Thank you Hive!!

in Hive PH8 months ago

So recently, I have been playing MANY Badminton games/matches, doing everything drive,lob/clear,drop and my favorite of them all SMASH. in a game if I were your opponent I would spam smash so hard that it will make the shuttlecock break easily but one day my 2 years old Yonex Astrox 99 Pro broke. 😞

I think the reason for it being broken is because

  1. It's old, I mean this racket is years old not all stuff lasts forever tbh
  2. It's a replica, replica rackets tend to break easily than original rackets to be fair, this rackets only costs about 20$ while I think the original ones costs 100$
  3. I smash too hard, this relates to the reason number 2 low end rackets can't handle too much power/force of my smash hence, breaking the shaft and the head.

Upon breaking my Yonex of course I am sad I cannot use any rackets anymore to compete in tournaments or just play for fun until I discovered Hive! I eventually started working for it making many awesome articles that gives me money, finally I asked my dad if I could get a racket because my classmate actually recommended his racket Apacs Edge Saber 10 that costs around 30$ or more the tension is 28lbs which is suited and more comfortable for my playstyle of COURSE, this is very expensive! also it's an original racket but with my bargaining skills I managed to bring down the price to mere 14$!! I told my dad about this and instantly gave me 14$ that I earned from Hive!
THANK YOU DAD! AND HIVE! I FINALLY HAD A RACKET AGAIN!!! more to post my badminton journey in the future! Thank you everyone!! ♥️


Proud of you anak! Bawal ang tamad! 🤣