One Of My Goals For 2025 - December Blogging Contest: #ReadyNaSa2025

in Hive PH3 months ago

First, I would like to Thank @hiveph for this opportunity. That being said, for the 2024 December HivePH blogging contest, I will tell you about one of my goals for 2025. Or you can call it a dream. Ever since I was a kid I loved the hobby of fish keeping. freshwater fish keeping to be exact. For a long time, I had a thought of making a fish room not only to showcase my collection but to breed fish as well. So in the coming year of 2025, I'm going to hopefully realize that dream.

Here's my plan. I'm going to start small as I don't have a big budget for now. It's going to be an outdoor fish room. It's outdoor because I won't be building walls right now. I'm gonna build 4 concrete pillars and on top of that will be a tin metal roof. Yup, it's gonna be a simple shed for now. That will get me started. when I hopefully make money from the fish I'm gonna breed I will build high walls for the fish room. Maybe change the roof to a clear roof so I can harness the power of the sun.

After that, some of the rest of the budget is gonna go to buying fish tanks. since this is gonna be a showroom, I think I need all glass aquariums. Then I need to buy a linear air pump as that type of air pumps are a little bit quieter. for now, that's the plan to get me started on my dream project.

In the future, I plan to go full-on solar to power my fish room. If you guys have any tips on making solar-powered air pump systems, please leave them in the comments down below. I will really appreciate them. Lastly, let me tell you about the fish that I'm going to get for my fish room. it's my dream fish list.

There are many types of corydoras. they are like a mini version of catfish. I think that's what they are. I like how they swim across the bottom of the tank for scavenging for food.

L number Plecos
If you are into aquarium hobby you know that there are several types of L# plecos. I want to have a tank full of just L# plecos. so hey, here's another wishlist item for 2025.

Celestial Pearl Danios AKA CPD
(sorry. couldn't find a copyright-free image. you gonna have to kindly Google the name to see them) Just look at them. I mean how can you not like them. right? A group of CPD in a planted aquarium will look really nice.

Mosaic Guppies
(This one too. couldn't find a copyright-free image. Kindly Google the name to see the fish) Mosaic guppies have a colorful pattern on their tail like no other guppies have. That characteristic alone got me thinking "Man these fishes would sell like candy. what do you think? will they be a great fish to breed for profit?

Discus is one of my all-time favorite fish species in the world. But still, I haven't got the chance to get some because they are kinda expensive. But I hope I can buy a few Discus in the coming year and breed some for profit.

Altum Angles
Altum Angles are another all-time favorite of mine. I love their majestic look. I'm hoping to get a group of Altums to see some schooling action. The only problem is they are very rare in my country. Can someone import them already? please.

Those are some of my wishlist fishes. And if you would like to see my progress be sure to follow me as I will be sharing the progress of the fish room build. That's it guys. thank you very much for reading and I will see you in my next article.