#Beersaturday and a visit to Nevada City

in BEER10 months ago (edited)

This #Beersaturday is a camping trip to the Inn Town Campground in Nevada City, California. Nevada City is located in the Sierra Mountain foothills and like many of the foothill towns was founded mainly from finding gold in the area. Inn Town Campground is located about a mile from the historic downtown area but has a nice trail leading to the downtown. I'll talk more about the campground later but for now lets talk about the first beer of the week.

Before leaving I bought a 12 pack of Belching Beaver Brewing's IPA mix. Belching Beaver Brewing is located in Oceanside, California has been around for a while and has been brewing interesting beers like a peanut butter milk stout. The stout sounds strange but is actually really good.

After driving to Nevada City and setting up camp the first beer I grabbed out of the cooler was called the Fall of Troy and it was an imperial IPA with orange and vanilla. Being an imperial IPA it had a higher alcohol content of 8.8% ABV. It was interesting and if you like 50/50 ice cream bars you would probably like this. I did like it but it is one of those beers that you enjoy one and then move onto something else, which I find that I do that with many flavored beers.

So camp was set the dogs were tied up and time to enjoy more beer. I put on my favorite camping hat which I think is cool because it has a built in bottle opener on it, located on the bill of the hat.

Since I am showing the hat and I have a bottle of Duvel which is brewed in Belgium I will talk about it quickly. I bought a four pack of Duvel beers which had different IPA beers in it. The one I am holding is the Triple hop Cashmere Begian IPA. Belgian IPA's are not like American IPA's. The Belgian version is a good Belgian beer but doesn't pack the flavor and aroma of the high hopped American IPA. I still enjoyed it and the other three Duvel beers in the pack. The pack also had an Original Duvel, a Duvel 666, and a Duvel Tripel Hop Citra IPA. All the Duvel beers were good and I enjoyed them over the week of camping. They were all fairly similar in taste.

Inn Town Campground as you can tell in many of the photos is located in the tall pine trees. The campground has tent camping sites, rv camping sites, and tent cabin sites. The campground is very nicely taken care of and all the staff working at the campground were very friendly. The campground also had outdoor showers which isn't too common but when the tall trees above are silhouetted by the stars, I had to take the outdoor shower. They also have the traditional indoor showers as well.

Next to the campground is the Nevada County Narrow Guage Railroad Museum. The museum is small but does have a rail bus on weekends that you can ride for a donation and on one sunday a month they bring out the steam engines. My wife and I enjoyed the musuem and being that it was so close to our camping we visited it a few times.

This last photo of the rail bus was screenshot from https://ncngrrmuseum.org/railbus-schedule/ I included it in case you were wondering what a rail bus was.

The hike to town from camp follows the train tracks along the creek and you cross a three bridges along the way. There was also many spots to take pictures with the dogs.

When you exit the trail towards town you find yourself in a parking lot with a nice restaraunt called Alexander's Steakhouse. At the Steakhouse you eat in old railroad cars that are above a nice creek that overlooks a waterfall. We didn't eat there this time but next time we go we will hit this for sure.

One of the cars you eat in.

This is the waterfall you overlook while eating.

These next few photos are the historic downtown of Nevada City.

Since we were camping for a week I wanted to located some local beers as well as what I had brought from home. I found this great Irish red ale from Grass Valley Brewing which is located in Grass Valley about 20 minutes from the campground.

The Irish red ale was very smooth and easy to drink at 7% ABV.

I also tried a beer brewed in Nevada City by Brewbilt Brewing Company called Jester's Priviledge. It was a very good IPA and as the weather was getting hotter each day this was nice on such hot days. It had a 6.7% ABV and was the typical IPA with a few different hop varieties.

As I drank the first one I started to have my tongue tingle and felt as if my tongue was going numb. I thought is this part of the Jester's Privilege, like a joke? I asked my wife to try a sip and she also said it had a numbing feeling. I got a second one of these and was not numbing. I then realized I had accidentally sprayed the can with bug spray, which did not change the taste but definitely gave a numb feeling. So I highly recommend these, just keep them away from the bug spray.

We had a great trip, I hope you enjoyed some of the photos and have a great week.

Thanks for reading.


I agree that it was a great trip. Great beer (I've tried the Duvell triple hop Citra, and it's perfect), great location, and museum. Cheers! 🍻



 10 months ago  

BEERHey @seckorama, here is a little bit of from @scoutroc for you. Enjoy it!

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Wow such a nice drink hope to have one soon

Wow dear friend, those beers sound amazing. I've never tried a peanut butter milk stout, but it looks like something worth experiencing🤔🤔🤔😂😂

If you like peanut butter it is really good.


Absolutely, you're most welcome dear friend

 10 months ago  

BEERHey @theringmaster, here is a little bit of from @scoutroc for you. Enjoy it!

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