Since I started participating in #beersaturday, choosing a beer has become my favorite part of every weekend. Thank you @detlev for hosting another challenge this week.

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 360
As I have written before, I am a "beer beginner" who has not had many beers in my life. I have not yet established my own tastes, so I did not know what I should buy.
Let's choose by the design of the cans!
So this time, I looked at beer selected by can package design! I chose two beers that I was attracted by the design of the cans at the store.
Asahi Beer " Mount Fuji"
The first is Asahi Beer's " Mount Fuji"🗻
The package design is "Fugaku Sanjurokkei (Thirty-six views of Mt. Fuji)" by Hokusai Katsushika, and it looks very Japanese, doesn't it? The ingredients are all domestically produced. It is a product jointly developed by the Aeon Group, a major Japanese supermarket, and Asahi Beer. I bought it at a nearby Aeon group supermarket.

Well, when I actually drank it... it seemed quite bitter... I wasn't sure if it tasted good or not, but I felt a "thud" in my stomach, and after a while, I was in a completely pleasant mood.

I opened a Kappa Ebisen and a Caramel Corn, both popular snacks in Japan, and was about to take a picture when the old man's face on the TV screen came into focus😂 Actually, I didn't like Kappa Ebisen very much... but somehow the Kappa Ebisen I had with beer that day tasted very good.

Snow Brand's "Crackable Cheese". This snack has also been sold for quite some time. I remember my father used to get it from me, which he sometimes ate as an accompaniment to beer.

This is a can of nuts. My husband recently won it at a pachinko parlor's Fan Appreciation Day.
Echigo Beer "Smiling Ale with Apples and Herbs"
A little drunk, I tried the next can. This one is Echigo Beer's "Smiling Ale with Apples and Herbs". I bought it because of its pretty pink color and design. When I poured it, I found it to be a dark gold or amber color... a very beautiful color that gave me high expectations.

However... The taste was something I could not imagine from the picture-book-like packaging. The herbs are said to be Egyptian chamomile and Ukrainian elderflower, but I was so distracted by the sweet and sour taste, which I assumed was from the apples, that I had no time to perceive the aroma... It was a bit of a high level beer for me, perhaps.
I was kind of surprised by the sensation of a faint sweet foam sticking to my throat, and I drank it down in a half confused state.

With these two beers, I preferred " Mount Fuji". Maybe I prefer bitter and spicy beers.
The training journey of a beer novice continues...😊
#beerstaturday に参加するようになってから、ビールを選ぶのが週末の楽しみになりました。@detlev さん、今週も開催ありがとうございます。
The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 360
以前も書いた通り、私はこれまでにあまりビールを飲んでこなかった「ビール初心者」です。そのため、あまり細かい味の違いなどは分からなかったりして… 自分の好みもまだまだ確立しておらず、何を買ったらいいのやらという感じです。

さて、実際に飲んでみると… 結構苦みが強いような… 美味しいのかどうかはよく分かりませんでしたが、お腹に「どーん!」とくる感じがあって、しばらくするとすっかり楽しい気分になっていました。

かっぱえびせんとキャラメルコーンを開けて写真を撮ろうとしたところ、テレビ画面に映ったオジサンの顔にピントが合ってしまいました。まあ、これはこれで面白いからいいか。実は私、かっぱえびせんがあまり好きではなかったのですが… この日ビールと一緒に食べたかっぱえびせんは、どういうわけかとても美味しく感じられました。


少し目が回ってきたところでもう一本。こちらはエチゴビールの、「林檎とハーブの微笑みエール」です。可愛らしいピンクと絵柄が気になって買ってみました。注いでみると、濃い金色というのか、琥珀色というのか… とても綺麗な色で期待大。

ところが・・・まるで絵本のようなパッケージからは想像できない味でした。ハーブはエジプトのカモミール、ウクライナのエルダーフラワーを使っているとのことでしたが、林檎のものと思われる甘味と酸味に気をとられ、香りを感じとる余裕がありませんでした… ちょっと、私には高レベルなビールだったかもしれません。

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
As someone trying to learn Japanese, I try to read these articles but I only recognize basic Kanji. 😀
Yes, the Japanese language is tricky because it combines many characters such as hiragana, katakana, and kanji!
They really look pretty cool! 🍻
I thought the pink can looked easy to drink, but it was not at all!😂 I would recommend the "Mt. Fuji."
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Hey @go-kyo, here is a little bit of from @borsengelaber for you. Enjoy it!HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on
thank you, @qurator Team!😍
sounds like an interesting !BEER
Thanks for joining the #BeerSaturday with such a cool post
Thanks for the fun weekly challenges! My Hive Life has become even more enjoyable since I have been allowed to join your community😊✨
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Hey @go-kyo, here is a little bit of from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I would like drink the beer with apples
If you get a chance, give it a try. If you like fruity beers, you'll love this one😉
I have drunk a thai beer made it with lychee and another with pineapple and both were so delicious
That sounds delicious just hearing about it! I will definitely try it when I find it🍍
やはり上級者向け・・・😿私のような初心者にはまだ早かったようです・・修行が足りずw 一言で感想を言うなら「不思議な味」でした😅
Wow your collection of cans is so adorable
Once I made a tiny piece of art inspired by that collection of the fourty view of mount Fuji.
Oh, great! You have reproduced the splashing waves very well👏👏Hinomaru is also adorable. If you like Katsushika Hokusai's paintings, you may enjoy this beer🍻