Great, Imposing and Historic, Yulimar Rojas crowned Triple World Champion for the first time in history
Ukraine's Inessa Kravets, who held the triple jump world record since 1995 at the World Championships in Gothenburg with a mark of 15.50 meters, was interviewed on the eve of the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games about how long she had been the triple jump champion. 50 meters was interviewed on the eve of the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games about how long she had been the triple jump monarch and was asked if she knew anyone capable of surpassing her, the former athlete humbly answered, I will only say one name: Venezuela's Yulimar Rojas and it was then on August 01, 2021 when the 25-year-old Anzoatiguense inscribed her name in the annals of the history of the Olympic Games writing the most transcendental scroll of her sports career jumping 15.67 meters to reach her first Olympic gold medal thus beating a record that had stood for 26 years, Rojas, who already had a personal best of 15.43 meters before the final, renewed the record set by the Ukrainian by 17 centimeters, which was a debt she owed to her and the Olympic gold medal she had achieved at that time, when she had reached 15.41 meters in the first jump, 41 and she had already set a first Olympic record and was just two centimeters away from her personal best of 15.43 meters that she had set in Andújar (Spain) in May and that, constituting the second best mark in history, confirmed the absolute hegemony of the woman who had won the last two world gold medals in London-2017 and Doha-2019, making it quite clear that no opponent would be able to take the gold from her and the Venezuelan would only be limited to reach Kravets's longed-for record.
El oro de Yulimar Rojas conseguido en Tokio-2020 representaba para Venezuela la cuarta medalla para el país en la capital nipona, tras la plata conseguida por Daniel Dhers en el ciclismo BMX freestyle y las dos preseas también de plata logradas en levantamiento de pesas por Julio Mayora (categoría de 73 kg) y Keydomar Vallenilla (96 kg), pero también fue el cuarto oro olímpico que logra el país en toda su historia y el primero en categoría femenina, como recordarán Francisco Rodríguez fue el primer venezolano en ganar ori olímpico y lo hizo en México-1968 en Boxeo, Arlindo Gouveia fue el segundo en Barcelona-1992 en taekwondo y Rubén Limardo sumaba la tercera medalla dorada en Londres-2012 en esgrima. Yulimar Rojas vislumbraba ante sí un futuro esplendoroso para escribir nuevas páginas doradas en la historia del deporte venezolano y mundial ya tenía el oro olímpico y el récord mundial al aire libre pero dejaba claro que su intención mayor es ser la primera mujer en llegar a los 16 metros y para lograrlo debía seguir superándose
The gold medal won by Yulimar Rojas in Tokyo-2020 represented the fourth medal for Venezuela in the Japanese capital, after the silver medal won by Daniel Dhers in BMX freestyle cycling and the two silver medals also won in weightlifting by Julio Mayora (73 kg category) and Keydomar Vallenilla (96 kg), But it was also the fourth Olympic gold medal achieved by the country in its history and the first in the women's category. As you may remember, Francisco Rodriguez was the first Venezuelan to win Olympic gold in Mexico-1968 in Boxing, Arlindo Gouveia was the second in Barcelona-1992 in taekwondo and Ruben Limardo won his third gold medal in London-2012 in fencing. Yulimar Rojas envisioned a splendid future to write new golden pages in the history of Venezuelan and world sports. She already had the Olympic gold medal and the outdoor world record, but she made it clear that her main intention is to be the first woman to reach 16 meters and to achieve it she had to keep improving herself.
The Venezuelan continued working and preparing incessantly because she was not satisfied with what she had already achieved and this Sunday she made an entire country vibrate with joy when she was crowned for the third time world indoor triple jump champion and the best of all with a new world record of 15. 74, getting closer to her goal of becoming the first woman to clear 16 meters, Rojas shared the podium with Ukraine's Maryna Bekh-Romanchuk, who in her last jump shattered her personal best with 14.74 and Jamaica's Kimberly Williams with 14. 59 but Yuli still wants more and her first words in Belgrade were: "I was born to jump 16 meters"; being proclaimed triple world champion in the triple jump indoors with a new world record (15.74 m) is not enough for her and she is already aiming to overcome a legendary barrier. the Stark Arena in Belgrade witnessed this feat that not only gives her the third world indoor title after those achieved in 2016 and 2018 but also renewed by seven centimeters the world record obtained by herself in Tokyo something that no athlete has achieved so far, the Venezuelan declared that it has been like a dream for her while also expressing that she would like to be one of the greatest in world athletics, she would like her name to last for many years and to be known as an athlete who was always unique, spontaneous, sincere and happy. She thanked God for everything she has achieved throughout her athletic career and of course she also thanked her coach Ivan Pedroso, who confessed that they came to this competition with the sole intention of having fun, to demonstrate the work they have been doing, knowing that it would be a great night since Rojas was in great physical shape.