Youth Program: Enhanced Population Awareness and Family Life Orientation (EPAFLO)

in Hive PH5 months ago

"The hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else"
— E.E. Cummings

Hello hello helloooooooo everyone!!! hello my dear youths and hello to all of you guys^^! after a whirlwind of so many activities both in school and our city, I am finally back here!!! It's me again, your haruki.tls123 back with a new blog post ✌🏻!!!!

In this blog post, we're diving into our recent big youth program called Enhanced Population Awareness and Family Life Orientation (EPAFLO). EPAFLO is like a training program for us youth leaders, where we learn to lead and train others, especially in areas like family orientation, sexual awareness, and gender issues. This training is crucial because it helps us tackle issues like teenage pregnancy, which is a significant concern in our country, and we need to address it to prevent future problems.

During the 3-day EPAFLO training, we covered various modules and discussed important topics to equip us with the knowledge and skills needed to guide and educate our fellow youth. It's essential to be open-minded and proactive in educating our peers about these sensitive matters to create a healthier and more informed youth community and that'll be our topic in this newest blog of mine^^!


During the EPAFLO training, part of our preparation involved learning how to become trainers ourselves, especially in our respective locations like barangays. This aspect of the training, known as "training of trainers," is essential because it empowers us, as youth leaders, to take what we've learned and pass it on to others effectively.

This approach is crucial because it ensures that the knowledge and insights gained from EPAFLO are not limited to just those who attended the main training but can be shared and cascaded to a wider audience, reaching more young individuals and contributing to a more informed and empowered youth population across different locations. So now, let's start with the Day One of our program 🤗!




On the first day of EPAFLO, we delved into Modules 1-3 facilitated by our LGU's. These modules covered fundamental aspects such as family planning basics and essential knowledge about family orientations. We learned about the locations of clinics for emergency situations, hotlines for assistance, and engaged in activities that helped us understand the distinct goals and roles of men and women.

One significant topic of discussion on this day was the proper use of condoms. While it may seem humorous at first, this knowledge is critical. Being open-minded allowed us to grasp the importance of safe practices in preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. It emphasized the need for responsible sexual behavior and highlighted the role of education in promoting health and well-being among the youth.


On the first day, we also addressed sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. Through interactive activities, we explored the causes and effects of these diseases. Understanding these aspects is crucial because it promotes awareness and helps in prevention. For instance, knowing how HIV spreads and its impact on individuals and communities empowers us to make informed decisions about our sexual health. It underscores the importance of safe practices, regular testing, and seeking appropriate medical care if needed.




On the second day, we delved and continue our discussions from modules 4 to 7, focusing on sexual orientation and gender identity. We discussed norms and roles associated with males, females, heterosexuals, bisexuals, and various gender identities. Through activities, we explored the differences between sex and gender, considering both biological and social perspectives and factors.

These discussions were crucial as they helped us understand and appreciate the diversity within our community. We learned about the spectrum of gender identities beyond traditional binary categories, recognizing that individuals may identify and express themselves in ways that differ from societal expectations. By examining these topics from biological and social viewpoints, we gained insights into the complexities of gender and the importance of respecting and supporting individuals' identities and choices.


In this second day, we also covered the proper care for children in case of parenthood. We engaged in activities that helped us identify many things such as the differences between men and women in both biological and social aspects and many more. This understanding is crucial for effective parenting and nurturing, ensuring that children receive the appropriate care and support they need as they grow.




On the third day, we wrapped up our training of trainers with a recap session alongside our LGU representatives from various locations and health personnel. We reviewed all the lessons learned throughout the program and engaged in some fun games and activities. I had the privilege of being a facilitator during these sessions, which was a joyful experience despite the responsibility.

In the afternoon, after lunch, we had the awarding of certifications for those who stood out in the EPAFLO training of trainers program, including myself. We also received certificates for participation. I am grateful to Sir Nonie, our youth adviser, for this opportunity, as these certificates validate our active involvement in our youth community. This validation is important as it can be used as credentials when applying for various opportunities in the future.

Source: City Government Of Naga, Cebu

I have gained a lot of valuable insights during this training, and I am eager to share my newfound knowledge when we start training in our respective locations. This opportunity not only allows us to contribute to our community but also fosters engagement and collaboration among youths from different areas. By sharing ideas and knowledge, I could create a platform for learning and understanding diverse perspectives, enhancing our capabilities as leaders and advocates for youth development and well-being of our city.


As I reflect on our Enhanced Population Awareness and Family Life Orientation (EPAFLO) training, I am filled with a sense of fulfillment and responsibility. This program has equipped us, as youth leaders, with essential knowledge and skills to address crucial issues such as family planning, sexual health, and gender identity within our communities. The in-depth discussions, activities, and interactions with experts and peers have broadened my understanding and perspective on these sensitive yet significant topics. It's not just about knowing the facts but also about understanding the complexities and nuances surrounding them.

One of the key takeaways from this experience is the importance of open-mindedness and inclusivity in addressing population and family life issues. I've learned how to approach these discussions with sensitivity and empathy, acknowledging the diversity of experiences and perspectives among individuals. This training has empowered me to be advocates for informed decision-making, mutual respect, and acceptance within our communities, especially among the youth who are often navigating these aspects of life for the first time^^.



So as I end this blog post, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share my experiences and insights from our Enhanced Population Awareness and Family Life Orientation (EPAFLO) training. It's been a journey of learning, growth, and meaningful connections with fellow youth leaders, health experts, and community advocates.

So yeah, thank you for taking the time to read and engage with my latest blog post. I hope that this blog of mine encourages meaningful discussions and actions in your own circles. Let's continue to learn, advocate, and work together towards a healthier and more informed society 💪🏻 especially for us, youths!

Stay tuned for more blogs and stories in my next one! haruki.tls123 out! sayonara<3 ❤️!!


It's a good thing to have such knowledge. @haruki.tls123

having such knowledge in our current issues in our state right now sir could definitely help not just me but maybe the people around me.

Addressing important issues such as family orientation, sexual awareness, and gender issues is crucial for the well-being of your community and the younger generation.
it's a good thing that you do this and that you give the best of yourself to achieve these goals

Agree 💯 sir!! thank you ... it's such a waste if I will not use this blessings of God which is my skills if I will not use it in meaningful ways.

That's great @haruki.tls123, attending such kind of seminars will hone you to become aware of the things you weren't able to grasp before actually attending the session. That's a great avenue to learn new things and aside from that you could also be able to give back to your community through continued education. Keep it up!

Thank you sir!!! I definitely gonna keep up in getting active on this kind of activities.

Good program Sir @haruki.tls123 because the topics is very relevant to our country.

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