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RE: Question Of The Weekend: What Do You Usually Do On A Friday Night?

in Hive PH2 years ago (edited)

Well, what do I really every Friday nights?

To start it, I start to cook one of my favorite foods including our food for the dinner. Then after my Mom came home from work and having family dinner, I tried to rest myself in 30 minutes, having a half-bath, and then starting most of my favorite hobbies that I did, watching one of my favorite Chinise dramas, writing some few poems and poetries and reading some of favorite books while listening to music. Sometimes, I also tried on singing my favorites songs (either Chinese, English or Tagalog) when I felt that it was related to me or feel its beat and rhythm as it makes me calm and ease my mind from anxiety and depression that I’m overthingking about. So not only I did my hobbies everytime as my therapy that makes heal from my painful comfort zone but also my only happiness that I have and lean on my daily lives.

That’s it. Have a good day, Hivers. 🥰❤️