
I'm participating in The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 382.
Wow! Week 382! Thanks @detlev for hosting the fun event every week!
Today I’ll introduce three beers. Though I didn’t drink all three at once. The third one was bought by my eldest daughter, and I enjoyed it on a different day.
I’ve been having fun spotting fall-themed beer cans at liquor stores lately. I chose a few Halloween-inspired beer designs this time. They are fun and cute.

First up is the Pumpkin Ale from Steamworks Brewing, a local beer.

A pumpkin beer? I wondered what it would taste like, and it turned out to have a cinnamon aroma. Maybe it uses pumpkin pie spices. It was delicious, and I’d definitely buy it again. The color was a rich, autumnal amber, pleasing to the eye as well. On closer inspection, I noticed the jack-o’-lantern on the can had what looked like cinnamon sticks sticking out of its eyes.

Next was Lost Souls from Parallel 49 Brewing, also a local beer.

I love the design of the can and the name! When I poured it, I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Ooooh!” I’d been craving a dark beer. The can mentions chocolate and pumpkin, so does this one also have spices? I couldn’t quite tell, but the chocolate flavor was spot-on. It was delicious.
However, both have an alcohol content of 6.5%… As always, I only realized that later. I was pretty tipsy when my eldest daughter brought home the third beer. She told me “For Later!” then put it away…☹️

The third beer I tried later was also local, Apple Pie Ale from Whistler Brewing. The design, with a bear holding a pie, is adorable…sorry the photo is not very good…
The beer has a lovely light golden color, but I’m not sure apple and beer are the best match. It felt more like it could’ve been paired with a different base than beer. It reminded me of a typical vodka and soda drink.

After Halloween, it’ll be Christmas… I’m looking forward to discovering what kinds of beers I’ll come across next!
Happy Beer Saturday everyone!

久しぶりにBeer Saturdayに参加します。
今週はThe #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 382 だそうです。長く続いているチャレンジ、素晴らしいです。

こちらはSteamwork Brewingのパンプキンエール。ローカルビールです。


次にいただいたのは、Parallel 49 Brewingの ロストソウル。こちらもローカルビールです。


後日改めていただいたビールは、こちらもローカル、Whistler Brewing のアップルパイエールです。良く見えませんが、クマさんがパイを持っているデザインが可愛いです。

Happy Beer Saturday!