Practicing flower borders (with a very specific goal in mind)

in Art2 years ago

On the second Sunday of May, we celebrate mother's day, as people do in various countries all over the world.

Interesting fact about the city and the Province of Antwerp (where I live in a smaller city of 45 000 souls), situated in the Northeast of Belgium. We have our very own mother's day on August 15th, as it is the name day of the holy virgin Mary. This however has nothing to do with what I was about to say, but it gives you something to impress your friends with, as I'm quite sure they don't have a clue. Nice trivia. 😏

My mom passed away last May and this will be my very first mother's day without her physical presence. Every year I got her something nice and small, many times I made it myself and she always loved it. So this year I decided to get a square piece of slate to paint on and make her a lovely ornament for her grave.

I usually paint with watercolor. That's not going to be an option here, so I will need to switch over to acrylic paint. Luckily I've got some experience with that as well.

But then... What kind of flowers should I paint? My mom loved all colors of lilacs (as do I), she really liked yellow roses, poppies, gerberas, gypsophila, little violets, daisies, ... And for the card announcing her passing my dad and I chose a bird of paradise flower. A lot to choose from, in other words.

Because practice makes perfect (though perfection is not what I aim for, as a recovering perfectionista) I decided to paint a few flower borders. Maybe actions like these can help me decide on the flowers for the slate.

What do you think?

