Evening Beers: a Review

in BEER11 months ago

It's #Beersaturday time and today I have two evening beers to review. I hope you enjoy! Cheers 🍻

Evening Edition


Brewery: Beyond the Pale Brewing Co
Origin: Ottawa ON, Canada
Style: Dark Lager
Abv: 3.8%

Marketing: News station television imagery and name. Not a lot of other info about the beer. I don't necessarily like the can, I found it to be very gimmicky, and it has that look of being a small batch test brew, but there is something fun and interesting about it as well. I was intrigued by it at the store so I guess the marketing did work on me.


Color: The beer poured a deep chestnut brown color with a light colored head that didn't stick around for very long.


Nose: It had that distinct Lager smell to it, which must come from the yeast since that is the main difference between an Ale and a lager. Some malty aromas and some roasted notes coming through as well.

Taste: Very mild sweetness in the beginning with a bitter finish. Some light cocoa in the background.

Texture: Very light bubbles and a weightiness on the tongue. Mediumium light bodied.

Impression: Overall I'd say that this is a pretty good beer. I found it to be quite refreshing, with a decent amount of flavor considering that it's a light beer.

Craft Lager


Brewery: Muskoka Brewery
Origin: Bracebridge, ON Canada
Style: Golden Lager
Abv: 4.8%


Marketing: Blue, white and cream color scheme on the can. Generic name. River boat cruiser image. Simple blurb on back. Not a bad can overall.


Color: Golden yellow. With a hefty head of foam that lingered for a while before disappearing into the liquid.

Nose: Mild malt aromas coming through. Grass. Light grapefruit maybe?? Pleasant indistinct smell overall.

Taste: Crisp fresh taste. Dry with a quick bitter finish. Well balanced. A little light in the flavor department for me.


Texture: Sharp bubbles at first than moving towards a flat texture fairly quickly. I couldn't tell if that was because of the beer or my glass though, so I wont fault the beer for it. Light bodied.

Impression: I had low expectations for the beer, though I don't really know why. I quite enjoyed it overall in the end. Smooth clean taste, light flavor and very easy drinking. I drank this one at night but it would be best in the summer on a hot day in my opinion.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!


Oh yah!

I have enjoyed Muskoka Breweries for decades. They were microbrew before craft brew was a thing and they pioneered the regional IPA game. Love me som Mad Tom for nostalgic reasons and their lager is solid.

I have heard great things about Beyond the Pale but never visited and they don't seem to make it to our shelves in the western part of the province. I should get my LCBO guy to get some in.


Yeah Muskoka is a classic for sure. This was my first experience with beyond the Pale Brewing and it was pretty good. I'd try something else from them if it comes up.

A couple of not bad ones, that's a plus!! Cheers dude!

Yeah they were good this time around. I'm out of beer now and need to get some more 😁

Cheers 🍻

Cheers! If it's evening, beer tasting is an option. There are so many beers, both local and global, you can't try them all ...

There are so many beers, both local and global, you can't try them all ...

Thats true. 😔
But we can try! 😁

Excellent photography in this - The light for the first shot is amazing. The dark lager some impressive too

I went for dark and moody - seemed fitting for the news. Glad you liked it 😁

The can of the craft lager makes it seem like a beer, that is made by commercial brewery. I have checked the brewery and it seems like one of the pioneers in craft beer movement in North America. Maybe at this time here in Bulgaria there were only communist, low quality, commercial breweries. 😁

Reading your post, I would definitely like to try this. Cheers!

Yeah Muskoka has been around for quite some time now and produces some pretty decent beers. The craft beer scene really took off over the past 20 years in Canada. Before that it was mostly just the big name breweries that (still) produce shit beer.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the support!

Ooh wow
I love that last picture. I love the foamy Beer
It must taste very good though

A nice head of foam on a beer goes a long way

super popular world-wide with multimillions dollars in profit for manufacturers at the expense of the public health : if you still don't know it, beer and any alcohol become sugar in the liver and sugar is a silent killer

Everything in moderation, as they say

I love the can design it is amazing see a can the looks like a news and the flavor sounds amazing too :D

The can was definitely unique in its design. Different than what you would normally see

The dark lager looks beautiful!

It was pretty good 👍