A Journey of Growth and Confidence

in Hive PH4 months ago

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Hi everyone, here I am again sharing a memorable and insightful experience. So for today I'm on my way to school for our checking of our thesis. While on my way I passed through a bridge and my I look at the river. The water are sparkling beautifully as it inviting me to swim.lol The river has varying shades of blue that capture my attention and make me want to stare at it. I couldn’t help but pause for a moment and admire the beauty of this river .It was nice right?


after we checked the thesis at school I decided to have my haircut done.

I'm happy to have this done because my original barber are present he do good haircut to me. How funny isn't that this simple haircut lifting my spirits and boost my confidence. The results of before and after so handsome isn't it.lol.


When I got home I start preparing my outfit for tomorrow because we will have our mock interview at school. After that I make my resume. . I felt a mix emotion of excitement and nervousness.

it's just so funny to think because before I almost write nothing on my resume but only my name and skills now it includes trainings and seminars that I attented to boost my skills in programming and also I'm proud for finishing 2 system projects this year. I can only say "I still have a long way to go but I've done a lot"


And the day of the Mock Interview has come, I wake up early to have a practice on a common interview questions that could be ask during interview. I do also rehearsing in front of a mirror. Doing this preparation boost my self confidence. As they said "success doesn't happen by chance but it takes preparation, practice to face the fears ahead.

Outfit Check


The interview goes smoothly, at the first I feel nervous but I overcome it answered all her question confidently. I am very to experience this Mock interview whether its not real it seems real for me I was like being interrogating as a future employee of the company .

From the moment that starts by the river goes to mock interview, this clears that the journey I'm on is about taking each moment seriously preparing for the future, embracing the challenges that comes along the way . As I continue moving forward, I remind my self that I still have a long way to go but the progress I made so far makes me proud .


All photos stated are originally owned by the author unless stated


Good luck!

Thank you, have a good day po!☺

Ayos boss dagdagan pa ang skills!

Always keep learning , enjoy. Have a good day to you🤗

Being interviewed is such a daunting experience, isn't it? Specially, if it's your first time to experience that matter. The mock interview is a great practice since it will prepare you for the real world (corporate) specifically. That will be useful especially if you are being deployed for your OJT times in the future.

Yes, plus given a strict face of interviewee🙀 so scary

Good luck to you and all the best. Cor unum et anima una! !BBH !LOLZ

What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

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Thank you🤗