Craft beer is an amazing drink

in BEER3 months ago

After that experience in which I had to stay under a tree with other friends waiting for the rain to stop, I decided to go to a bar that sells craft beer of all kinds of varieties and flavors.
c1.jpgThis past #beersaturday afternoon I decided to go play basketball in a square where very friendly people come out. While we were playing basketball, I could see the clouds approaching in the distance and my idea was that if a few drops fell I would go home quickly, but as Murphy's Law says, if something is going to go wrong, the worst will happen, so Those drops transformed into torrential rain that flooded the street.

This place usually has high prices on its drinks but to enjoy a good time with friends it is not a big problem so I picked up the phone, called some friends to come and we shared some beers.


Of all the beers we drank in that place, the first one I bought was a red apa from a company called baba. The design of the can caught my attention at the first moment, that drawn elf is incredible and I wasn't guided so much by the type. of beer. I like the idea of ​​letting the beer surprise me with its flavor, whether good, bad or average. In this case it was exquisite, it was a little strong and at the same time it had added caramel.



Then one of my friends bought a variety that is American Ipa, a friend generally loves these types of varieties because they have a bitter taste accompanied by an intense fruity aroma. In short, it is a beer that is characterized by being strong in flavor but not in the amount of alcohol and I personally was not very attracted to it because I prefer flavors to be captured in the beer but I must admit that it was delicious.


For our last round we chose to drink something that we call smooth in Santa Fe which is a medium glass of 250 cubic centimeters and is served directly from the beer barrel to the well but very cold glass of the native company of the city called okcidenta and a Japanese rice beer. I am going to clarify that both beers are very tasty but do not have intense flavors and living in a city where we have a company that makes a beer very similar to those two, it was not something very different but as the saying goes, you should not judge the book by tapas and trying beers from different countries is something new after all.