère que le sujet vous intéressera :)

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches !

À bientôt,



Oh what a question. Appreciating the opportunity to share @anttn and also looking forward to reading the other entries. xxxxx
Here's mine, perhaps one of the longest posts I have written xxx

 2 years ago  

Many thanks dear @trucklife-family !

I will read that with attention during my train journey :)

Sorry for the answering delay on my side ^^
I hope you're doing well 😘

Holla @anttn, I finally finished my write up and here is the link to my entry...

Hi buddy,

Although I like your content, would you be so kind as to take me off your tagging for challenges list, I never partake in these, as I prefer to post spontaneously.

Merci beaucoup :<)

 2 years ago  

Of course !
You’ll not be mentioned in the future :)

Cheers. Feel free to mention me for other reasons though ;^)

 2 years ago  

I wouldn't hesitate for some other reasons haha !

Have a nice evening :)


avez-vous vérifié les dinosaures?

Great queston, I will be writing about this in the next few days xxx

 2 years ago  

I’m glad you enjoyed the topic, I extend the deadline to the end of the year, setting next Thursday was rather stupid of me haha !

This is an interesting topic to write about.. this has a lot to do with my field of study, where foods are being used to take care of our health.
Most times, I do prefer taking foods/ fruit to care for my health instead of using pharmaceutical medicine.

Thanks for the tag, it's a great opportunity to participate to participate in the contest.

 2 years ago (edited) 

Yes, I had thought of you for this topic, I remembered it well :D

I'm in the same case, always more natural, it's more obvious and often more effective, sometimes the treatment is longer but there are fewer complications !

Looking forward to seeing your participation 😘 and just to let you know, I changed the deadline, now it's until the end of the year.

yeah, I'm gonna drop my article as soon as possible..

 2 years ago  

You’re welcome :)

I enjoyed writing this health tips😍.
This is my entry 👇

Thank you 🙌

Our stand to be what we should very much take too serious for being okay health wise is key to helping us break limits. For with faulty health we are nothing but weak vessels walking the face of the Earth. Out health should therefore be a top priority for us all .
This is quite an interesting post, hence looking for ways for maintening good health and working towards improvement of our health is a great idea.

This is the link to my entry.

Hi anttn here is my entry big post but something new then else.
Merry Christmas to you and your family 🌲🌲🎅❄️take care dear 😊

 2 years ago  

Thanks you so much dear @hindavi !

I wish you all the same 😘 💚 I'm meeting my family tomorrow, I am really eager to go !
Take good care too and see you soon,

PS: Will read and appreciate your article in the train tomorrow ;-)

Yeee! Are you good? Loved your post. It sums exactly what I'd write regarding our health.

I have always associated food with health and this has been obvious since my childhood.

This is it. It's so simple, yet so many people completely screw this. The quality of our body is directly related to what we eat. And a functioning body produces a balanced mind and vice-versa. Exercising, exposure to nature, eating well, socializing, spending time alone, building up vitamins, staying away from negative people / ideologies -- all that influences our health (mental and physical)

 2 years ago  

Hey dear ! I'm fine and you ?
This is a really infinite topic but you say it all more or less here too :

And a functioning body produces a balanced mind and vice-versa.

Everything has to do with balance in the universe and perhaps even more so when it comes to health !

I hope you're doing well and that you'll have some great end-of-year celebrations of your own !
See you soon, take good care :D

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

Find our community here

Curation Trail

 2 years ago  

Thanks you 😊 !

Post Link:

Natural substance is a sure way to take care of our health, happy New year to the people of unity Toward Freedom community.

Here's my entry;

Thank you for yet another contest to boost engagements in this community.
Season's greetings!

Thanks for the mention and I have sure missed ya. ... Below is my link.

Hmmmmmm @anttn is here again lol 🤣, longest time sir, this is big comeback contest from you sir and I think I need this week to cook something up and Judging from your post on this topic, I think you and I see eye on this topic and I must say going all natural is one of the best way to take care of our health...

Not all sickness are necessarily in need of pharmaceutical drugs, as you have said in your post that most of this things are just pain killers and antibiotics and that is where herbs and roots comes in, I think most time our body needs the natural drugs than artificial ones to stay healthy and I will tell you its not all illness and sicknesses that need drugs all the time, there are some that needs ginger and Herbal tea..

Most of us ignore it because it is mostly bitter which is very bad, see the advantages of taking it and not the other way round...

I think this topic focuses on naturality and self discovered local and herbal remedies to our sickness...

I will need time to put my post up and to crown it all, this pharmaceutical drugs have side effects when it gets too much unlike herbs and spices made from nature

 2 years ago  

Hey dear @quduus1 :) I’m glad this subject interest and motivate you !

Yeah, there’s so much to learn about natural medicine just because most of the chemicals products, if not all, come from plants and natural actif principles !

Sorry for answering so lately, I hope you’re doing well and I’ll look forward for your participation, I moved the deadline to the end of the year, so there quite some time :)

Have a merry Christmas and some good times whit you’re family, take care 😘

Okay I will try my best to participate in this

Whaoo.. This is a topic we spoke about at my place this night but I never had any idea of putting it into writing.. Even when I was at my writer block end.. But this is a great challenge.. I hope to do my best so people can learn from what I have to share.. Thanks @anttn

 2 years ago  

Hey there @fashtioluwa ! That’s an happy coincidence :) I will look forward for your participation here ! Sorry for answering a bit late, I wish you a good day and in advance a merry Christmas !

Wishing you the same all the way from Nigeria, Africa💯❤💯❤

 2 years ago  

Thanks you @kingsleymark 🍀 ! I'll read it tomorrow :)

Take care !

Thank you for tagging @anttn. Such an interesting topic to discuss. From your writing, I've been doing almost 75% of it. I even purchased a few nonfiction books about living a healthier life.

But I have to say sorry because I might not be able to participate as my schedule for the end of the year is a bit tight and hectic.

Kudos to your effort in giving us such a brilliant topic. I'm wishing you an early Merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope you have a blast with your family and friends.


 2 years ago  

Hello @mell79 !

Thanks you for your kind words here :) really appreciated !

I completely understand and just to let you know, I changed the deadline, now it's until the end of the year 😘 I wish you an happy Christmas and New Year Eve, hopping that you're going well too !

Thank you for the understanding. My support is always with you.

I would love to participate in this challenge!

 2 years ago  

Hello dear @sirenahippie !

I would as well love to read/see how you take care of your health :) Rather curious to learn more !

I hope you're doing well, and just to let you know, I changed the deadline, now it's until the end of the year 😘

Hello, thank you for the invitation friend @anttn!

 2 years ago  

Hey @brujita18 :)

Looking forward to seeing your participation 😘
I also changed the deadline, just for you to know, have a good day ✌️

Ok thank you!! 🙋

 2 years ago  

You're welcome :)

 2 years ago  

Thanks you ☀️

I will read it soon in the coming days !

It is a very impressive subject you choose. But attn it is a very short time for posting. 🤔

 2 years ago  

You’re right... I will change that :)

 2 years ago  

Thanks you again for mentioning that to me, was definitely to short and close !

Have a good evening :)

 2 years ago  

Thanks you a lot @brujita18 !
I will read it tomorrow :)

Have a good day or evening 😊 !

Been a long time coming @anttn I'll definitely write on this.

 2 years ago  

Nice 👍🏼 !

Yeah, it’s true I took quite some time haha :) Have a good day dear and take care 😘

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