It is a very good comedy. what happens with these movies is that it is not an original script as they are parodies of several movies. and to understand it in its entirety you must see the movies they are parodying in this case. The ring, the others, signals, matrix among others.
çok iyi bir komedi. bu filmlerde olan şey, birkaç filmin parodisi oldukları için orijinal bir senaryo olmamasıdır. ve bütünüyle anlamak için bu durumda parodisini yaptıkları filmleri görmelisiniz. The ring, the others, signals, matrix ve diğerleri.
As you say, maybe I didn't associate it because I didn't watch a few of the things mentioned. Either way, I couldn't even remember until you said a few things. It seemed so boring and unnecessarily offensive. I couldn't even remember the Matrix parody until you said it again.
I think that franchise is almost gone. all their movies were the same, the same jokes as scary movie, epic movie, almost 300, and all of their type. they were always the same, they just changed the plot with respect to the movie they were parodying and they are very easy to forget. i remember very little of those movies.