Muurken, local beer for #BeerSaturday

in BEER2 years ago (edited)

During my short trip to Belgium I had the possibility to try as well some rather smal scale and local beers. Muurken is an example of these, only 120 hectoliters have been made. My father likes to drink a beer from time to time so my brother gave him a beer basket for some occasion. My brother lives in Geraardsbergen and apparently there are some hobby brewers over there. Muurken is the product of 3 friends which one day maybe want to turn beer making into their profession. One of them is a teacher for 10 year olds and I can imagine that he’s in for a change 

The 3 friends are brewing beers for over 20 years and this time they wanted to bring an ode to The “Muur van Geraardsbergen” a hill which cyclists and people who like to watch cycling will certainly know. It’s called (translated) “the Wall” because it’s like a neverending Wall one is climbing when cycling it up. I wonder why so many cylcists and cycling lovers like (special) beers. If you know or you’d like to guess or give your opinion, please write it in the comments! You might get a ! BEER gift. 

Who was thinking this beer would be the steep stairway to heaven, will be disappointed… The beer misses body and body is what I expect in a special beer with 7% alcohol that promises a second yeast process in the bottle.
Moreover Muurken has got a bitter after taste, like some supermarket lagers tend to have. The foam stayed more compact in the Leffe glass than it was in the Chouffe glass but I might have not inclinated the Chouffe glass enough, allowing more air to enter...

Would I drink this beer again? Yes, I’d like to know if I’m mistaken, maybe I had still another taste in my mouth, maybe the athmosphere was not right, maybe… Or if I’d get one gifted I’d certainly keep it for a while because it might change because this bottle yeasting process. Would I buy this beer again or really look for it? No, I think there’s more to try for me and for De Proefbrouwerij (the brewery where Muurken has been produced) and the 3 friends more to improve.

De Proefbrouwerij makes 5 more beers I’ll have a look if there’s more of them in the beer basket if there’s something left at my next visit. 
Stay tuned for a next #BeerSaturday!


I didn't know about cyclist and their love to special beer, is this some sort of stereotype? I am curious of the answer too!

You can call it a stereotype, but the fact is that both in Belgium (where i come from) as in Malorca, Spain (where I'm living, but here a bit less I've got the impression) people tend to take the bike on sunny sundays, with the goal to go and sit on a terrace and drink a beer. !LOL
Apart from that Belgians are known to be beer drinkers and beer lovers (more the more artisanal, local and high alcohol percentage beers), and apart from the group of people that cycle theirselves there's also a big group of people that like to watch cycling or cyclo cross more specifically and these happenings always are associated with lots of beers. !CTP

Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assassinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddy whack.

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Looks like a decent one there actually! I remember once going to 3 different belgian cities with a friend of mine and we only had one rule for oursleves that we could never drink the same beer twice.

You can imagine the weekend right? :D

Hahaha I !love this kind of challenges! Indeed, I can imagine... :-)
Thanks for passing and commenting !CTP

Perhaps you have to hit the wall cycling up to fully enjoy this one, all an individual taste.

Pretty high percentage of alcohol content in a !BEER

Well... in Belgium 7% is not really a lot for a !BEER

Cooler country heavier beer perhaps.

I guess so, and I noticed it in warmer countries and even here in Spain, Beer is being used merely to lessen thirst, not for the great variety and taste... !LOL

Apparently adding herbs to your garbage can makes it smell better.
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Looks like my answer didn't come through yesterday... Hmmm, after cycling such a hill I'm not really feeling like drinking beer !LOL

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A receding hare line.

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Always found it odd that after conquering extreme sport to relax with a beer, water would be my first go to, perhaps a beer a little later in the day.

Indeed, I've got the same feeling....
On the other hand it's not the people that are doing "extreme" sports, which are relaxing with a beer, !LOL

I really love video games where you go for an deep sea adventuring.
They're just so immersive.

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Mostly an outing to get to the top then enjoy as groups sounds like fun. !LUV

Oh yes it is, but I wouldn't really call it "sports"... !LOL

My daughter thinks I don't give her enough privacy.
At least that's what she wrote in her diary.

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Oh and what I've been trying to anser yesterday was that for Belgium 7% is rather low in terms of alcohol in a beer....

Much higher than our standard average making it quite high volume beer. If that is low I am glad we drink on average around 4.5%.

4,5% is a normal Lager / Pils(ner) like one can drink in any bar when asking for "a beer"...

i have tried some local beer around here too and they are better than the industrial ones

Where is "here"? In Geraardsbergen?

iin venezuela jaja

And you've got Belgian craft beers over there???

Cannot be that bad !LUV !LOLZ

I told my doctor that I broke my arm in two places.
He told me to stop going to those places.

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I wouldn't call it "bad" either.... !LOL !LUV

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Two white horses jumped in the mud.

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