Beer Saturday - Enjoying Local Beer Outdoor / 屋外カフェで地元のビール

in BEER10 months ago

It's consistently above 20 degrees Celsius in Germany, making it the perfect season to enjoy a beer outdoors. This time, I'm participating in #BeerSaturday 360 from outside. Thank you, @detlev, for hosting such an enjoyable weekly challenge 🍺

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 360

The other day, I went for a walk and decided to visit an outdoor café in a park that I had always wanted to try. Initially, I had planned to have a coffee while reading a book, but...

To my surprise, the price of the cheapest beer was cheaper than the most of coffee. I realized I live in Germany, a beer country 🇩🇪 Since it was a warm day, I decided to go with the beer.

The menu said "Flasche," so I expected a bottle, but it came in a glass. Now, I want to get one of these mini beer glass for my home.

The logo looked familiar, so I did some research and found out it was from Krostitzer Brauerei, a brewery with nearly 500 years of history located just outside Leipzig. I loved that the café was serving a local beer. Writing for Beer Saturday leads to such interesting discoveries 😊


As for the taste, it was not too sweet, not too smooth, and perfectly bitter—a classic beer that I thoroughly enjoyed. I spent my time at the café drinking the beer, reading, and jotting down my thoughts in a notebook.

The cafe is in a park park that is connected to a zoo. During this time of year, when the grass hasn't grown too tall, you can see the animals without even entering the zoo. It brought back memories of when my daughter was little, and we used to come here often to watch the animals.

Have a great beer weekend, everyone 🍻


ドイツは安定して気温が20度を超えるようになり、外で飲むビールもおいしい季節になりました。今回は外から #BeerSaturday 360 に参加します。@detlev さん、楽しいチャレンジの開催ありがとうございます!

The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 360


左の「Kaffespezialitäten」のコーヒーの値段よりも、真ん中のBierの一番上のビールの値段が安かったのです。なんというかドイツ🇩🇪🍺 暖かい日で、Beer Saturdayのネタにもなるしビールにしました。


よく見かけるロゴだなと思って調べてみると、地元ライプツィヒ郊外にあるKrostitzer Brauereiという500年近い歴史のある醸造所のビールでした。地元のビールを使っているなんて粋で、カフェへの好感度が増しました。Beer Saturdayに書くと、こういう発見があるのもおもしろいですね。






It looks like a great, light beer. How was the taste? 😃

It was good my kind of taste. Finely bitter common summer bier taste 😉

If you ever get the chance, I recommend you taste this one:

Two other of my beer posts were absolutely great, can recommend those too 😁

That looks nice! I must try it. I wondered which country is it from since its name sounds also like Dutch but it's from Belgium. Not far from Germany so I may have a chance. And your beer mug looks nice 👏

The beer is from Denmark 😃 Not too far. Hopefully we can have a Hive meeting here with beer tasting included 🤞🏻