Hello everyone, I come to tell you a little about my days of low carb + intermittent fasting. After having fasted for 23 hours and training 120 minutes of basketball, I broke my fast with this pork meat, about 300 grams approximately. On top I made a cream cheese and mustard, in addition to eating 4 hard-boiled eggs and a chorizo.
Hola a todos, les vengo a contar un poco como son mis dias de alimentacion low carb + ayuno intermitente. Despues de haber estado en ayunas 23hs y entrenar 120minutos de basquet rompi mi ayuno con esta carne de chancho, unos 300grms aproximadamente. Por encima hice una crema de queso y mostaza, ademas de comer 4 huevos duros y un chorizo.
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