Greetings full sports community, today I want to share an active cardio hit, basic exercises that are important to keep our body with a base conditioning in terms of resistance and mobility, this routine was performed in 3 sets of 30 seconds each exercise, in which I worked squats,
It is very important to do cardio at least 2 or 3 times a week helps to burn fat and maintain an excellent physical condition.

Rutina./ Routine.
Primer movimiento deslizamiento lateral, excente ejercicio que ayuda a poner en total movilidad todo el cuerpo, lo realice en 3 series de 30 segundos.
First movement lateral slide, excellent exercise that helps to put in total mobility of the whole body, performed in 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Segundo movimiento saltos coordinados,ejercicio de alto impacto que ayuda a fortalecer mucho la resistencia del cuerpo, lo trabaje en 3 series de 30 segundos.
Second movement coordinated jumps,high impact exercise that helps to strengthen the body's resistance, I worked it in 3 series of 30 seconds.

Tercer movimiento,realice elevación de piernas hacia atrás,ejercicio activo con mucho movimiento,lo trabaje durante 3 series de 30 segundos
Third movement, perform a leg lift backwards, active exercise with a lot of movement, work it for 3 series of 30 seconds.

Cuarto movimiento, realice estocada activa por ultimo me enfoque en mis piernas, este ejercicio se realiza de manera dinámica, durante 3 series en 30 segundos.
Fourth movement, perform active lunge and finally I focus on my legs, this exercise is performed dynamically, for 3 sets in 30 seconds.

I say goodbye sharing this excellent active workout that will help you condition and keep you in shape, I performed basic but very intense exercises I hope you like this routine so my friends see you another time.

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Así es amiga, hay que desarrollar cardio por lo menos 3 veces por semana para ganar resistencia cardiovascular, esa rutina de 4 ejercicios está cómoda para ejercitar y sudar demás 😁, gracias por compartirla🥰🤗