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RE: Miscommunication Or Language Barrier At A Local Brewery In Düsseldorf? 🍻 Cheers To A Good Drink!

in BEER2 years ago

Personally I don't think signs should always be translated to English 😆 and these days after traveling to a non-English speaking countries, I came to respect their decision to keep their language as is.

I don't mind the people keeping to their own language, but they also can't expect others to know it. I would love to learn more languages and especially at a conversational level when I'm on vacation. I am thankful for the language applications though.

Also sounds like Germany is also Cash only society and not so card/e-wallet friendly.

I don't mind paying in cash or with a card though; people should have the options. In the Netherlands I've seen that certain companies have gotten more "cash unfriendly" with signs "cards only" and I'm thinking about those vacationers who don't have the option of paying in cash.

Oh well, I should read more into the pro's and cons of both options.