My partner's plans for today fell through, so to make up for it we decided the best thing to do was buy Magic cards. I'd been eying the silver screen foils in the 'new' Innistrad: Double Feature set for a while so we moseyed down the street to the card shop and grabbed a box of draft boosters.
There's no new cards in Innistrad: Double Feature, rather all the cards from Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vow have been given a monochromatic makeover. While the packs are still 15 cards, each one has two rares as well as what Wizards is calling a 'silver screen' foil, with the cards in each pack split evenly between the two sets.
We high tail it back to the house and crack open the box and divvy up the packs (there's only 24 in a box). Looks like it's gonna be another one of those magic weekends. Tear open my first pack and the cards just jump right out at me.
I like what they've done with things. It takes me an extra second or two to recognize each card as I flip through but I really like what Wizards has done with the cards. Then I see it at the back of the pack, my first fancy foil.
Yep, Wrenn and Seven. Hell's yeah, another card for my collection of badass cards that I'll probably never use because they're actually worth something. It'll go nicely next to the Wrenn and Six that I've never played with.
I'll spare y'all the play-by-play for all twelve packs, but they didn't disappoint either. Nothing else quite on par with the first pack but I still think I made out like a bandit.
I think the foil is in the basic land slot in the packs, only lands I pulled were these five nonbasic ones. I am particularly fond of how the art on Field of Ruin and Evolving Wilds did with the monochromatic treatment.
Goddammit Tito, leave my phone alone! Sorry about that y'all.
Some more of the foils, they don't seem to photograph well in lamplight. Although you can't tell it from the photo, Edgar really catches your eye in foil. Too bad I'm in not hurry to build a white/black vamp deck.
Burn is probably my all time favorite MTG archetype, I think these might be able to help with that.
These should all be fun. The Dreadfeast Demon paired with a Ghoulish Procession is a fun little duo I've been playing with on Arena recently, should be fun to do it with old fashioned cards now too.
These last few cards in the photo above I am including just because I really like how the art turned out in b&w.
Any hivers out there that've played Magic and Splinterlands both? I'm curious how the two games compare, when I've looked into Splinterlands it reminded me of MTG but I know next to nothing about how the game works. Probably don't need to try and start learning another collectible card game, Magic is more than enough.
Time to get back playing Magic, y'all have a good weekend!
I'm off the clock so I am not responsible for the quality or lack thereof of my photos.