
I love the Royale! In my opinion the best one!

There are different kinds of Royale, never had one though, these will be my first ones,
This is the Cascade, there is also Whitbread Golding, goona have me that one soon!! :D

Seems the Royale Cascade might be quite hoppy.

We had the Ruby and the Brune, two very different tastes, looking forward to the next ones. 😁👌

As a true Belgian, I have drank them all... a lot! 😂

Did not know there were this much different kinds of Leffe! So far it has been a pleasure. 😁
Next up: Blonde, then Royale, Radieuse and Rituel. 😄🍻

I've had blonde but none of the others. In fact I haven't even seen the others!

It is amazing how many kinds of Leffe there are! And so far, from what we tasted they all were between good and excellent!

Where these came from also seem to ship to the UK: =D

Think I found beer Valhalla!

Hehe, it is amazing what can be found. I have found a great little delivery place. All hail the lockdown!!

Exploring new means to get beer delivered to the front door!
Looking forward to your Saturday beer review. :-)

Hail the lockdown!

We drink to survive, it is a dirty job, but it has to be done.

Reminds me that I'm out off beer...

Oh no! You can't be out? 8 thought that was your giant stash.

Yes, awefull! How to get through another day!

The stash was at my foster broah his place. Of which we yesterday evening enjoyed quite a few.

At home, I'm out.

Aaarrgh, get a charity to bring you some and if there isn't that kind of charity then we should start one!

Too bad the other Royales are not available anymore or one has to pay enormous amounts for it. :(

What we had was awesome!