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RE: [#jstnhappymails] DAY6 Lightband Version 3 (GOT SCAMMED AGAIN!!!)

in Hive PHlast month

First off, I'm so sorry to hear about those scams! It's absolutely infuriating when you put your trust in someone and they take advantage of you like that. It's good that you're learning from these experiences and taking steps to protect yourself in the future.

I can totally relate to the frustration of waiting for something you've been wanting for so long. I'm glad you finally got your hands on that Day6 Lightband! It sounds like it was worth the wait. I love the fast-blinking lights too - they create such an awesome atmosphere at concerts.

It's awesome that you're not letting those negative experiences get you down. Focusing on the positive things, like finally getting your Lightband and seeing Day6 live soon, is the best way to move forward.

And hey, we all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and avoid falling for similar scams in the future. Maybe sticking to reputable platforms like the orange app (Shopee?) is a good way to go.

I'm so happy for you that you're finally seeing Day6 live! I'm sure it's going to be an amazing experience. Enjoy every moment!