
The number of accounts have nothing to do with it, the two votes from curators that don't know it's a sock puppet is called a sybil attack, and is bad for distribution.

Distribution has improved exponentially from when I got here, if that improvement is to continue abuse must be mitigated.

that post only had one vote - from me - did it previously have other votes?

I don't think so, but he can't delete it with votes on it.

the post was posted from memehub so they had to select OC or Hive community for it to post to the chain, which this post is obv neither. Given that HW n other antiabuse are takin actions against members of my community, def have to be more strict.. Memehub was never meant to be a place such that antiabuse folks had to keep an eye on.

Yep, we have to police our own.
We don't need the masses, just enough quality.