Welcome Back to School: My son's first day in school

in Hive PH8 months ago

Two months class vacation is over! It's time to go back to school again this time!


Most public schools back to school classes will be on July 29, 2024 and most private schools started their school year 2024-2025 yesterday, Monday, July 15, 2024.

My son went to public school during his Kindergarten and now that he is in first grade, we decided to transfer and tried to enrolled him in our Church School, the Adventist School.

The decision making

It is not easy to decide to let our son transferred from public school to private school. We think about the advantages and disadvantages.

In public school, the tuition is free and it is just a walking distance from our residence. One of the disadvantages is, students in one classroom are so many that it is so difficult for the teacher to focus more on each student.

In Adventist Church School, the students are few and teacher can focus more on the students. Students spiritual life is being boosted too.

The preparation

The first thing to prepare before going back to school after the enrollment is the buying or providing the school supplies. My son's teacher forwarded the school supplies requirements for the opening of classes.


As a mother, I am so happy when the school supplies needed was provided. The classes started last Monday and the only thing I haven't bought yet is the sleeping mat because I haven't found any yet fit for my son.

I am also excited for the back to school so I labeled every thing with my son's name.


I put his name in the envelop, folders, clear book and big notebook.


I also put his name on the notebooks and paper.


I also put name and tape on his crayons so that it can easily returned to him if lost and it cannot be broken easily.


Other things like sharpener, ruler, pencil, glue, scissors and pencil case have his name too.


I even put names on his health kit.

Labeling every thing with his name will make his classmates or teacher easily identify his things and if lost or fallen it can easily be returned to him.

First day of school

My son is so excited in his first day of school. Weeks, days before he always makes a countdown with so much excitement.

When the first day of school came, he wokes up so early, took a bath sa early, eat so early and he finished it so fast and we were able to go to school early. How I wish everyday is a first day of school that waking them up, letting them take a bath and letting them eat is so easy, lol.

We reached their school early and we have a chance to take some pictures as a remembrance of his first day at school.


See? He looks so excited and happy right? He is also happy with the bag he had. This is his first time to have this kind of bag. This is just a pre loved bag given by my god mother from her grandson.


This is my son with his cousin. They were cousins, friends and classmates as well.


When we reached their classroom, I took a picture of him too, so fresh, so excited and looks so happy.


Here he is again with his cousin.


Bell rang and it is a signal for their flag ceremony. The students are very few compared to public school. It is new for me to witnessed this because when my son is in kindergarten and he is in public school, the students are so hard to count because they are so many.


During their flag ceremony, they also have a short program and they prayed. Kids prayed too.

During the first day, it is a usual thing that every students will introduce their self in front of their classmates.


Here is my son, trying to introduce himself in front of his classmates. I saw him like being shy but glad he did it.

That was his first day at school and I am praying for good health, knowledge and wisdom for him everyday.

How about you? What is your first day of school story?

Thank you so much for reading.


Nag-start na pala ang klase niyo diyan po :) Welcome back to school baby! Make your mama proud :)

Ou start na sa SDA school. Thanks sis.

ooh school season is starting! good luck to your son in this new semester.

Yes school season has started and it is so challenging right now because it is also a rainy season here in the Philippines.

No story ma'am. 😅Belong to the Public school 😅

Kapag first day na din Ng school sa public school Ang Dami NYU din mag first day of school post hehehe.

Hahaha, aabangan natin Yan ma'am.😄

Parang ako din Dati, lagi excited Pg 1st day of school. Pg bago pa MgA gamit. Pero SA public school Lang.

First time din nag private school Ng anak ko sis. Try lang hehehe. Praying that God will provide our needs.

Glad that he's excited going back to school! He will surely listen to his teachers because of his excitement and enthusiasm to learn. Will probably make some friends, too!

He already started making friends.

School year is now approaching. Sending hugs and fighting to all students out there. 😊

Yes my son classes has started already, they are in the second week right now.

Your son looks adorable in his school uniform🥰 Good luck to his first day!😁

Thank you, need pa namin new uniform kasi iba uniform nila sa previous school nya

Welcome back to school dodong. I hope you enjoy with your classmates 😊

He really enjoys a lot.

love to see how much SDA cares about children's education. #adventisthive #conquishive