Swiss Beer on Train and Balcony / 電車とバルコニーでスイスビール

in BEER8 months ago

Hello beer friends, here is my post to @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday #370 🍺 Thanks a lot for hosting this fun challenge!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 370

Last week we were spending the end of summer holidays in Locarno, Switzerland. Why not using this chance for this week's Beer Saturday!

On my way to Switzerland, I enjoyed a glass already on train. And there was an interesting coincidence. When I had the first bottle, my train was about to passing Zug, a city called Crypto Valley.

I want to visit the city in the future and see what is the crypto valley like.

My partner found a super bargain for first class tickets so I could travel on a really empty car while enjoying beer.

As the train was heading to south, beautiful landscapes with mountains and lakes appeared.

My family arrived already with their relatives. They kindly bought me a bottle of beer from a supermarket. Price in Switzerland is said to be quite expensive and I noticed it's true but beer is still affordable. My partner said it was 0.75 CHF so it's much cheaper than beer in Japan.

On the second day, I could go to see beer by myself at a supermarket. Interestingly there were not many selections. Did I take a look at wrong place ...??

Among the limited selections, I picked a 2 CHF expensive one. It doesn't look much different and it wasn't triple tastier than the first day one. But both are my kind of taste; fine bitter beer taste.

On my way back to Germany, I enjoyed German beer on German train. Drinking beer on train is simply nice. By the way, I started liking this shape of beer glasses and try to find one or two.

I had plenty of beer last week so I give my liver a break ... until next weekend maybe 😉

Let's enjoy summer days with beer 🍻


@detlevさんのBeer Saturday #370に参加します 🍺 毎週楽しいチャレンジを開催してくれてありがとうございます!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 370







パートナーと子供はすでに親戚と一緒に到着していて、スーパーでビールを一本買ってきてくれていました。スイスの物価は高いと言われていますが、ビールは手頃な価格です。パートナーによると0.75 CHFで、日本のビールよりもずっと安い(500mlで120円ほど)。


2 CHFの少し高めのビールを選びました。見た目はそれほど変わらず、味も初日のビールの3倍美味しいわけではありませんでしたが、ビールの名誉のために書いておくと、どちらも私の好みである苦味のあるビールでした。


先週はたくさんビールを飲んで、電車の長旅で疲れ気味なので、体と肝臓を少し休めるべく週末まで禁酒です...多分 😉



Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

The beer looks so enticing. Hope your trip was smooth?

In a way yes but my trains were canceled etc ... Ja but in the end good everything is good. Overall I had a good time 😊

That's what matters most. Glad to know you're good
