Black beer season starts / 黒ビールの季節

in BEERyesterday


Hello beer friends, here is my post to @detlev's weekly Beer Saturday #381 🍺 Thanks a lot for hosting the fun challenge!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 381

Although the weather in Germany has been relatively warm lately, the season for ice-cold, refreshing summer beers is over. This week, I’ve decided to start exploring dark beers, and for this post, I’ve chosen the Dolden Dark Porter from Riedenburger Brauhaus, an organic brewery located in Bavaria, Germany.

This brewery caught my attention before with their gluten-free beer, which I wrote about for Beer Saturday, and once again, I was drawn to their stylish design, particularly the logo with three roses. And this time, the moon!

I love thinking about dishes that pair well with beer. My daughter wanted to have Schupfnudeln, so I decided to pair them with a seasonal vegetable gratin. Schupfnudeln are made from similar ingredients to gnocchi, with a delightfully chewy texture. They're sold ready-to-cook, making them super convenient for busy weekday evenings.


As always, cooking makes me want to try the beer already, so I poured myself a glass. It was darker than I thoght, it was deep black. I wasn’t sure if this is how all dark beers look or if this one was special. The brewery's website describes it as "Tiefschwarz" (deep black), so I guess it's supposed to be on the darker side.

Dolden Dark Porter

Dolden Dark Porter - Riedenburger Brauhaus

Taking my first sip, I could taste the smooth, roasted flavors, with hints of caramel and nuts. It's slightly sweet but not too much, and while I don't usually pair sweet drinks with meals, dark beers are an exception. It was delicious!

While enjoying the beer, I started chopping vegetables and filling up my new gratin dish. I’ve been really into making gratins recently — I'll be posting more about that soon.

Gratin Dish

Finally, the gratin and Schupfnudeln were ready, and I toasted with the meal.


The bottle says "Ein Echt Starkes Bier" (a truly strong beer), but I enjoyed it without feeling overwhelmed. This 330ml bottle is just the right size for me for the colder seasons.

I look forward to exploring more small dark beers this autumn and winter.

Happy Beer Saturday (on a Wednesday!) 🍻

🍻 🍻 🍻

@detlevさん毎週開催されているBeer Saturdayに参加します🍺

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 381


今回は、ドイツのバイエルン州にある有機ビールの醸造所Riedenburger BrauhausのDolden Dark Porterという黒ビールを選んでみました。以前この醸造所のグルテンフリーのビールを試してBeer Saturdayに投稿したときにもそうだったのですが、三つのバラのロゴやデザインがおしゃれで目を惹かれます。





Dolden Dark Porter - Riedenburger Brauhaus






ボトルには「Ein Echt Starkes Bier」(本当に強い・濃いビール)とあったのですが、悪酔いすることなく、今シーズン初の黒ビールを楽しめました。秋冬は体を冷やさないためにも小さな330mlボトルが良い感じです。


Happy Beer Saturday (Wednesday!) 🍻


This looks fantastic! What a beer, all while enjoying your cooking. I like to cook like this as well, pour myself a beer (or glass of wine) and listen to music. The porter looks fantastic though, I am jealous. I haven't had one in ages, as they don't often brew them this side of the world. Thanks for sharing! And enjoy.

Cooking with a nice drink and some good music really makes it more enjoyable. I like to have wine too 😁

And I see, by reading your comment, I got to know “Porter” is a type of dark beer, which porters working at harbors/markets preferred. Nice learning 😊

Cheers 🍻