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RE: Entrenando para un duatlón | Training for a duathlon (Esp/Eng Subtitled)

in Full Deportes2 years ago (edited)

Es un honor tenerlo por aquí amigo. Sabes, por diferentes cuestiones de la vida, comencé a ocuparme de mí, ya de grande (más de 30 años); pero, me di cuenta, que nunca es tarde para empezar. Es difícil arrancar de nuevo, pero debes hacerlo; tu cuerpo tiene memoria y verás que puedes hacerlo.
Otro dato, no menos importante, es, definir lo URGENTE o lo IMPORTANTE en nuestras vidas. Muchas veces pasamos horas, resolviendo lo urgente y nos olvidamos de lo importante, como es nuestra salud.
Gracias por pasar y espero pronto un post tuyo, contándonos de lo genial que es volver a entrenar.

Saludos desde Argentina.


It is an honor to have you here my friend. You know, for different reasons of life, I >started to take care of myself when I was older (more than 30 years old); but I realized >that it is never too late to start. It is difficult to start again, but you must do it; >your body has memory and you will see that you can do it.
Another fact, no less important, is to define what is URGENT or IMPORTANT in our lives. >Many times we spend hours, solving the urgent and we forget about the important, such as >our health.
Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to a post from you soon, telling us how great it >is to get back to training.

Greetings from Argentina.