Noticiero Deportivo Local #1 - local sports Esp Eng by @gaborockstar

in Full Deporteslast year



1.- Misa del deporte se celebrará este 06 de enero en Villa de Cura.
2.- La escuela de Ajedrez de Las Tablitas inicia sus clases.
3.- La Liga Sport Karate de Aragua anuncia su calendario deportivo para este 2024.
4.- La escuela de FutSal Adrianesa apertura inscripciones para la practica deportiva.
5.- El usuario David Silva @davisesk8 estará en Hive Tv SHOW!

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Greetings dear community of #fulldeportes, my best wishes for all this year in the creation of original and quality content for this great community that has positioned itself among the best of Hive, today we begin again our sports journey through the world of local activity through this digital news in its first edition, today premiering new format.


1.- Sports Mass will be celebrated this January 6th in Villa de Cura.
2.- The Chess School of Las Tablitas starts its classes.
3.- The Sport Karate League of Aragua announces its sports calendar for 2024.
4.- The school of FutSal Adrianesa opens inscriptions for the sport practice.
5.- User David Silva @davisesk8 will be on Hive Tv SHOW!

This coming Saturday, January 6, 2024 Kings Day will be celebrated as every year the Mass of Sport in the spaces of the Church Matriz San Luis Rey of the city of Villa de Cura from ten o'clock in the morning time scheduled for his act.

The Mass will be attended by local athletes as well as coaches, baseball schools, soccer, basketball and other sports disciplines that make life in the Municipality Zamora, it will aim to bring athletes closer to God by putting in his hands the projects and goals that each of them have for this coming year.

After the great success last year of the creation of the first chess school in the city of Villa de Cura in the sector ''Las Tablitas'', Professor Cesar Varganciano, director of the mentioned school expressed his happiness and satisfaction for the receptivity of the collective in support of this local sports initiative.

Tournaments, friendly events, workshops were dictated in these spaces adequately conditioned for the practice of chess that is now officially prepared as a school and that will be just a few days before starting with its students a new school year in the practice, knowledge and journey through the wonderful world of chess.

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From the whatsapp account of IMDERZA - Institute for Recreation and Sports of Zamora, we already have the information of what will be news in the regional and local karate in the coming months when the first valid of the Sport Karate League of the state of Aragua will be held this March 2 as announced in the promotional flyer.

The teacher and coach for Zamora Richard Guerrero expressed his joy and enthusiasm to mention that our municipality already has champions of this tournament since the year 2023 was an excellent year for local athletes who obtained and showed a good performance, especially for women who reached the podium in the finals of these competitions.

we will be following the regional karate and especially the activity of our Zamorano athletes in this very important regional tournament of high competitive level.

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The LIFOFUT Tournament is one of the most important regional tournaments in terms of soccer competitions and is held annually in the city of Maracay in the Gurardot Municipality of Aragua State.

In previous editions our Municipality Zamora has had great representatives such as ''El Deportivo Los Colorados'', ''La Marea Azul'' and the famous school ''Bravos de America'' who this year in particular obtained an excellent performance in this competition reaching three champions in different categories.


We inform you that it will soon be in the Action sports section of hive Tv SHOW! the hiver from Margarita David Silva @davixesk8 in Hive who will be talking with @gaborockstar about topics related to Hive and the sporting activity practiced by Skate or Skateboarding as we know it here in Venezuela.

His beginnings in hive, the meaning of his username, the communities where he publishes and the type of content he usually uploads will be addressed in this interesting interview in addition to his history linked to this particular sport for Hive Tv SHOW!, we recommend not missing it since David is a hiver from the sports family of the #1 Spanish-speaking community of #hive #fulldeportes.

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Imágenes y fotografías cortesía de IMDERZA.

Profesor Cesar Varganciano cuenta de Facebook
Adrian Esaa - cuenta de whatsapp de ADRIANESA

Edición y montaje

Prof. @yusmi

Historia y redacción:

Prof. @gaborockstar

Saludos querida comunidad de #fulldeportes, mis mejores deseos para todos este año en la creación de contenido original y de calidad para esta gran comunidad que se ha posicionado entre las mejores de Hive, hoy comenzamos nuevamente nuestro viaje deportivo por el mundo de la actividad local a través de este noticiero digital en su primera edición, hoy estrenando nuevo formato.

Y así comenzamos este 2024!!! Con las mejores noticias deportivas de nuestro municipio Zamora. Bravo por ese trabajo mi estimado @gaborockstar.

Thank you lady, a hug for you!

Hi man, i appreciate your support.

Interesante información y buena idea la de redactar esa agenda, así nos mantenemos al día con respecto al movimiento deportivo en nuestra Villa de Cura. Graxias por compartir.

Hola amiga @glenda, gracias por tus palabras y conceptos emitidos hacia esta iniciativa informativa en lo que a deporte local se refiere. Saludos cordiales...

Aplaudo la iniciativa de este noticiero. Realmente hacia falta. Gracias por compartir.

You talked about Kings day
Is there a general kings day in the world or just in your country?

Hello dear, I believe that Three Kings Day is celebrated in the Western world, all countries in America and Western Europe believe in this Christian tradition.

The day you are talking about is not celebrated in our country, it is good that such an event gives an opportunity to meet each other and make people enjoy life.

Interesting that in your country there is no special day to celebrate or commemorate the athletes, at least here a mass is celebrated, thanks for stopping by and commenting professor.

Most welcome dear.

Iniciar las actividades deportivas en cualquier lugar es FullDeportes...Hola @gaborockstar,